1. 程式人生 > >/var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process: Resource .

/var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process: Resource .

ERROR: /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process: Resource temporarily unavailable

$ sudo fuser /var/cache/debconf/config.dat
/var/cache/debconf/config.dat: 4503

$ ps aux | grep 4503
root 4503 0.0 0.8 10816 9088 ? S 08:39 0:00 /usr/bin/perl -w /usr/share/debconf/frontend /usr/sbin/update-grub

$ sudo kill 4503

After killing the process (4503 in this case) and running update-manager again, the upgrade can be completed successfully.


/var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process: Resource .

ERROR: /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process: Resource temporarily unavailable $ sudo fuser /var/cache/debconf/config.dat /var/cache/

dpkg: error: dpkg status database is locked by another process 解決方法

http other cor 系統監視 pen figure 操作 body lis https://i.cnblogs.com/EditPosts.aspx?opt=1使用dpkg -i/apt命令安裝,報錯: ------------------------------

解壓deb包時遇到 “dpkg status database is locked by another process”問題

Ubuntu apt-get安裝出現dpkg status database is lock...解決 最近在Ubuntu 伺服器上安裝包的時候出現了一個異常,採用的是 apt-get install 方式 。 異常詳細資訊如下: dpkg status databa

ORACLE解鎖record is locked by another user

ps:普通使用者沒有檢視table鎖的許可權,需要系統使用者授權 死鎖及oracle死鎖 今天看群裡在討論資料庫死鎖的問題,也一起研究了下,查了些資料在這裡總結下。 所謂死鎖: 是指兩個或兩個以上的程序在執行過程中,因爭奪資源而造成的一

Oracle修改表中記錄時出現record is locked by another user的問題

在操作表時沒有commit,導致表被鎖,只要執行下面兩行語句,就可以了將行鎖解鎖了。 1.          Select t2.username,t2.sid,t2.serial#,t2.logon_time from v$locked_object t1,v$sess

Eclipse每次修改檔案之後,tomcat要自動重新部署,就會報這個錯誤:May be locked by another process

tomcat啟動後,每次修改檔案後,tomcat會自動重新部署,就會報如下錯誤: Publishing failed with multiple errors Could not delete D:\

Publishing failed with multiple errors Could not delete *,May be locked by another process.

在eclipse下發布專案的時候出現了這麼個bug。 首先,從報錯資訊中找到專案部署路徑,然後手動刪掉它。  然後Window–>show View–>Servers,調出伺服器控制面板,在tomcat伺服器上remove掉該專案,然後tomcat伺服器上右

Eclipse May be locked by another process錯誤解決

最近在搞一個Web專案是採用的Tomcat作為Web 容器,經常出現May be locked by another process錯誤,發現只要退出Eclipse或者是Tomcat執行著修改程式碼後

Solr 6.6.0 ERROR: Port 8983 is already being used by another process.

proc 命令 port img another com other log -a   在目錄D:\work\Solr\solr-6.6.0\bin下打開命令框:   輸入:solr -e dih報錯:ERROR: Port 8983 is already being u

libXtst.so.6 is needed by teamviewer-12.0.76279-0.i686

-- nload tro com out fix oot libc div [[email protected]/* */ Downloads]# rpm -ivh teamviewer_12.0.76279.i686.rpm error: Failed d

It is possible that this issue is resolved by uninstalling an existi

images == res sta io測試 install 選擇框 app net 使用真機連接Android Studio測試時出現這樣的錯誤: 解決方法: 設置Android Studio 中Instant Run中的選項為不選中 根據以下路徑,找到Instan

locked by transaction

解決方法 blog 自動 tails proc details ide key 數據庫 今天晚上在做oracle數據庫查詢時,又他麽的碰到鎖表了。我看了好久,才發現IDEA的數據庫界面沒有點擊自動提交按鈕。導致鎖表。鎖表的提示是 locked by transaction:

ssm-異常:The prefix "aop" for element "aop:config" is not bound.

命名 XML 今天 標簽 ica config con context -a 今天在搭建ssm環境時出現異常:The prefix "aop" for element "aop:config" is not bound. 原因:applicationContext.xml文

ora-28000 the account is locked

class body listener arc .com user hive 備註 oracl ora-28000 the account is locked, 出現這種原因,是因為用戶被鎖定了,原因:多次用鎖住的那個賬號嘗試連接,導致被鎖住。解決方法: alter us

svn和NetBeans一起使用造成svn老是死鎖, database is locked

beans 就是 base clear 所有 編譯 bean post net 其實我一直沒發現,又一次我以為需要寫些前端吧NetBeans關了,使用HBuilder寫vue,因為內存只有8G,亂七八糟的一些東西一開,只剩20%左右,我就把 NetBeans關了,發現更新s

報錯--dpkg status database is locked

報錯 dpkg status databas dpkg: error: dpkg status database is locked by another process一、可能是軟件中心,關掉就好了,或者打開‵系統監視器‵,在進程裏面把帶有apt, dpkg 字樣的進程 kill掉就行了。二、也可

switch語句 initialization of 'XXX' is skipped by 'case' label 原因及解決辦法--塊語句的作用

style cas ack ase article xxx net 初始 break 出錯代碼段: switch (t) { case 0: int a = 0; break; default: break; }編譯時提示:“error C2361: initiali

記一次the account is locked數據庫錯誤

-a art ont scott ora user 文件中 use 配置 the account is locked錯誤(oracle) 1、原因:配置文件中的數據庫鏈接密碼設置錯誤,導致多次訪問數據庫之後,數據庫用戶鎖死。 2、用system用戶登錄後執行“alter u

It is possible that this issue is resolved by uninstalling an existing version of the apk if it is

換了個電腦執行Android studio安裝apk時,彈出視窗,點確定安裝失敗。視窗內容如下: Installation failed with message Failed to establish se

ubuntu進行apt-get時候出現Package libpcre3-dev is not available, but is referred to by another package 錯誤

Package libpcre3-dev is not available, but is referred to by another package 這個問題的原因是ubuntu的/etc/apt/source.list中的源比較舊了,需要更新一下,更新方法: $ sudo apt-