1. 程式人生 > >北航面試之英語部分



Question: Please introduce yourself.

A: Good Morning, My dear teachers. I am glad to be here for this interview. Firstly let me introduce myself. My name is SONGZHIXIN, 24 years old. I come from HAERBIN, a very beautiful and famous ancient city of HEILONGJIANG Province. I will graduate from the software engineering department of HAERBIN University OF SINCENE and TECHNOLOGY. In the past year I have been preparing for the postgraduate examination and sometimes I went to do some practice in a software company . Now all my hard work will get a result after today's interview.

I am open-minded, quick in thought. I am able to operate the computer well .I am skillful in coding some simple programs and searching for information on the Internet. In my spare time, I often go to play table tennis or have a short-time running. Besides, solving the problems on a ACM online judge system is my hobby. Ok, that is all, thank you for your patience and attention.


Q: Please introduce your family.

A: family member.

There are four members in my family: my parents, my younger brother and

me. My father is a Policeman. My mother doesnot have work. So most of the housework is done by my mom. Going to visit parks at weekends is our common interest. The fresh air and natural beauty can help us get rid of tiredness. They can improve our relation, too. During my preparing for coming here, my parents’ love and support have always been my power. And I hope in the future I would be able to repay them.


Q: Could you introduce your classmates of your dormitory?

A: Ok, there are six men in my dormitory. They all come from HeiLongJiang,They all are younger than me. We are all kind, and enjoy a happy college life together. We went to have dinners in many different restaurants in Haerbin when someone’s birthday came. It is very funny and memorable. That’s all, thank you.


Q: Introduce the history of your hometown?

A: My hometown HeiLongJiang was Located in the north of China , you know ,it is very cold in winter,but is good in sumer.

HeiLongJiang was a busy city for  transportation and foreign trades in anicent times. HeiLongJiang is well rich in beautiful scenery and natural resources. I am very proud for growing up in HeiLongJiang. If possible, I am glad for you to visit my howntown HeiLongJiang.

5. 你所在城市和杭州的對比

QCould you compare your city with BeiJing?

天津 大,人好,有文化底蘊,相聲很出名和有趣。


A: Ok, I want to compare Haerbin with Beijing. Both cities impress me very much. People in BeiJing are very kind and humorous. The weather is very dry. You can sit in tea house to watch Beijing opera and crosstalk. Crosstalk is very popular and liked by many people there. I like it very much. For HeiLongJiang, it is a clean and beautiful city. People in HeiLongJiang are also very kind and hospitable. The weather is rainy and warm.

6. 介紹自己的學校。

Q: Please introduce your university.



Q: Who is the dean of your college?



Q: Please tell me something about your college life and you would not forget it.

A: perseverance climbing


Q: What will bring you to success?


A: I think the answers are diligence, confidence and perseverance, a clear goal, experience, encourage of my family and friend. That’s all.


Q: What is your hobby?

A: My hobbies are reading, listening to music, playing table-tennis, watching movies, chatting with my friends, and so on.


Q: Why do you take part in the entrance exams for postgraduate school?


A: I want to be a good software engineer, so I should study more about compute science. And I want to concentrate my attention on a certain field where I am interested in, and study it deeply, such as software design and development.

12. 為什麼考浙大,對浙大有什麼看法?

Q: Why do you choose BEIHANG University and what’s your opinion about BeiHang University?

A: Because everyone knows that BeiHang University is an excellent and famous university. Its computer science and technology department is well known not only in China but also the world. I can study a lot of useful knowledge here. Meanwhile, I like BeiJing, this wonderful city.  

13. 你打算怎麼安排讀研時的計劃?

QWhat is your plan during graduate study life?

AI plan to choose the direction of software development technology, because I’m interested in that field. My goal is to be a good software engineer when I finish my studies, so I will work hard and combine the knowledge with enough practices.

At the first year, I will study hard and master the knowledge well. I shall often communicate with my tutor, in order to understand the direction of my studies clearly. At the second year, I will hunt a practice chance in a company, so that I can use and understand more deeply the knowledge I have learnt. That’s my plan, thank you.


Q: What subject do you like? What is your plan in the future?

A: I am very interested in software development. Because I think I would feel a sense of achievement when seeing that someone is using my software happily. I want to be an excellent software engineer in the future. I will study hard, and combine the knowledge with enough practices.

15. 擅長什麼專業課?在實際的專案如何做的?

Q: Which course are you good at? How do you do in practice?

A: I am good at program design language C++ and the basic knowledge of computer network. To practice C++, I have written several small programs, through the IDEVisual C++ 6.0.

16. 你有什麼專案經驗?

Q: Do you have some experience of project?

A: I had worked in a software company for 6 months. I was in charge of maintaining the c compute network, and database. That’s all, thank you

17. 什麼是計算機網路?

Q: What is compute network?

A: A computer network is a group of interconnected computers. It is composed of many nodes and links. The node may be computer or router. The links connect all nodes. Internet is a kind of computer network.  


Q: What is software testing?

A: Software testing is an investigation designed to provide clients with information about the quality of the productsoftware. And as a QA, you should try your best to find as many bugs as possible, so that the programmers can modify them. The testing methods include black box testing and white box testing.

19. Q: What's the feature of desktop application?

A: it is installed in the pc-client. Its model can be the C/S, client to server.

20. Q: What's the feature of web application?

A: you can use it through the browser, and you need not to install it on your personal computer. Its model is B/S, browser to sever. You send the request through browser to sever, and the sever will response to your request with web files, such as html or xml.

21. Q: Can you tell me the difference between C and C++

A: the main difference is on the OOP (object oriented programming) technology. C++ is an OOP language. It can use the objects to call the methods and complete the operations, but it is an extension of C language. C is focused on the process for implementing the functions.  

22. Q: Tell me something about C++.

A: C++ is an OOP language, and its features are encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism. It has classes, and each class has some data and functions. A sub class can inherit the data members and functions of the basic class, and it can override the function, although their names are same.

23. Q: Tell me the names of OSI seven layers.

A: from bottom to top, they are physical layer, data link layer, network layer, transport layer, session layer, presentation layer, and application layer.

university life

Capital of HeiLongJiang Province, HaerBin is a tourist city well known at home and abroad. There are many beautiful sights in China.

reasons for my choice

plans in the postgraduate study

2010 shanghai world expo

I could not hear clearly, would you please say again?



1.自我介紹 Question: Please introduce yourself. A: Good Morning, My dear teachers. I am glad to be here for this interview. Firstly let me in


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