1. 程式人生 > >repair table `site_user`,#1194 – Table is marked as crashed and should be repaired錯誤修復

repair table `site_user`,#1194 – Table is marked as crashed and should be repaired錯誤修復


#1194 – Table ‘site_user’ is marked as crashed and should be repaired


REPAIR TABLE `site_user`;


Table Op Msg_type Msg_text
site_db.site_user repair info Wrong bytesec: 232-141-163 at 73939404; Skipped
site_db.site_user repair info Wrong bytesec: 0- 0- 0 at 73939424; Skipped
site_db.site_user repair info Wrong bytesec: 105-103-115 at 73939384; Skipped
site_db.site_user repair warning Number of rows changed from 279630 to 279626
site_db.site_user repair status OK



repair table `site_user`,#1194Table is marked as crashed and should be repaired錯誤修復

早上到公司編輯反應後臺登入不了,提示密碼錯誤。 問了同事說沒修改過密碼,於是登入phpmyadmin檢視site_user表。發現密碼正確,於是使用原始mysql語句在phpmyadmin中執行,結果提示: #1194 – Table ‘site_user’ is mar

[MySQL]快速解決"Table '.sjzlfzbp_post' is marked as crashed and should be repaired"故障

alt 管理 net crash 測試 height 網上 tab 反饋 為了不冒失修復,故采取保守做法,我們知道 MySQL 一個高效的管理工具便是 PhpMyAdmin,而在該管理軟件中就包含了對表的檢查、分析、修復、優化功能,比起網上提供的含糊命令行來說更安全更簡便。

mysql解決Table ‘./xxx/xxxxxx’ is marked as crashed and should be repaired 錯誤

mysql解決Table ‘./xxx/xxxxxx’ is marked as crashed and should be repaired 錯誤 然後進入 MySQL 資料庫發現 Table ‘./xxx/xxxxxx’ is marked as crashed an

[MySQL]快速解決"Table '.\sjzlf\zbp_post' is marked as crashed and should be repaired"故障

為了不冒失修復,故採取保守做法,我們知道 MySQL 一個高效的管理工具便是 PhpMyAdmin,而在該管理軟體中就包含了對錶的檢查、分析、修復、優化功能,比起網上提供的含糊命令列來說更安全更簡便。         通過實

Table 'table_name' is marked as crashed and should be repaired

    mysql資料庫如果報這個錯,這就是索引出現故障導致。索引出現故障的原因有很多比如:過多且頻繁的更新帶索引的表,突然斷電等等,從而因為索引而導致了表出現故障,因而查詢報上述錯誤。    解決方案:      不管linux還是window系統,首先通過命令找到mysq

Mysql 索引問題is marked as crashed and should be repaired

具體報錯如下: Table ‘.\Tablename\posts’ is marked as crashed and should be repaired 提示說論壇的帖子表posts被標記有問題,需要修復。我記得以前也出現過類似的問題,但是隻要點選Phpm

解決MySQL"is marked as crashed and should be repaired"問題

找到mysql的安裝目錄的bin/myisamchk工具,在命令列中輸入: myisamchk -c -r ../data/dataname/table.MYI../data/dataname/tab

修復mysql錶快速解決"is marked as crashed and should be repaired"故障

也許很多人遇到過類似Can’t open file: ‘[Table]mytable.MYI’ 這樣的錯誤資訊,卻不知道怎麼解決他,下面我們做個介紹, 多數情況下,資料庫被破壞只是指索引檔案受到了破壞,真正的資料被破壞掉的情況非常少。大多數形式的資料庫破壞的的修復相當簡單。 和前面的校驗一樣,修復的方式也有

destoon修復Table xxx is marked as crashed and should

table今天給一個朋友配置destoon出現:Table xxx is marked as crashed and should be repaired出現這個問題的原因是:服務器斷電等原因可能導致數據表損壞,導致訪問的時候提示Table xxx is marked as crashed and shoul

MySQL錯誤修復Table xx is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed

有站長找到我,說資料庫壞了,訪問網站報錯如下: Error establishing a database connection 看了下 MySQL 的錯誤日誌,報錯如下: Error: Table './db_name/table_name' is marked as crashed and last (

TCP網路除錯助手提示錯誤:“1035:未知錯誤” connect() failed: The socket is marked as nonblocking and the reque

socket程式設計。在虛擬機器中寫了服務端的程式碼(Linux系統),跟別的電腦可以連通,但是自己在Win10中用除錯助手和虛擬機器中的服務端沒法連通(但是除錯助手做服務端,Linux做客戶端可以連通,我暫時還不知道是為什麼)。 直接上圖: 我之前參考了CSDN

is marked as an executable but could not be run by the operating system

1 Failed to execute process './.sht'. Reason: exec: Exec format error The file './.sdf' is marked as an executable but could not be run by the operati

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JNI開發篇——報錯:Flag android.useDeprecatedNdk is no longer supported and will be removed in the next……

大概意思就是說: android.useDeprecatedNdk不再支援了 讓使用CMake or ndk-build 然後還有連結 解決方法: 1、先通過SDKManager下載:CMake和LLDB 2、在build.gradle的defaultConfig節點下加入:

Android studio 3.0 and sd報錯Error: Flag android.useDeprecatedNdk is no longer supported and will be r

今天學習用NDK進行開發,執行到手機上報了個錯,先把錯誤日誌貼上:Error: Flag android.useDeprecatedNdk is no longer supported and will be removed in the next version of An

使用JPA保存對象時報nested exception is javax.persistence.RollbackException: Transaction marked as rollbackOnly錯誤

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轉載 Some indexes or index [sub]partitions of table VAS.TAB_PUB_CALLLOG have been marked unusable

http://www.xifenfei.com/2011/12/some-indexes-or-index-subpartitions-of-table-vas-tab_pub_calllog-have-been-marked-unusable.html   1、檢查alert日誌發現錯誤


col dog 類型強制轉換 animal pan round int 檢查 是否 is操作符用於檢查對象和指定的類型是否兼容 as操作符主要用於二個對象之間的類型轉換 //父類 public class Animal { public int


logs 指定 如果 c# 數據類型 得到 檢查 string 顯式 is運算符 is運算符可以檢查對象是否與特定的類型兼容。is運算符用來檢查對象(變量)是否屬於某數據類型(如int、string、bool、double、class等),可在安全類型轉換之前進行判斷之用。


隱式 隱式轉換 lin 數據 類庫 arraylist foreach 字符串 tel is和as運算符: is 是判斷某個對象是否是某個類型 對象 is 類型 返回 bool 類型 as是將某個對象轉換成某個類型   對象 as 類型   如果轉換成功返回