1. 程式人生 > >2018年9-12月份雅思口語題庫素材(原創)describe a building

2018年9-12月份雅思口語題庫素材(原創)describe a building

When It comes to the building I like, It must be the main teaching building in my school. As the main teaching building, it has many characteristics different from other teaching building. First of all, it is the largest building in my school, which means it is the widest and the highest. Since it is the symbol of university, it is located in the central of the campus. In fact, it has eight floors. From the ground floor to the fifth floor, there are many classrooms allowing student to study in. the floors from sixth to eighth are professor’s office. Therefore, it is convenient for students to get the support when they meet difficulties. The second characteristics is that the classroom in the main teaching building have air condition, making the room keep suitable temperature. I think it is a critical reason why student prefer to study in the main teaching building rather than others. In addition, the building is close to the dormitory, making it more accessible. Except for it has many functions, the beautiful appearance appeals many students. It looks like a letter ‘W’ with the blue and grey color. Students always call it ‘W’ building.


20189-12月份口語素材原創describe a building

When It comes to the building I like, It must be the main teaching building in my school. As the main teaching building, it has many cha

20189-12月份口語素材原創describe a magazine that you like

When it comes to my favorite magazine, it must be Nature. Nature is one of the most famous magazine which reports the newest scientific discoveri

20189-12月份口語素材原創describe a quiet place you found

 When I was in the middle school, I always come to the library in my school. It was located in the corner of campus, which is far away from

20189-12月份口語素材原創describe a favorite song of yours

The song I would like to introduce is created by Eason Chen, who is great popular among people with different ages from youngsters to the old. Th

20189-12月份口語素材原創describe a good law in your country

The right of accepting education is protected by the law of education in my country. When I was in the middle school, my science teacher

20189-12月份口語素材原創describe the first cellphone of yours that brought changes to your life

When I was a child in the primary school, I always used my parents’ phone. After studying in the high school, I hoped to own a phone bel

20189-12月份口語素材原創describe something given to you that you really need

This topic reminds me of my personal laptop, which my parents bought me in the first year of my college life. It has a black color and a

20189-12月份口語素材原創describe an interesting animal

I think that the most interesting animal is dog. Although it is common, it is really smart and considered as human friend. There are man

Oracle OCP 1z0-052 20189月最新考過的分享-1

1.Which three statements are true about temporary tables? A) DML on temporary tables may be rolled back B) Their rows are always lost whe

Oracle OCP 1z0-052 20189月最新考過的分享-3

1. Which four statements are true about truncating a table? A) Any insert triggers for the table will be executed. B) Any of the table’s i

Oracle OCP 1z0-053 20189月最新考過的分享-1

1.you configured the fast recovery area for one of your database but it is now running out of space. which two could make space available

Oracle OCP 1z0-053 20189月最新考過的分享-2

3.One of your databases has resumable space allocation enabled. Which two conditions will suspend a session performing DML in that databa

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近日開源眾包平臺IssueHunt(這是一個開源專案的賞金平臺)評選出了2018年GitHub上最流行的50個Python開源專案,上次我們盤點了前面25個專案:《2018年GitHub上最流行50大Python開源專案(上)》   下面我們一起來看看上榜的專案都有哪些: &n

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20188月04日網站優化工作日誌 天氣熱,但有風

佟欣工作日誌天氣(晴) 平凡,的一天,正常的日子,天氣雖然熱,但是有風。 以下是我今天的任務報告。 1、網站文章更新7篇:            寶牛e配1篇:https://www.bn016.com/news/21619.do