1. 程式人生 > >Git : Warning: Your console font probably doesn't support Unicode

Git : Warning: Your console font probably doesn't support Unicode

git commit 程式碼時提示: Warning: Your console font probably doesn‘t support Unicode. If you experience trange characters in the output, consider switching to a TrueType font such as ucida Console!


git config  core.quotepath off

git config  --unset i18n.logoutputencoding

git config  --unset i18n.commitencoding

再次git commit和git push應該就不會彈出了



Git : Warning: Your console font probably doesn't support Unicode

git commit 程式碼時提示: Warning: Your console font probably doesn‘t support Unicode. If you experience tr

GitYour console font probably doesnt support Unicode

git報Warning: Your console font probably doesn‘t support Unicode. If you experience trange characters

Warning: Your console font probably doesnt suppor

gitgit commit 代碼時提示: Warning: Your console font probably doesn‘t support Unicode. If you experience trange characters in the output, consider switching to

HTTP method DELETE doesn't support output executing DELETE 異常

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[git] -- warning: LF will be replaced by CRLF in app/app.iml. The file will have its original line endings in your working directory.

file 告訴 結束 windows 記錄 換行 錯誤 core HA 遇到這個錯誤,因為是git的換行符檢查功能。之前代碼是在MAC下,後來放在windows系統下,git add .的時候報這個錯誤。 core.safecrlf git 提供了一個換行符檢查功能(cor

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Help! My company doesn't know how to use Git for production ready releases

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No more messy data: What to do when your data doesnt match up.

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Ask HN: How to retain core competency in math when your job doesn't require it?

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Java中使用HttpRequest調用RESTfull的DELETE方法接口提示:How to fix HTTP method DELETE doesn't support output

del spring -m blog view bugs gpo pri not 說明:無論是Spring框架還是Spring Boot的Feign形式的客戶端,以下的解決方法都適用。 解決方法:直接升級JDK 1.8,這個問題是1.7的BUG。 參考: htt

Xcode報錯 The document “xxx.h” could not be saved. The file doesnt exist.

文件的 ren xcode ould 退出 文件夾 問題 lean 內部 記錄一個問題 場景:Xcode編輯一個工程時直接在工程內部修改了某個目錄的文件夾名字,而後刪除了其下的某 .h.m 文件 之後總是提示上述錯誤且無法強制退出Xcode,clean等操作基本沒用 查找本

解決:git warning: LF will be replaced by CRLF in xxxx

ngs end tle 方式 hello work net warning html 一. git add -A報錯 在利用git add -A添加文件時,意外的發現報錯了 報錯信息中: LF:Line Feed 換行 CRLF:Carriage Return

Migration pre-check error: CPU doesnt have compat

text 2.7 except ssa blog ask common http pre 6月11日 13:56-06-11 13:55:43.299 117634 ERROR oslo_messaging.rpc.dispatcher 2018-06-11 13:55:4

記錄一下訪問https報doesnt contain CN or DNS sub錯誤

lse mail main follow rust log 版本說明 def end 版本說明 httpclinet:4.3.1jdk:1.6tomcat:6 異常信息 Caused by: javax.net.ssl.SSLException: Certificate f

git 簡寫標誌 M D R A T

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git 使用報錯: fatal: Couldn't find remote ref master的解決方法

fatal: Couldn't find remote ref master 翻譯過來就是:致命的:無法找到遠端參考主,也就是報錯的意思。錯誤的提示內容意思是找不到需要連線的物件。 解決方法有以下幾種: 0.如果是新建的倉庫( repositories )的話在pull程式碼的時候,出

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真正解決方案:phpMyAdmin #1089 - Incorrect prefix key; the storage engine doesn't support unique prefix key

fontsize 使用 primary prefix spa ofo mysql- light 處理 先直接給解決方案: 點擊A_I後,不要輸入大小,直接點擊執行!!! 分析 當你在使用phpMyAdmin 創建數據庫表的時候,一般我們需要設置一個主鍵,然後