Basler相機windows Opencv開發2
1. 新建一個控制檯程式的工程,設定屬性管理器。
C:\Program Files\Basler\pylon 5\Development\include\pylon
C:\Program Files\Basler\pylon 5\Development\include
C:\Program Files\Basler\pylon 5\Development\lib\x64
我用到的最重要的幾個引數是 影象的長寬,offset,曝光時間。讀者可根據自己的相機和需要設定這幾個引數
int64_t newWidth = 1626;
int64_t newHeight = 196;
int64_t exposuretime = 1000;
int64_t Yoffset=450;
extern bool imageProcessmain(Mat &frame);
// Grab.cpp /* Note: Before getting started, Basler recommends reading the Programmer's Guide topic in the pylon C++ API documentation that gets installed with pylon. If you are upgrading to a higher major version of pylon, Basler also strongly recommends reading the Migration topic in the pylon C++ API documentation. This sample illustrates how to grab and process images using the CInstantCamera class. The images are grabbed and processed asynchronously, i.e., while the application is processing a buffer, the acquisition of the next buffer is done in parallel. The CInstantCamera class uses a pool of buffers to retrieve image data from the camera device. Once a buffer is filled and ready, the buffer can be retrieved from the camera object for processing. The buffer and additional image data are collected in a grab result. The grab result is held by a smart pointer after retrieval. The buffer is automatically reused when explicitly released or when the smart pointer object is destroyed. */ // Include files to use the PYLON API. #include <pylon/PylonIncludes.h> #ifdef PYLON_WIN_BUILD # include <pylon/PylonGUI.h> #endif #include <opencv2/core/core.hpp> #include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp> #include <opencv.hpp> #include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp> #include "opencv2/objdetect/objdetect.hpp" #include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp> #include <highgui.h> #define USE_GIGE 1 using namespace Pylon; using namespace GenApi; using namespace cv; using namespace std; //////////////通過修改這部分來改變延時//開始和停止抓取會影響幀率 static const uint32_t c_countOfImagesToGrab = 10000; uint32_t c_count = c_countOfImagesToGrab; ///////////////// ////////////////重要引數設定 int64_t newWidth = 1626; int64_t newHeight = 196; int64_t exposuretime = 1000; int64_t Yoffset=450; /////////////// #include <pylon/PylonIncludes.h> // Namespace for using pylon objects. using namespace Pylon; #if defined( USE_1394 ) // Setting for using Basler IEEE 1394 cameras. #include <pylon/1394/Basler1394InstantCamera.h> typedef Pylon::CBasler1394InstantCamera Camera_t; using namespace Basler_IIDC1394CameraParams; #elif defined ( USE_GIGE ) // Setting for using Basler GigE cameras. #include <pylon/gige/BaslerGigEInstantCamera.h> typedef Pylon::CBaslerGigEInstantCamera Camera_t; using namespace Basler_GigECameraParams; #elif defined ( USE_CAMERALINK ) // Setting for using Basler Camera Link cameras. #include <pylon/cameralink/BaslerCameraLinkInstantCamera.h> typedef Pylon::CBaslerCameraLinkInstantCamera Camera_t; using namespace Basler_CLCameraParams; #elif defined ( USE_USB ) // Setting for using Basler USB cameras. #include <pylon/usb/BaslerUsbInstantCamera.h> typedef Pylon::CBaslerUsbInstantCamera Camera_t; using namespace Basler_UsbCameraParams; #else #error Camera type is not specified. For example, define USE_GIGE for using GigE cameras. #endif ////////////// //////////////// int64_t Adjust(int64_t val, int64_t minimum, int64_t maximum, int64_t inc) { // Check the input parameters. if (inc <= 0) { // Negative increments are invalid. throw LOGICAL_ERROR_EXCEPTION("Unexpected increment %d", inc); } if (minimum > maximum) { // Minimum must not be bigger than or equal to the maximum. throw LOGICAL_ERROR_EXCEPTION("minimum bigger than maximum."); } // Check the lower bound. if (val < minimum) { return minimum; } // Check the upper bound. if (val > maximum) { return maximum; } // Check the increment. if (inc == 1) { // Special case: all values are valid. return val; } else { // The value must be min + (n * inc). // Due to the integer division, the value will be rounded down. return minimum + (((val - minimum) / inc) * inc); } } extern bool imageProcessmain(Mat &frame); /////////////// int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { cv::CommandLineParser parser(argc, argv, "{h||}" "{w||}" "{t||}" "{o||}" ); if (parser.has("h")) { newHeight=parser.get<double>("h"); } if (parser.has("w")) { newWidth = parser.get<double>("w"); } if (parser.has("t")) { exposuretime = parser.get<double>("t"); } if (parser.has("o")) { Yoffset = parser.get<double>("o"); } // The exit code of the sample application. int exitCode = 0; // Before using any pylon methods, the pylon runtime must be initialized. PylonInitialize(); try { // Create an instant camera object with the camera device found first. // CInstantCamera camera(CTlFactory::GetInstance().CreateFirstDevice()); /////////// CDeviceInfo info; info.SetDeviceClass(Camera_t::DeviceClass()); // Create an instant camera object with the first found camera device matching the specified device class. Camera_t camera(CTlFactory::GetInstance().CreateFirstDevice(info)); // Print the model name of the camera. cout << "Using device " << camera.GetDeviceInfo().GetModelName() << endl; // Open the camera. camera.Open(); /////////// // Print the model name of the camera. cout << "Using device " << camera.GetDeviceInfo().GetModelName() << endl; ///////////////////// camera.PixelFormat.SetValue(PixelFormat_Mono8); //////////////////// // Some properties have restrictions. Use GetInc/GetMin/GetMax to make sure you set a valid value. newWidth = Adjust(newWidth, camera.Width.GetMin(), camera.Width.GetMax(), camera.Width.GetInc()); newHeight = Adjust(newHeight, camera.Height.GetMin(), camera.Height.GetMax(), camera.Height.GetInc()); camera.Width.SetValue(newWidth); camera.Height.SetValue(newHeight); if (IsWritable(camera.OffsetX)) { camera.OffsetX.SetValue(camera.OffsetX.GetMin()); } if (IsWritable(camera.OffsetY)) { camera.OffsetY.SetValue(Yoffset); } cout << "OffsetX : " << camera.OffsetX.GetValue() << endl; cout << "OffsetY : " << camera.OffsetY.GetValue() << endl; cout << "Width : " << camera.Width.GetValue() << endl; cout << "Height : " << camera.Height.GetValue() << endl; //////////////////// //Disable acquisition start trigger if available { GenApi::IEnumEntry* acquisitionStart = camera.TriggerSelector.GetEntry(TriggerSelector_AcquisitionStart); if (acquisitionStart && GenApi::IsAvailable(acquisitionStart)) { camera.TriggerSelector.SetValue(TriggerSelector_AcquisitionStart); camera.TriggerMode.SetValue(TriggerMode_Off); } } //Disable frame start trigger if available { GenApi::IEnumEntry* frameStart = camera.TriggerSelector.GetEntry(TriggerSelector_FrameStart); if (frameStart && GenApi::IsAvailable(frameStart)) { camera.TriggerSelector.SetValue(TriggerSelector_FrameStart); camera.TriggerMode.SetValue(TriggerMode_Off); } } // camera.AcquisitionMode.SetValue(AcquisitionMode_SingleFrame); ///////////////////////////// // The parameter MaxNumBuffer can be used to control the count of buffers // allocated for grabbing. The default value of this parameter is 10. camera.MaxNumBuffer = 5; // Start the grabbing of c_countOfImagesToGrab images. // The camera device is parameterized with a default configuration which // sets up free-running continuous acquisition. camera.StartGrabbing(c_countOfImagesToGrab); // This smart pointer will receive the grab result data. CGrabResultPtr ptrGrabResult; CImageFormatConverter formatConverter; formatConverter.OutputPixelFormat = PixelType_BGR8packed; Mat openCvImage; CPylonImage pylonImage; ///////////////// 設定曝光時間部分 camera.GainAuto.SetValue(GainAuto_Off); camera.GainRaw.SetValue(camera.GainRaw.GetMin()); camera.ExposureAuto.SetValue(ExposureAuto_Off); camera.ExposureTimeRaw.SetValue(exposuretime); //////////////// // Camera.StopGrabbing() is called automatically by the RetrieveResult() method // when c_countOfImagesToGrab images have been retrieved. while (camera.IsGrabbing()) { c_count--; // Wait for an image and then retrieve it. A timeout of 5000 ms is used. camera.RetrieveResult(5000, ptrGrabResult, TimeoutHandling_ThrowException); // Image grabbed successfully? if (ptrGrabResult->GrabSucceeded()) { // Access the image data. //cout << "SizeX: " << ptrGrabResult->GetWidth() << endl; //cout << "SizeY: " << ptrGrabResult->GetHeight() << endl; const uint8_t *pImageBuffer = (uint8_t *)ptrGrabResult->GetBuffer(); //cout << "Gray value of first pixel: " << (uint32_t)pImageBuffer[0] << endl << endl; formatConverter.Convert(pylonImage, ptrGrabResult); // Create an OpenCV image out of pylon image openCvImage = cv::Mat(ptrGrabResult->GetHeight(), ptrGrabResult->GetWidth(), CV_8UC3, (uint8_t *)pylonImage.GetBuffer()); bool ProcessResult; ProcessResult= imageProcessmain(openCvImage); if (ProcessResult ) { if (c_count == 0) { c_count = c_countOfImagesToGrab; camera.StartGrabbing(c_countOfImagesToGrab); } } else { camera.StopGrabbing(); } #ifdef PYLON_WIN_BUILD // Display the grabbed image. //Pylon::DisplayImage(1, ptrGrabResult); #endif } else { cout << "Error: " << ptrGrabResult->GetErrorCode() << " " << ptrGrabResult->GetErrorDescription() << endl; } } } catch (const GenericException &e) { // Error handling. cerr << "An exception occurred." << endl << e.GetDescription() << endl; exitCode = 1; } // Comment the following two lines to disable waiting on exit. //cerr << endl << "Press Enter to exit." << endl; //while (cin.get() != '\n'); // Releases all pylon resources. PylonTerminate(); return exitCode; }
Basler相機windows Opencv開發2
上一個部落格講到如何安裝pylon以及他們的一些例程,這一章講如何用opencv開啟basler的gige相機。 雖然用常規的方法開啟工業相機是沒有問題的,但是這種方法不好設定相機的引數。 1. 新建一個控制檯程式的工程,設定屬性管理器。 新增i包含目錄 C:\Progra
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