android 程序/執行緒管理(三)----Thread,Looper / HandlerThread / IntentService
Looper可以是和執行緒繫結的,或者是main looper的一個引用。
package com.joyfulmath.androidstudy.thread; import com.joyfulmath.androidstudy.TraceLog; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Looper; import android.os.Message;public class MyLoopThread extends Thread { private Looper myLooper = null; private MyHandler mHandler = null; public MyLoopThread() { super(); } @Override public void run() { TraceLog.i("MyLoopThread looper prepare"); Looper.prepare();// myLooper = Looper.getMainLooper(); /*using this can be set as main handler*/ myLooper = Looper.myLooper(); mHandler = new MyHandler(myLooper); TraceLog.i("MyLoopThread looper loop"); Looper.loop(); } public void doAction(int index,String params) {if(index>0 && index <=3) { Message msg = mHandler.obtainMessage(index); Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putString("key", params); msg.setData(bundle); mHandler.sendMessage(msg); } else { TraceLog.w(index+""); } } public static class MyHandler extends Handler{ public MyHandler() { super(); } public MyHandler(Looper loop) { super(loop); } /*make sure that the looper is main or not *so you can update UI or send main handler to do it. * */ @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { Bundle bundle = msg.getData(); String params = bundle.getString("key"); TraceLog.i(params); switch(msg.what) { case ThreadConstant.INDEX_1: TraceLog.d("INDEX_1"); break; case ThreadConstant.INDEX_2: TraceLog.d("INDEX_2"); break; case ThreadConstant.INDEX_3: TraceLog.d("INDEX_3"); break; } } } }
@Override public void run() { TraceLog.i("MyLoopThread looper prepare"); Looper.prepare(); // myLooper = Looper.getMainLooper(); /*using this can be set as main handler*/ myLooper = Looper.myLooper(); mHandler = new MyHandler(myLooper); TraceLog.i("MyLoopThread looper loop"); Looper.loop(); }
@Override public void run() { TraceLog.i("MyLoopThread looper prepare"); Looper.prepare(); // myLooper = Looper.getMainLooper(); /*using this can be set as main handler*/ myLooper = Looper.myLooper(); mHandler = new MyHandler(myLooper); mHandler2 = new Handler(myLooper){ @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { Bundle bundle = msg.getData(); String params = bundle.getString("key"); TraceLog.i("Handler2 "+params); switch(msg.what) { case ThreadConstant.INDEX_1: TraceLog.d("Handler2 INDEX_1"); break; case ThreadConstant.INDEX_2: TraceLog.d("Handler2 INDEX_2"); break; case ThreadConstant.INDEX_3: TraceLog.d("Handler2 INDEX_3"); break; } } }; TraceLog.i("MyLoopThread looper loop"); Looper.loop(); }
public void doAction2(int index,String params) { if(index>0 && index <=3) { Message msg = mHandler2.obtainMessage(index); Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putString("key", params); msg.setData(bundle); mHandler2.sendMessage(msg); } else { TraceLog.w(index+""); } }
08-03 17:04:40.679: I/MyLoopThread(25483): run: MyLoopThread looper prepare [at (] 08-03 17:04:40.679: I/MyLoopThread(25483): run: MyLoopThread looper loop [at (] 08-03 17:04:40.769: I/Timeline(25483): Timeline: Activity_idle id: [email protected] time:141675759 08-03 17:04:42.709: I/MyLoopThread$MyHandler(25483): handleMessage: time millseconds one [at (] 08-03 17:04:42.709: D/MyLoopThread$MyHandler(25483): handleMessage: INDEX_2 [at (] 08-03 17:04:47.299: I/MyLoopThread$1(25483): handleMessage: Handler2 time millseconds two [at (] 08-03 17:04:47.299: D/MyLoopThread$1(25483): handleMessage: Handler2 INDEX_2 [at (] 08-03 17:04:52.829: I/MyLoopThread$MyHandler(25483): handleMessage: time millseconds one [at (] 08-03 17:04:52.829: D/MyLoopThread$MyHandler(25483): handleMessage: INDEX_3 [at (] 08-03 17:04:53.479: I/MyLoopThread$MyHandler(25483): handleMessage: time millseconds one [at (] 08-03 17:04:53.479: D/MyLoopThread$MyHandler(25483): handleMessage: INDEX_3 [at (] 08-03 17:04:54.909: I/MyLoopThread$1(25483): handleMessage: Handler2 time millseconds two [at (] 08-03 17:04:54.909: D/MyLoopThread$1(25483): handleMessage: Handler2 INDEX_1 [at (] 08-03 17:04:56.309: I/MyLoopThread$1(25483): handleMessage: Handler2 time millseconds two [at (] 08-03 17:04:56.309: D/MyLoopThread$1(25483): handleMessage: Handler2 INDEX_3 [at (]
檢視訊息可以看到, handler很好的處理了訊息,沒有出現錯亂的問題。
我們看看之前在《android 程序/執行緒管理(一)----訊息機制的框架》
@Override public void run() { mTid = Process.myTid(); Looper.prepare(); synchronized (this) { mLooper = Looper.myLooper(); notifyAll(); } Process.setThreadPriority(mPriority); onLooperPrepared(); Looper.loop(); mTid = -1; }
package com.joyfulmath.androidstudy.thread; import com.joyfulmath.androidstudy.TraceLog; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.HandlerThread; import android.os.Looper; import android.os.Message; public class MyHandlerThread extends HandlerThread{ MyHandler myHandler = null; public MyHandlerThread(String name) { super(name); } @Override protected void onLooperPrepared() { super.onLooperPrepared(); myHandler = new MyHandler(getLooper()); } public void doAction(int index,String params) { if(index>0 && index <=3) { Message msg = myHandler.obtainMessage(index); Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putString("key", params); msg.setData(bundle); myHandler.sendMessage(msg); } else { TraceLog.w(index+""); } } public static class MyHandler extends Handler{ public MyHandler() { super(); } public MyHandler(Looper loop) { super(loop); } /*make sure that the looper is main or not *so you can update UI or send main handler to do it. * */ @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { Bundle bundle = msg.getData(); String params = bundle.getString("key"); TraceLog.i(params); switch(msg.what) { case ThreadConstant.INDEX_1: TraceLog.d("INDEX_1"); break; case ThreadConstant.INDEX_2: TraceLog.d("INDEX_2"); break; case ThreadConstant.INDEX_3: TraceLog.d("INDEX_3"); break; } } } }
private void initView() { ... btnStart3 = (Button) findViewById(; btnStart3.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { myHandlerThread.doAction((int)(Math.random()*3)+1, "handlerthread time millseconds"); } }); }
intentservice 本質上就是 service + handlerthread的組成方式!
public abstract class IntentService extends Service { private volatile Looper mServiceLooper; private volatile ServiceHandler mServiceHandler; private String mName; private boolean mRedelivery; private final class ServiceHandler extends Handler { public ServiceHandler(Looper looper) { super(looper); } @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { onHandleIntent((Intent)msg.obj); stopSelf(msg.arg1); } } /** * Creates an IntentService. Invoked by your subclass's constructor. * * @param name Used to name the worker thread, important only for debugging. */ public IntentService(String name) { super(); mName = name; } /** * Sets intent redelivery preferences. Usually called from the constructor * with your preferred semantics. * * <p>If enabled is true, * {@link #onStartCommand(Intent, int, int)} will return * {@link Service#START_REDELIVER_INTENT}, so if this process dies before * {@link #onHandleIntent(Intent)} returns, the process will be restarted * and the intent redelivered. If multiple Intents have been sent, only * the most recent one is guaranteed to be redelivered. * * <p>If enabled is false (the default), * {@link #onStartCommand(Intent, int, int)} will return * {@link Service#START_NOT_STICKY}, and if the process dies, the Intent * dies along with it. */ public void setIntentRedelivery(boolean enabled) { mRedelivery = enabled; } @Override public void onCreate() { // TODO: It would be nice to have an option to hold a partial wakelock // during processing, and to have a static startService(Context, Intent) // method that would launch the service & hand off a wakelock. super.onCreate(); HandlerThread thread = new HandlerThread("IntentService[" + mName + "]"); thread.start(); mServiceLooper = thread.getLooper(); mServiceHandler = new ServiceHandler(mServiceLooper); } @Override public void onStart(Intent intent, int startId) { Message msg = mServiceHandler.obtainMessage(); msg.arg1 = startId; msg.obj = intent; mServiceHandler.sendMessage(msg); } /** * You should not override this method for your IntentService. Instead, * override {@link #onHandleIntent}, which the system calls when the IntentService * receives a start request. * @see */ @Override public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) { onStart(intent, startId); return mRedelivery ? START_REDELIVER_INTENT : START_NOT_STICKY; } @Override public void onDestroy() { mServiceLooper.quit(); } /** * Unless you provide binding for your service, you don't need to implement this * method, because the default implementation returns null. * @see */ @Override public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) { return null; } /** * This method is invoked on the worker thread with a request to process. * Only one Intent is processed at a time, but the processing happens on a * worker thread that runs independently from other application logic. * So, if this code takes a long time, it will hold up other requests to * the same IntentService, but it will not hold up anything else. * When all requests have been handled, the IntentService stops itself, * so you should not call {@link #stopSelf}. * * @param intent The value passed to {@link * android.content.Context#startService(Intent)}. */ protected abstract void onHandleIntent(Intent intent); }IntentService
public void onCreate() { // TODO: It would be nice to have an option to hold a partial wakelock // during processing, and to have a static startService(Context, Intent) // method that would launch the service & hand off a wakelock. super.onCreate(); HandlerThread thread = new HandlerThread("IntentService[" + mName + "]"); thread.start(); mServiceLooper = thread.getLooper(); mServiceHandler = new ServiceHandler(mServiceLooper); }
public void handleMessage(Message msg) { onHandleIntent((Intent)msg.obj); stopSelf(msg.arg1); }
package com.joyfulmath.androidstudy.thread; import com.joyfulmath.androidstudy.TraceLog; import; import android.content.Intent; public class MyIntentService extends IntentService { public MyIntentService() { super("MyIntentService"); } @Override public void onCreate() { super.onCreate(); TraceLog.i(); } @Override protected void onHandleIntent(Intent intent) { TraceLog.i(); doAction(intent); } @Override public void onDestroy() { super.onDestroy(); TraceLog.i(); } private void doAction(Intent intent) { String params = intent.getStringExtra("key"); TraceLog.i(params); int index = intent.getIntExtra("index", -1); TraceLog.i(index+""); } }MyIntentService
android 程序/執行緒管理(三)----Thread,Looper / HandlerThread / IntentService
Thread,Looper的組合是非常常見的組合方式。 Looper可以是和執行緒繫結的,或者是main looper的一個引用。 下面看看具體app層的使用。 首先定義thread: package com.joyfulmath.androidstudy.thread; import co
android 程序/執行緒管理(一)----訊息機制的框架
一:android 程序和執行緒 程序是程式執行的一個例項。android通過4大主件,弱化了程序的概念,尤其是在app層面,基本不需要關係程序間的通訊等問題。 但是程式的本質沒有變,尤其是多工系統,以事件為驅動的軟體系統基本模式都是如下: 程式的入口一般是main: 1.初始化: 比如建立視窗,申
android 程序/執行緒管理(二)----關於執行緒的迷思
一:程序和執行緒的由來 程序是計算機科技發展的過程的產物。 最早計算機發明出來,是為了解決數學計算而發明的。每解決一個問題,就要打紙帶,也就是打點。 後來人們發現可以批量的設定命令,由計算機讀取這些命令,並挨個執行。 在使用的過程中,有一個問題,如果要做I/O操作,是非常耗時的,這個時候CPU是閒著的
宣告:本文是《 Java 7 Concurrency Cookbook 》的第一章, 作者: Javier Fernández González 譯者:鄭玉婷 校對:歐振聰 執行緒的中斷 一個多個執行緒在執行的Java程式,只有當其全部的執行緒執行結束時(更具體的說,是所有非守護執行緒結束或者
在對程序、執行緒的學習稍加了解後,不僅會自問在什麼情況下要使用多執行緒?畢竟,對知識的學習而不在於知識本身,而是怎麼使用所學的知識,有什麼侷限性。 但從耗時來講,我對多執行緒做了一些測試:程式如下: 只有一個主執行緒來估計買票時間; #include "stdafx.h"
關於Chrome的執行緒模型,在他的開發文件中有專門的介紹,原文地址在這裡: chrome的程序,chrome沒有采用一般應用程式的單程序多執行緒的模
多執行緒基礎(三)-多執行緒併發安全問題 當多個執行緒併發操作同一資源時,由於執行緒切換實際不可控會導致操作邏輯執行順序出現混亂,嚴重時會導致系統癱瘓。例如下面的程式碼 public class SyncDemo { public static void main(Strin
java多執行緒-初探(二) 本章主要闡述synchronized同步關鍵字,以及未做同步將出現的問題。 未做同步引發的問題舉例 本文舉例:1萬個人一起吃1萬碗飯,兩個人隨便吃。吃完為止。 正常想要的結果是:吃到第0碗的時候,程式執行結束,打印出剩
生產者與消費者模型 在講同步和互斥之前,首先了解一下消費者模型 什麼是消費者模型? 消費者模型是一個描述消費者和生產者之間的關係的一個模型,生產者和消費者模型指的是在一個場所中,兩個角色,三種關係 消費者和消費者之間——互斥 消費者之間是競爭關係,比如有一個
函式 pthread_key_create() 用來建立執行緒私有資料。該函式從 TSD 池中分配一項,將其地址值賦給 key 供以後訪問使用。第 2 個引數是一個銷燬函式,它是可選的,可以為 NULL,為 NULL 時,則系統呼叫預設的銷燬函式進行相關的資料登出。如果不為空
執行緒池(三)主要介紹執行緒池如何根據不同的場景配置,及簡單的使用示例。如有不正確之處,請斧正,謝謝! 一、配置場景 執行緒池初始化引數:corePoolSize,maxMumPoolSize,keepAlivetime,TimeUnit,ThreadFactory,BlockingQu
宣告:本文是《 Java 7 Concurrency Cookbook 》的第一章, 作者: Javier Fernández González 譯者:鄭玉婷 校對:歐振聰 操作執行緒的中斷機制 在之前的指南里,你學習瞭如何中斷執行執行緒和如何對Thread物件的中斷控制。之前例子中的機制可以
宣告:本文是《 Java 7 Concurrency Cookbook 》的第一章, 作者: Javier Fernández González 譯者:鄭玉婷 校對:方騰飛 使用本地執行緒變數 併發應用的一個關鍵地方就是共享資料。這個對那些擴充套件Thread類或者實現Runnable介面的物
宣告:本文是《 Java 7 Concurrency Cookbook 》的第一章, 作者: Javier Fernández González 譯者:鄭玉婷 校對:方騰飛 線上程裡處理不受控制的異常 Java裡有2種異常: 檢查異常(Checked exceptions): 這些異常必須強
宣告:本文是《 Java 7 Concurrency Cookbook 》的第一章, 作者: Javier Fernández González 譯者:鄭玉婷 校對:歐振聰 獲取和設定執行緒資訊 Thread類的物件中儲存了一些屬性資訊能夠幫助我們來辨別每一個執行緒,知道它的狀態,調整控制其優
宣告:本文是《 Java 7 Concurrency Cookbook 》的第四章,作者: Javier Fernández González 譯者:許巧輝 校對:方騰飛,葉磊 建立一個大小固定的執行緒執行者 當你使用由Executors類的 newCachedThreadPo
宣告:本文是《 Java 7 Concurrency Cookbook 》的第二章,作者: Javier Fernández González 譯者:許巧輝 校對:方騰飛 在同步的類裡安排獨立屬性 當你使用synchronized關鍵字來保護程式碼塊時,你必須通過一個物件的引用作為引
宣告:本文是《 Java 7 Concurrency Cookbook 》的第一章, 作者: Javier Fernández González 譯者:鄭玉婷 校對:方騰飛 守護執行緒的建立和執行 Java有一種特別的執行緒叫做守護執行緒。這種執行緒的優先順序非常低,通常在程式裡沒有其他執行緒
宣告:本文是《 Java 7 Concurrency Cookbook 》的第一章, 作者: Javier Fernández González 譯者:鄭玉婷 校對:歐振聰 執行緒的睡眠與恢復 有時, 你會感興趣在一段確定的時間內中斷執行執行緒。例如, 程式的一個執行緒每分鐘檢查反應器狀態。其