1. 程式人生 > >檔案下載Can not find a java.io.InputStream with the name [inputStream] in the invocation stack錯誤

檔案下載Can not find a java.io.InputStream with the name [inputStream] in the invocation stack錯誤


Can not find a java.io.InputStream with the name [inputStream] in the invocation stack. Check the <param name="inputName"> tag specified for this action.


網上的得到輸入流都是用這句話實現: inputStream=ServletActionContext.getServletContext().getResourceAsStream(realPath);




        String realPath = "d:\\Aggressive\\" + uploadFileName;
File file = new File(realPath);
inputStream = new FileInputStream(file);



檔案下載Can not find a java.io.InputStream with the name [inputStream] in the invocation stack錯誤

今天實現檔案下載功能,照著網上的程式碼寫了,結果總是提示下面的錯誤: Can not find a java.io.InputStream with the name [inputStream] in the invocation stack. Check the <

struts2檔案下載出現Can not find a java io InputStream with the nam

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檔案下載Can not find a java.io.InputStream with the name [inputStream] in the invocation stack

2010-1-22 9:45:03 org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.StreamResult doExecute 嚴重: Can not find a java.io.InputStream with the name [inputStream]

struts2檔案下載出現Can not find a java.io.InputStream with the name [imageStream] in the invocation stack.

struts2就行檔案下載時出現如下錯誤: Servlet.service() for servlet default threw exception   java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Can not find a java.io

struts2檔案下載出現Can not find a java.io.InputStream with the name錯誤

  今天在用struts2就行檔案下載時出現如下錯誤: Servlet.service() for servlet default threw exception   java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Can not find a ja

struts2文件下載出現Can not find a java.io.InputStream with the name錯誤

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Can not find a java.io.InputStream with the name [downloadFile] in the invocation stack.

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java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Can not find a java.io.InputStream with the name [inputStream] i

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Can not find a java.io.InputStream with the name [targetFile] in the invocation stack.

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Can not find a java.io.InputStream with the name [downloadFile] in the invocation stack問題解決

具體異常是這句話: Can not find a java.io.InputStream with the name [downloadFile] in the invocation stack. Check the <param name="inputName">

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