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Add emacs key bindings to Microsoft Word on OSX platform

Emacs users get addicted to the standard key bindings (which are also available in Cocoa apps). Microsoft Word doesn’t support these by default, but you can add them through customization. Here are the ones I find most useful:
StartOfLine: Control-A
EndOfLine: Control-E
LineUp: Control-P
LineDown: Control-N
CharLeft: Control-B
CharRight: Control-F
To set these up in Word, go to Tools » Customize » Customize Keyboard. From the Categories panel, choose All commands. Find each of the entries in the above list, select the Press new shortcut key box for each, then type the shortcut as shown above and click Assign. (Word will tell you if any of the shortcuts are currently assigned to other commands.)

The icing on the cake is to get Control-K working. You can do this with a macro. Go to Tools » Macro » Macros. Set the macro name to CtrlK, then click Create. When the macro window appears, add the following lines just before the End Sub line:
Selection.EndKey Unit:=wdLine, Extend:=wdExtend
Hit the W icon on the toolbar to save the macro and go back to Word. Now go back to the Tools » Customize » Customize Keyboard window, choose Macros from the Categories pane, and assign your new macro to Control-K.


Add emacs key bindings to Microsoft Word on OSX platform

Emacs users get addicted to the standard key bindings (which are also available in Cocoa apps). Microsoft Word doesn’t support thes

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