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Intel Edison開機自動載入Arduino程式碼

there is a known issue with that version. The Arduino sketchesdon't start automatically after the board reboots. You could do oneof the following suggestions to solve it:

1.You can re-flash the Edison with the previous image which doesn'tpresent this issue. The previous image can be downloaded from thefollowing site: Intel Edison Software Release 2.1
2.The other suggestion would be the workaround described in thisthread: Run Arduino sketch on boot Workaround. With this workaroundyou will be able to keep using the latest yocto image.


若您第一次使用 init.d 啟動指令碼,必須首先建立目錄,之後跳至第 2 步:

第 1 步

 [email protected]:~# mkdir/etc/init.d


第 2 步。

[email protected]:~# cd /etc/init.d

接下來,我們要在檔案中建立一個包含啟動命令的 bash 指令碼。 在本案例中,我們要對 Arduino sketch進行自動化處理,以便其在啟動時執行。

在任何情況下,開啟您的首選文字編輯器,建立指令碼 automateSketch.sh:

[email protected]:/etc/init.d# vi automateSketch.sh


exec /sketch/sketch.elf /dev/ttyGS0 /dev/ttyGS0


現在我們用 chmod 更改許可,以便該指令碼成為可執行指令碼。

[email protected]:/etc/init.d# chmod +x/etc/init.d/automateSketch.sh
[email protected]:/etc/init.d# chmod +x automateSketch.sh

為確保 linux 每次啟動時都可以執行該指令碼,傳送以下命令,並等待返回,如下所示

[email protected]

:/etc/init.d# update-rc.d automateSketch.shdefaults
Adding system startup for /etc/init.d/automateSketch.sh


[email protected]:/etc# reboot

現在,您可以看看 Arduino sketch 是否自動執行。




Intel Edison開機自動載入Arduino程式碼

there is a known issue with that version. The Arduino sketchesdon't start automatically after the board reboots. You could do oneof the f


linux 新增開機啟動項的三種方法。 (1)編輯檔案 /etc/rc.local 輸入命令:vim /etc/rc.local 將出現類似如下的文字片段: #!/bin/sh #This script will be executed after all the other init scripts

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第一種方法:相對來說簡單 將測試程式放在/bin底下,然後用vi編輯/etc/init.d/rcS,加上/bin/應用程式名 &,加上&表示後臺執行 這兩個功能的實現都是通過設定啟動指令碼來實現的。啟動指令碼的一般存放路徑是 /etc/init.d/rc

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