1. 程式人生 > >protected修飾的成員屬性和方法的可見範圍:子類或同一個包中的類


If a method or instance variable is modified by protected (rather than public or
private), then it can be accessed by name inside its own class definition, it can be
accessed by name inside any class derived from it, and it can also be accessed by name
in the definition of any class in the same package (even if the class in the same package
is not derived from it). However, the protected method or instance variable cannot be
accessed by name in any other classes. Thus, if an instance variable is marked protected

in the class Parent and the class Child is derived from the class Parent, then the

instance variable can be accessed by name inside any method definition in the class
Child. However, in a class that is not in the same package as Parent and is not derived
from Parent, it is as if the protected instance variable were private.



If a method or instance variable is modified by protected (rather than public or private), then it can be accessed by name inside its own


rgs protect public cte 非靜態屬性 [] ava pre oid protected修飾的靜態屬性和方法的調用方式1:直接類名調用


上轉型物件不能操作子類新增成員變數和方法但可以操作子類繼承和重寫的方法 子類重寫父類的前提是;方法名一樣,引數型別和個數一樣。 舉一例可以說明之:  class Father { public Father() { }public void shout(Object word

php 定義屬性方法的public protected private 修飾詞的區別

這三個詞在定義類的屬性和方法時使用,其最大的區別在與他們作用域不同 public :全域性使用,不僅是本類,其子類,建立的物件都可以使用,甚至子類的子類由於繼承關係,也可以使用. protected:本類和其子類使用,如果後續有繼承的話, private : 僅限本類使用 class ClassA


看完程式碼就懂了: public class B extends A { public static void main(String[] args) { B b = new B(); System.out.println(b.getVal2());


看了幾篇部落格關於一般內部類不能有static修飾的變數,在這裡記錄一下。問題幾種解釋如下:1.“if you're going to have a static method, the whole inner class has to be static. Without 


 Java的interface中,成員變數的預設修飾符為:public static final 所以我們在interface中定義成員變數的時候,可以 1:public static final String name = "張三"; 2:String name = "張三"; 以上兩種都可以,老司機一般都

Java 被static 修飾屬性方法程式碼塊在什麼時候載入

intellij社群版+jdk.7 package com.static_life; import com.SVS2; /** * Created by Administrator on 2016/12/21. */ public class StaticVariab




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行為 class down 接受 觸發 觸發事件 this 右鍵 lan jQuery事件對象的屬性和方法 事件對象的屬於與方法有很多,但是我們經常用的只有那麽幾個,這裏我主要說下作用與區別 event.type:獲取事件的類型 觸發元素的事件類型 $("a").cli


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JavaScript 字符串屬性方法

length last 字符串 slice 第一次 prototype bstr 找到 earch 字符串屬性:    constructor : 返回創建字符串屬性的函數;   length : 返回字符串的長度;   prototype : 允許您向對象添加屬性和方法;


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