1. 程式人生 > >rr2640 + Xen 3.4 hangs at boot [SOLVED]

rr2640 + Xen 3.4 hangs at boot [SOLVED]

Finally, I have boot up the xen hypervisor with the Highpoint RocketRAID 2640x4 SAS/SATA controller card.   1.  compile the dom0 kernel with rr26xx module built in.  Or another way to say it, "using the driver as a kernel patch".  I tested in kernel   Download the rr26xx driver source, uncompress it to rr2640-linux-src-v1.xx/.  If it is v1.5 driver, you need to uncomment out two lines in inc/linux/Makefile.def, otherwise it couldn't find the make target "patchkernel":     patchkernel:
           @sh $(HPT_ROOT)/osm/linux/patch.sh Follow the driver's README to patch the kernel:      # cd rr2640-linux-src-v1.xx/product/rr2640/linux/
    # make patchkernel KERNELDIR=<kernel-source-dir>      # cd /usr/src/linux-2.6.24

    # make menuconfig
     # make
    # make modules_install
    # make install Note:  This approach assumes that you will cd into kernel src (i.e., /usr/src/linux-2.6.24) to run "make menuconfig".  If you have the kernel build in a separate directory, and hit "make" in that directory, it will NOT WORK. 

2. In the /boot/grub/menu.lst, I need to provide the parameter:      kernel /boot/xen-3.4.0.gz edd=off


rr2640 + Xen 3.4 hangs at boot [SOLVED]

Finally, I have boot up the xen hypervisor with the Highpoint RocketRAID 2640x4 SAS/SATA controller card.   1.  compile the dom0 kerne

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2017.5.3 4.全排列

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