1. 程式人生 > >2017 ACM 區域賽青島站(現場賽) K Our Journey of Xian Ends

2017 ACM 區域賽青島站(現場賽) K Our Journey of Xian Ends

Life is a journey, and the road we travel has twists and turns, which sometimes lead us to unexpected places and unexpected people. Now our journey of Xian ends. To be carefully considered are the following questions.

A few months later in Qingdao, an essential ACM competition had been scheduled. But before the competition, we need to attend a wedding in Shanghai. And after the competition, we will leave the country from Shanghai, so Pudong International Airport (Pudong in short) is the end of our tour.

Here we have some vital information and missions we have to accomplish.

We have a VIP card of CNAC. For each airport we can enjoy the special VIP services in the departure floor and the arrival floor once respectively. For the pleasure of traveling, it is intolerant without VIP services. That is say that for each airport we can leave from it only once, but without regard to the last flight leaving the country from Pudong, Shanghai. Meanwhile, for each airport we can arrive at it only once.

All as we know, Shanghai has two airports, Hongqiao Airport (Hongqiao in short) and Pudong. Arriving at one and then leaving from another one is a spurned thing. But fortunately there is a nice and evil compensation service. Having a pair of transfer records between Hongqiao and Pudong in both directions, we can obtain a sensible compensation. Actually, we only consider planes in our tour, with the only exception in Shanghai. The exception is that we can arrive and leave Shanghai at different airports. However, if we decide so the compensation described above is necessary. Before the end of our tour, we will pass through Shanghai twice, once for the wedding and another time for the final departure. If we want to obtain the compensation, in the first time we must transfer from Pudong to Hongqiao, and in the second time we will transfer from Hongqiao to Pudong.

Similar transfers between airports in other city are not allowed. If we arrived at a city, we would not go to an airport in an adjacent city by car, bus or interurban railway as well.

Now, all available flights between airports are known. We have plenty of time yet. So we do not have any restriction about the number of times. What we require is the smallest total cost of flights throughout the whole tour.

Here we go.


There are several test cases. The first line of input contains an integer t (1 ≤ t ≤ 160) which is the total number of test cases. For each test case, the first line contains an integer m (m ≤ 10000) which is the number of known flights. Each of the following m lines describes a flight which contains two string indicating the names of two airports and an integer between 1 and 255 indicating the cost. The flight connects two given airports and it is bidirectional. The name of each airport is an non-empty string with English letters that are no longer than 10. We use “Xian” to present the only airport in Xian, and use “Qingdao” to present the only airport in Qingdao. The airports in Shanghai are described as “Hongqiao” and “Pudong” respectively.


For each test case, output the smallest total cost, or output −1 if it is impossible.


2017 ACM 區域青島現場 K Our Journey of Xian Ends

Life is a journey, and the road we travel has twists and turns, which sometimes lead us to unexpected places and unexpected people. Now our journey of Xia

2017 icpc 青島 K. Our Journey of Xian Ends 最小費用流

K. Our Journey of Xian Ends 題意:這英文題真是比六級閱讀還難讀,給你一個無向圖,求西安-->上海-->青島-->上海的最短路,每個城市有一個機場,但是上海有兩個機場 虹橋機場和浦東機場,上海這兩個機場可以互達(你可以從西安到浦東,然後再從虹橋到青

2017 icpc 青島 K. Our Journey of Xian Ends 最小費用流

題意:這英文題真是比六級閱讀還難讀,給你一個無向圖,求西安-->上海-->青島-->上海的最短路,每個城市有一個機場,但是上海有兩個機場 虹橋機場和浦東機場,上海這兩個機場可以互達(你可以從西安到浦東,然後再從虹橋到青島,距離為0),每個機場只能下飛機和

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Life is a journey, and the road we travel has twists and turns, which sometimes lead us to unexpected places and unexpected people. Now o

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2016年青島區域 Coding Contest費用流



合並 number 啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊 greate less striped 模板 strong wine   現在距離比賽結束已經過了一個多星期了,也是終於有時間寫下心得了。回來就是被壓著做項目,也是夠夠的。   這次比賽一樣是我和兩個學弟(雖然是學弟,但我的實力才是最