golang http 中介軟體
Processing HTTP requests with Go is primarily about two things: ServeMuxes and Handlers.
A ServeMux is essentially a HTTP request router (or multiplexor). It compares incoming requests against a list of predefined URL paths, and calls the associated handler for the path whenever a match is found.
Handlers are responsible for writing response headers and bodies. Almost any object can be a handler, so long as it satisfies the http.Handler
interface. In lay terms, that simply means it must have a ServeHTTP
method with the following signature:
ServeHTTP(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request)
Go's HTTP package ships with a few functions to generate common handlers, such as FileServer
, NotFoundHandler
and RedirectHandler
. Let's begin with a simple but contrived example:
$ mkdir handler-example
$ cd handler-example
$ touch main.go
File: main.go
package main import ( "log" "net/http" ) func main() { mux := http.NewServeMux() rh := http.RedirectHandler("http://example.org", 307) mux.Handle("/foo", rh) log.Println("Listening...") http.ListenAndServe(":3000", mux) }
Let's step through this quickly:
- In the
function we use thehttp.NewServeMux
function to create an empty ServeMux. - We then use the
function to create a new handler. This handler 307 redirects all requests it receives tohttp://example.org
. - Next we use the
function to register this with our new ServeMux, so it acts as the handler for all incoming requests with the URL path/foo
. - Finally we create a new server and start listening for incoming requests with the
function, passing in our ServeMux for it to match requests against.
Go ahead and run the application:
$ go run main.go
And visit http://localhost:3000/foo
in your browser. You should find that your request gets successfully redirected.
The eagle-eyed of you might have noticed something interesting: The signature for the ListenAndServe function is ListenAndServe(addr string, handler Handler)
, but we passed a ServeMux as the second parameter.
We were able to do this because the ServeMux type also has a ServeHTTP
method, meaning that it too satisfies the Handler interface.
For me it simplifies things to think of a ServeMux as just being a special kind of handler, which instead of providing a response itself passes the request on to a second handler. This isn't as much of a leap as it first sounds – chaining handlers together is fairly commonplace in Go.
Custom Handlers
Let's create a custom handler which responds with the current local time in a given format:
type timeHandler struct {
format string
func (th *timeHandler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
tm := time.Now().Format(th.format)
w.Write([]byte("The time is: " + tm))
The exact code here isn't too important.
All that really matters is that we have an object (in this case it's a timeHandler
struct, but it could equally be a string or function or anything else), and we've implemented a method with the signature ServeHTTP(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request)
on it. That's all we need to make a handler.
Let's embed this in a concrete example:
File: main.go
package main
import (
type timeHandler struct {
format string
func (th *timeHandler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
tm := time.Now().Format(th.format)
w.Write([]byte("The time is: " + tm))
func main() {
mux := http.NewServeMux()
th := &timeHandler{format: time.RFC1123}
mux.Handle("/time", th)
http.ListenAndServe(":3000", mux)
In the main
function we initialised the timeHandler
in exactly the same way we would any normal struct, using the &
symbol to yield a pointer. And then, like the previous example, we use the mux.Handle
function to register this with our ServeMux.
Now when we run the application, the ServeMux will pass any request for /time
straight on to our timeHandler.ServeHTTP
Notice too that we could easily reuse the timeHandler
in multiple routes:
func main() {
mux := http.NewServeMux()
th1123 := &timeHandler{format: time.RFC1123}
mux.Handle("/time/rfc1123", th1123)
th3339 := &timeHandler{format: time.RFC3339}
mux.Handle("/time/rfc3339", th3339)
http.ListenAndServe(":3000", mux)
Functions as Handlers
For simple cases (like the example above) defining new custom types and ServeHTTP methods feels a bit verbose. Let's look at an alternative approach, where we leverage Go's http.HandlerFunc
type to coerce a normal function into satisfying the Handler interface.
Any function which has the signature func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request)
can be converted into a HandlerFunc type. This is useful because HandleFunc objects come with an inbuilt ServeHTTP
method which – rather cleverly and conveniently – executes the content of the original function.
If that sounds confusing, try taking a look at the relevant source code. You'll see that it's a very succinct way of making a function satisfy the Handler interface.
Let's reproduce the timeHandler application using this technique:
File: main.go
package main
import (
func timeHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
tm := time.Now().Format(time.RFC1123)
w.Write([]byte("The time is: " + tm))
func main() {
mux := http.NewServeMux()
// Convert the timeHandler function to a HandlerFunc type
th := http.HandlerFunc(timeHandler)
// And add it to the ServeMux
mux.Handle("/time", th)
http.ListenAndServe(":3000", mux)
In fact, converting a function to a HandlerFunc type and then adding it to a ServeMux like this is so common that Go provides a shortcut: the mux.HandleFunc
This is what the main()
function would have looked like if we'd used this shortcut instead:
func main() {
mux := http.NewServeMux()
mux.HandleFunc("/time", timeHandler)
http.ListenAndServe(":3000", mux)
Most of the time using a function as a handler like this works well. But there is a bit of a limitation when things start getting more complex.
You've probably noticed that, unlike the method before, we've had to hardcode the time format in the timeHandler
function. What happens when we want to pass information or variables from main()
to a handler?
A neat approach is to put our handler logic into a closure, and close over the variables we want to use:
File: main.go
package main
import (
func timeHandler(format string) http.Handler {
fn := func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
tm := time.Now().Format(format)
w.Write([]byte("The time is: " + tm))
return http.HandlerFunc(fn)
func main() {
mux := http.NewServeMux()
th := timeHandler(time.RFC1123)
mux.Handle("/time", th)
http.ListenAndServe(":3000", mux)
The timeHandler
function now has a subtly different role. Instead of coercing the function into a handler (like we did previously), we are now using it to return a handler. There's two key elements to making this work.
First it creates fn
, an anonymous function which accesses ‐ or closes over – the format
variable forming a closure. Regardless of what we do with the closure it will always be able to access the variables that are local to the scope it was created in – which in this case means it'll always have access to the format
Secondly our closure has the signature func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request)
. As you may remember from earlier, this means that we can convert it into a HandlerFunc type (so that it satisfies the Handler interface). Our timeHandler
function then returns this converted closure.
In this example we've just been passing a simple string to a handler. But in a real-world application you could use this method to pass database connection, template map, or any other application-level context. It's a good alternative to using global variables, and has the added benefit of making neat self-contained handlers for testing.
You might also see this same pattern written as:
func timeHandler(format string) http.Handler {
return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
tm := time.Now().Format(format)
w.Write([]byte("The time is: " + tm))
Or using an implicit conversion to the HandlerFunc type on return:
func timeHandler(format string) http.HandlerFunc {
return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
tm := time.Now().Format(format)
w.Write([]byte("The time is: " + tm))
The DefaultServeMux
You've probably seen DefaultServeMux mentioned in lots of places, from the simplest Hello World examples to the Go source code.
It took me a long time to realise it isn't anything special. The DefaultServeMux is just a plain ol' ServeMux like we've already been using, which gets instantiated by default when the HTTP package is used. Here's the relevant line from the Go source:
var DefaultServeMux = NewServeMux()
Generally you shouldn't use the DefaultServeMux because it poses a security risk.
Because the DefaultServeMux is stored in a global variable, any package is able to access it and register a route – including any third-party packages that your application imports. If one of those third-party packages is compromised, they could use the DefaultServeMux to expose a malicious handler to the web.
So as a rule of thumb it's a good idea to avoid the DefaultServeMux, and instead use your own locally-scoped ServeMux, like we have been so far. But if you did decide to use it...
The HTTP package provides a couple of shortcuts for working with the DefaultServeMux: http.Handle and http.HandleFunc. These do exactly the same as their namesake functions we've already looked at, with the difference that they add handlers to the DefaultServeMux instead of one that you've created.
Additionally, ListenAndServe will fall back to using the DefaultServeMux if no other handler is provided (that is, the second parameter is set to nil
So as a final step, let's update our timeHandler application to use the DefaultServeMux instead:
File: main.go
package main
import (
func timeHandler(format string) http.Handler {
fn := func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
tm := time.Now().Format(format)
w.Write([]byte("The time is: " + tm))
return http.HandlerFunc(fn)
func main() {
// Note that we skip creating the ServeMux...
var format string = time.RFC1123
th := timeHandler(format)
// We use http.Handle instead of mux.Handle...
http.Handle("/time", th)
// And pass nil as the handler to ListenAndServe.
http.ListenAndServe(":3000", nil)
golang http 中介軟體
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中介軟體的概念 中介軟體是介於request與response處理之間的一道處理過程,相對比較輕量級,並且在全域性上改變django的輸入與輸出。因為改變的是全域性,所以需要謹慎使用,用不好會影響到效能。 如果你想修改請求,例如被傳送到view中的HttpRequest物件。或者你想修改view返回的Ht