1. 程式人生 > >一些我推薦的和想上的網路課程(Coursera, edX, Udacity,MIT OCW)

一些我推薦的和想上的網路課程(Coursera, edX, Udacity,MIT OCW)

轉載自 http://blog.csdn.net/fightforyourdream/article/details/21314929

感覺是很好的CS 網上公開課總結,在終身學習時代,好好利用網路學習資源對於個人成長和發展非常重要。


首推Robert Sedgewick,也是我覺得對我幫助最大的老師,講課特點是能把複雜的演算法講解清楚(典型例子:紅黑樹,KMP演算法)



Algorithms, Part I  內容:Union-Find,Analysis of Algorithms,Stacks and Queues,Elementary Sorts,Mergesort,Quicksort,Priority Queues,Elementary Symbol Tables,Balanced Search Trees,Geometric Applications of BSTs,Hash Tables

Algorithms, Part II  內容:Undirected Graphs,Directed Graphs,Minimum Spanning Trees,Shortest Paths,Maximum Flow,String Sorts,Tries,Substring Search,Regular Expressions,Data Compression,Reductions,Linear Programming,Intractability     唯一的遺憾就是沒有講Dynamic Programming

Analysis of Algorithms  內容:Analysis of Algorithms,Recurrences,Solving recurrences with GFs,Asymptotics,The symbolic method,Trees,Permutations,Strings and Tries,Words and Mappings  也是非常乾貨的一門課!

Intro to Data Science


程式設計實習 / Practice on Programming  https://www.coursera.org/course/pkupop    前半部分都是介紹C++比較無趣,後半部分講演算法。另外一個優點就是用POJ平臺!(有課)

Introduction to Recommender Systems  https://www.coursera.org/course/recsys  感覺非常有意思的一門課,能做出像Amazon一樣的推薦系統~   (watchlist)

Intro to Parallel Programming

TsinghuaX: 60240013X 組合數學



Introduction to Algorithm:

Mathematics for Computer Science

Advanced Data Structures

Computer System Engineering

Multicore Programming Primer


Distributed System (KTH)

Data Science is a hot topic and there are plenty of courses and resources available for anyone interested. Try out these 9 free resources to get started if you are new to the topic or want to refresh on one of the subjects.

Data Science

A Coursera course specifically about data science, due to start in April 2013. I am very curious about it since its broad syllabus appears to capture many of the experiences data scientists need. Much of it had to be gathered in the field until now. Having a dedicated course for it is an appealing idea.
Course Syllabus – Specific Topics

  • Data modeling: relations, key-value, trees, graphs, images, text
  • Relational algebra and parallel query processing
  • NoSQL systems, key-value stores
  • Tradeoffs of SQL, NoSQL, and NewSQL systems
  • Algorithm design in Hadoop (and MapReduce in general)
  • Basic statistical analysis at scale: sampling, regression
  • Introduction to data mining: clustering, association rules, decision trees
  • Case studies in analytics: social networking, bioinformatics, text processing

The academy is due to start early 2013 with some interesting workshops:

  • Dive into Cloudera Impala
  • NumPy for Data Scientists
  • Couchbase for Data Scientists
  • MapReduce Algorithm Design
  • Integrating SAP HANA with R
  • Scikit-learn: Machine Learning with Python

The School of Data recently started with their first course, Data Fundamentals. It is a great starting point for anyone interested in (big) data and data science and lays the foundations for more serious work.

“The mission of the School of Data is to promote data literacy and data ‘wrangling’ skills – the ability to find, clean, retrieve, manipulate, analyse, interpret and represent different types of data – across the world. The more people who have the skills to understand and work with data effectively, the greater its value and impact, and the more likely it is that data will be able to bring about positive social benefits.”

You can read through the blog of Columbia’s fall 2012 data science course if you can not wait for Coursera in April 2013. The blog posts are very detailed and worthwhile reading if you are new to the field or want to get a broad view of it.

This free book is available under a Creative Commons licence. So download it and read it for free. It utilises R and lots of examples to introduce the topic.

Machine Learning

Data Science and machine learning are tightly related and should be of interest to any data science enthusiast. The Coursera machine learning course by Stanford Associate Professor Andrew Ng comes highly recommended to anyone interested in a solid introduction into machine learning with a hands-on approach, and great lecture material and videos.

The California Institute of Technology ran a free online machine learning course with video lectures earlier in 2012. The lectures are still online for anyone to watch and another course will start in January 2013.


An important aspect of data science can be data visualisation. The best analytics and models are not effective if the information and insight gained can not be easily and transparently shared with your client, consumer, or customer. The Knight Center is running their second massive open online course early 2013 about infographics and data visualisation.


Statistics and data analysis are, of course, the bread and butter of data science. This fall 2012 Carnegie Mellon University course is not as fancy as Coursera one. In fact, it is little more than a page with all the lecture slides, homework, lab sheets and solutions. But it is free and comprehensive so give it a try.


I know I wrote 9 resources but as I come across something good I might just append it here to the end.

Try R

This is a fun way to get started with R. It is a web site that teaches you, interactively, R. Not much more to say than give it a go.

Wiki Books

Head over to Wiki Books to read ‘Data Science: An Introduction‘. There is already some signifcant material. Nevertheless, it is a work in progress and you can contribute.

Nearly complete is ‘Statistics‘ a book, you guessed it, about statistics.

Python, OpenStack, Docker




一些推薦網路課程(Coursera, edX, Udacity,MIT OCW)

轉載自 http://blog.csdn.net/fightforyourdream/article/details/21314929感覺是很好的CS 網上公開課總結,在終身學習時代,好好利用網路學習資源對於個人成長和發展非常重要。從面向找工作的角度出發,我覺得以下課程有很大

Mac 一些騷操作技巧

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count 所有 rod 1=1 pro cad order-by drop 多個 背景 前幾天復習了一下MySQL函數,知道一個group_concat函數很好用,但一直沒實際用過。今天碰到一個問題,把我問懵逼了。假設有一張購買產品增量表order_list。 alter


2014-05-20 22:49 by MikeZhou, 10697 閱讀, 0 評論, 收藏, 編輯 https://www.cnblogs.com/jinjiangongzuoshi/p/3740218.html 網路共享時,


大資料文摘作品   的確,如今學習人工智慧最大的困難不是找不到資料,更多同學的痛苦是:網上資源太多了,以至於沒法知道從哪兒開始搜尋,也沒法知道搜到什麼程度。   為了節省大家的時間,我們搜遍網路把最好的免費資源彙總整理到這篇文章當中。這些連結夠你學上很久,而且你看完本文一

python推薦書籍史最全版已拿BAT網易 知乎豆瓣Offer



真的勇士, 敢於直面慘淡的 warning 、 敢於正視淋漓的 error ! 有人喜歡創造世界,他們做了開發者;有的人喜歡開發者,他們做了測試員。什麼是軟體測試?軟體測試就是一場本該在使用者面前發生的災難提前在自己面前發生了,這會讓他們生出一種救世主的感覺,拯救了使用者,也就拯救者這個軟體,


1、特徵名稱編碼問題,特別是有中文的時候,容易遇到utf-8和unicode編碼不能比較的問題 計算機記憶體中,統一使用Unicode編碼,需要儲存或者傳輸時,轉換成UTF8編碼 而 Python2 預設編碼是 ASCII編碼。然而,眾所周知,在需要需要轉換的場景,ASC


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為什麼再也不 Google HR 交談了

【伯樂線上導讀】: 關於程式設計師面試時現場寫程式碼,估計大家還記得 2015 年 6 月的一個新聞,知名包管理工具 Homebrew 的作者 Max Howell 去 Google 面試。因為他沒能寫出反轉二叉樹演算法,最後被 Google 拒絕了。後來 9 月份




1、背景特徵組合的挑戰對於一個基於CTR預估的推薦系統,最重要的是學習到使用者點選行為背後隱含的特徵組合。在不同的推薦場景中,低階組合特徵或者高階組合特徵可能都會對最終的CTR產生影響。之前介紹的因子分解機(Factorization Machines, FM)通過對於每一維特徵的隱變數內積來提取特徵組合。最




阿里近幾年公開的推薦領域演算法有許多,既有傳統領域的探索如MLR演算法,還有深度學習領域的探索如entire -space multi-task model,Deep Interest Network等,同時跟清華大學合作展開了強化學習領域的探索,提出了MARDPG演算法。上一篇,我們介紹了MLR演算法,通過


今晚是一個不安的夜晚,無數的球迷正在慶祝國家足球隊戰勝韓國,另一組正在夜幕下慶祝。它讓我想起了上海陸家嘴和三里屯UNIQLO。不過這次老司機們開的這輛車叫“黃鱔女主播” 新浪微博當天下午有人說,一個平臺上的女主播用鰻魚*,導致鰻魚進了醫院的腹部搶救,你問我怎麼想?這是一個傳送點啊,*直播加狩獵自殘,這種直播

推薦系統遇深度學習(五)--Deep&Cross Network模型理論實踐

1、原理Deep&Cross Network模型我們下面將簡稱DCN模型:一個DCN模型從嵌入和堆積層開始,接著是一個交叉網路和一個與之平行的深度網路,之後是最後的組合層,它結合了兩個網路的輸出。完整的網路模型如圖:嵌入和堆疊層我們考慮具有離散和連續特徵的輸入資料。在網路規模推薦系統中,如CTR預測,



在Debian 9安裝配置Observium網路監控

           Observium是一個免費的開源網路管理和監控工具,可用於監控所有的網路裝置,特別是交換機等網路裝置。 它是用PHP編寫的,使用SNMP從連線的裝置收集資料並使用Web介面監視它們。 Observium支援大量的網路硬體和作業系統,包括Linux,Wi

郎鹹平: 未來下一代很悲慘,都不講了

主持人:尊敬的各位領導、各位來賓,歡迎大家來到陽光100財富中國系列活動 財富論壇煙臺站的活動現場,非常容幸今天能夠和大家一起在這樣一個暖暖的午後一起聆聽世界頂級的經濟學家給我們帶來的全新思維盛宴。。。。。。朗 教授:今天很高興,能夠來到煙臺談談讓人沮喪的題目

用HttpClient-MultipartEntity傳文字影象 服務端沒響應。

問: 我在做一個 同時傳文字和影象的可是我把伺服器程式碼 整死沒響應 客戶端提示一切正常的很 。有了        boolean isHaveData = ServletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(request);就不行了 就像阻塞了一樣