1. 程式人生 > >[Mongo] error inserting documents: BSONObj size is invalid (mongoimport mongorestore 資料備份恢復)

[Mongo] error inserting documents: BSONObj size is invalid (mongoimport mongorestore 資料備份恢復)

解決辦法如下, ./mongoimport -port 6066 -d xxx -c xxx --batchSize=10 /root/mong_data/test/xxx

原因轉自 http://blog.csdn.net/xiaobluesky/article/details/50216927

從MONGODB2.6升級到MONGODB3.0.7,從MONGODB3.0 RESTORE 2.6DUMP的檔案時,報如下錯誤:2015-11-05T10:31:30.131+0800 I NETWORK [conn12] AssertionException handling request, closing client connection: 10334 BSONObj size: 17794400 (0x10F8560) is invalid. Size must be between 0 and 16793600(16MB) GOOGLE之後看到解決方案 I had same problem with mongo 3.0.0 and 3.1.9 with relatively small database (12GB). After wasting roughly 4 hours of time on this I found workaround using hidden parameter mongorestore --batchSize=10 where number varies depending on nature of your data. Start with 1000.


alternatively you can use the 3.0.7 version of mongorestore as long as you pass a smallish batch size. The actual value depends on your document sizes, so I can't give you an actual recommended value. The default, what's being used if you don't specify anything, is 10,000.You could try --batchSize=1000 and see if that works for you. If that still fails, you could halve that value until it succeeds.


mongorestore send insert commands by batch in a {"applyOps", entries} document. This document is (AFAIK) limited to 16MB just like any other document.According to the sources there are "pathological cases where the array overhead of many small operations can overflow the maximum command size". The variable oplogMaxCommandSize is used to help mongorestore to not fail on such cases. It was raised to 16.5M at some point during the 3.0... development. That was too optimistic. It was lowered back to 8M later (JIRA TOOLS-754).If you need to, you may adjust that value yourself according to your needs. And then recompile the tools.




[Mongo] error inserting documents: BSONObj size is invalid (mongoimport mongorestore 資料備份恢復)

解決辦法如下, ./mongoimport -port 6066 -d xxx -c xxx --batchSize=10 /root/mong_data/test/xxx 原因轉自 http://blog.csdn.net/xiaobluesky/article/details/50216927

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