1. 程式人生 > >VC++ MFC中 使用BMP按鈕

VC++ MFC中 使用BMP按鈕


1. 用下面的類CBmpButton
2. 例化一個CBmpButton並將 控制元件對映 到想要顯示為BMP的按鈕上
3. 注意: 要顯示BMP的按鈕的style屬性應選為: owner draw , bitmap
4. 在按鈕所在的類裡的 3處 新增:
#include "BmpButton.h" //-- 包含標頭檔案

//-- 新增1
// Dialog Data
CBmpButton m_BmpButton; //-- added here
// NOTE: the ClassWizard will add data members here

//-- 新增1
// Dialog Data
CBmpButton m_BmpButton; //-- added here
// NOTE: the ClassWizard will add data members here

//-- 新增2
void CBitmapButtonDlg::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)

// NOTE: the ClassWizard will add DDX and DDV calls here
DDX_Control(pDX, IDOK, m_BmpButton);//-- added here

//-- 新增3
BOOL CBitmapButtonDlg::OnInitDialog()

m_BmpButton.SetData( TRUE, IDB_OK );
return TRUE;

//-- 給予CBUTTON的CBmpButton類如下
//-- BmpButton.h
#if !defined(AFX_BMPBUTTON_H__31EF914C_A839_441A_8FB8_846E71DB1F99__INCLUDED_)
#define AFX_BMPBUTTON_H__31EF914C_A839_441A_8FB8_846E71DB1F99__INCLUDED_

#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
// BmpButton.h : header file

// CBmpButton window

class CBmpButton : public CButton
// Construction

// Attributes

// Operations

// Overrides
// ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides

// Implementation
BOOL SetData( BOOL ImageOnLeft, UINT IDUp, UINT IDDown=0, UINT IDFocus=0, UINT IDDisabled=0);
void DrawTransparent(CDC* pDC, int x, int y, CBitmap* hbmImage, BOOL LowerLeft=TRUE, COLORREF crColor=0);
void Emboss( CBitmap& Dest, CBitmap& bmSource );
void DrawItem(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDrawItemStruct);

// Bitmaps for image display
CBitmap m_Up, m_Down, m_Focus, m_Disabled;
// Bitmap height and width information
int m_ImageWidth, m_ImageHeight;
// Flag for image on left or right
BOOL m_ImageOnLeft;

virtual ~CBmpButton();

// Generated message map functions
// NOTE - the ClassWizard will add and remove member functions here.



// Microsoft Visual C++ will ins-ert additional declarations immediately before the previous line.

#endif // !defined(AFX_BMPBUTTON_H__31EF914C_A839_441A_8FB8_846E71DB1F99__INCLUDED_)

//-- 給予CBUTTON的CBmpButton類如下
//-- BmpButton.c
// BmpButton.cpp : implementation file

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "bitmapButton.h"
#include "BmpButton.h"

#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;

// CBmpButton



// NOTE - the ClassWizard will add and remove mapping macros here.

// CBmpButton message handlers

// CBmpButton message handlers

void CBmpButton::DrawItem(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDrawItemStruct)
CRect Rect = lpDrawItemStruct->rcItem;
SIZE DrawArea;
int XOffset, YOffset, YTextOffset=0, YImageOffset=0;
UINT nOffset = 0;
UINT nFrameStyle=0;
int nStateFlag;
CBitmap* pImage;

CString Text;

DestDC.Attach( lpDrawItemStruct->hDC );

// Based on the size of the button text, and the images, determine drawing
// positions of each.
GetWindowText( Text );
DrawArea = DestDC.GetTextExtent(Text);
DrawArea.cx += (m_ImageWidth+4);
if( DrawArea.cy > m_ImageHeight )
YTextOffset = ( m_ImageHeight - DrawArea.cy ) /2;
YImageOffset = (DrawArea.cy - m_ImageHeight) /2;
DrawArea.cy = m_ImageHeight;
if( Text.Find( "&" ) >= 0 )
CSize Tmp;
Tmp = DestDC.GetTextExtent( "&" );
DrawArea.cx -= Tmp.cx;
XOffset = (Rect.right - DrawArea.cx)/2;
YOffset = (Rect.bottom - DrawArea.cy)/2;

// Determine if button is in the selected state
if ( lpDrawItemStruct->itemState & ODS_SELECTED)
nFrameStyle = DFCS_PUSHED;
pImage = m_Down.GetSafeHandle() ? &m_Down : &m_Up;
nOffset += 1;

// Determine if button is disabled
if( lpDrawItemStruct->itemState & ODS_DISABLED )
nStateFlag = DSS_DISABLED;
pImage = m_Disabled.GetSafeHandle() ? &m_Disabled : &m_Up;
nStateFlag = DSS_NORMAL;
pImage = &m_Up;

// Determine if button has the focus state
if ( lpDrawItemStruct->itemState & ODS_FOCUS )
pImage = m_Focus.GetSafeHandle() ? &m_Focus : &m_Up;

// If button is selected, the use DrawFrameControl to display its frame
if( ! (lpDrawItemStruct->itemState & ODS_SELECTED) )
// If the button is focused, then we need to draw the black rectangle,
// and shrink the button a tiny bit (visual appearance of all buttons)
if( lpDrawItemStruct->itemState & ODS_FOCUS )
DestDC.Rectangle(Rect.left, Rect.top, Rect.right, Rect.bottom );
DestDC.DrawFrameControl( &Rect, DFC_BUTTON, DFCS_BUTTONPUSH | nFrameStyle);
// If it's not selected, then drawing is more complex
// Create out pens and brushes for drawing, and draw a rectangle.
CBrush NewBrush;
NewBrush.CreateSolidBrush( ::GetSysColor( COLOR_3DFACE ) );
CBrush* pOldBrush = (CBrush*)DestDC.SelectObject( &NewBrush );
DestDC.Rectangle(Rect.left, Rect.top, Rect.right, Rect.bottom );
CPen NewPen;
NewPen.CreatePen( PS_SOLID, 1, GetSysColor(COLOR_3DSHADOW) );
CPen* pOldPen = (CPen*)DestDC.SelectObject( &NewPen );

// Then, shrink the rectangle a tiny bit, and draw the inner rectangle
DestDC.Rectangle( Rect.left, Rect.top, Rect.right, Rect.bottom );
DestDC.SelectObject( pOldPen );
DestDC.SelectObject( pOldBrush );


if( m_ImageOnLeft )
// Draw the bitmap image, transparently, and then the text
DrawTransparent( &DestDC, XOffset+nOffset, YOffset+nOffset+YImageOffset, pImage );
DestDC.DrawState( CPoint(XOffset+m_ImageWidth+4+nOffset, YOffset+nOffset+YTextOffset),
DrawArea, Text, DST_PREFIXTEXT|nStateFlag, TRUE, 0, (HBRUSH)0 );
// Draw the text, and then the bitmap image transparently
DestDC.DrawState( CPoint(XOffset+nOffset, YOffset+nOffset+YTextOffset), DrawArea,
Text, DST_PREFIXTEXT|nStateFlag, TRUE, 0, (HBRUSH)0 );
DrawTransparent( &DestDC, XOffset+nOffset+DrawArea.cx+m_ImageWidth, YOffset+nOffset+YImageOffset, pImage );

// Draw the focus rectangle for the button
if( ( lpDrawItemStruct->itemState & ODS_FOCUS ) )
RECT Rect2;
Rect2 = Rect;
Rect2.left += 3;
Rect2.right -= 3;
Rect2.top += 3;
Rect2.bottom -= 3;
DestDC.DrawFocusRect( &Rect2 );


// CButton::OnDrawItem(nIDCtl, lpDrawItemStruct);

// CBmpButton::SetData - Sets image information for the CBmpButton class
// ImageOnLeft - If TRUE then image appears to left of text, otherwise image appears to the right
// IDUp - Must specified the ID for the bitmap to display when in the normal, 'Up' state.
// IDDown - Specifies the image to use for the down state of the button. May be zero.
// IDFocus - Specifies the image to use for the focus state of the button. May be zero.
// IDDisabled - Specifies the image to use for the disabled state of the button. May be zero.
// Returns: TRUE if succesful, FALSE if not
// Comments: If IDDown or IDFocus are zero, then the Up image is used for those states. If the
// IDDisabled value is zero, then an embossed version of the up image is created and used.
BOOL CBmpButton::SetData(BOOL ImageOnLeft, UINT IDUp, UINT IDDown, UINT IDFocus, UINT IDDisabled)
// If button already has data loaded, then delete the bitmaps
if( m_Up.GetSafeHandle() )
if( m_Down.GetSafeHandle() )
if( m_Focus.GetSafeHandle() )
if( m_Disabled.GetSafeHandle() )

// Load the 'Up' state bitmap (required). Use it to specify height and width of all images
m_Up.LoadBitmap( IDUp );
m_Up.GetObject( sizeof(BM), &BM );
m_ImageHeight = BM.bmHeight;
m_ImageWidth = BM.bmWidth;

// Store the ImageOnLeft value
m_ImageOnLeft = ImageOnLeft;

// Load other bitmaps as needed
if( IDDown )
m_Down.LoadBitmap( IDDown );
if( IDFocus )
m_Focus.LoadBitmap( IDFocus );

// If a disabled image was specified, then load it, otherwise create an embossed version
// of the 'Up' image.
if( IDDisabled )
m_Disabled.LoadBitmap( IDDisabled );
Emboss( m_Disabled, m_Up );



// DrawTransparent - Draws a bitmap with transparency
// Parameters:
// DC - HDC to draw bitmap on
// x - X coordinate on DC to draw bitmap at
// y - Y coordinate on DC to draw bitmap at
// hbmImage - Handle to bitmap to display
// LowerLeft - If True, then transparency color is taken from lower left of bitmap
// crColor - If LowerLeft is false, then this must specify transparent color for bitmap
void CBmpButton::DrawTransparent(CDC* pDC, int x, int y, CBitmap* hbmImage, BOOL LowerLeft, COLORREF crColor)
CDC hdcImage;
CDC hdcTrans;
CBitmap hbmTrans;
BITMAP bmBitmap;

hbmImage->GetObject( sizeof(bmBitmap), &bmBitmap );
// Change Background and text color, saving values for end
COLORREF crOldBack = pDC->SetBkColor(RGB(255,255,255));
COLORREF crOldText = pDC->SetTextColor(RGB(0,0,0) );

// Create Memory DCs to do our work in

// Select passed Image bitmap into Image memory DC

// Create transparent bitmap, and select into transparent DC
hbmTrans.CreateBitmap( bmBitmap.bmWidth, bmBitmap.bmHeight, 1, 1, NULL);
hdcTrans.SelectObject( hbmTrans);

// If LowerLeft is true, then determine transparent color from bitmap passed
if( LowerLeft )
crColor = hdcImage.GetPixel( 0, bmBitmap.bmHeight-1 );

// Select background color (transparent color) for our image memory DC

hdcTrans.BitBlt( 0, 0, bmBitmap.bmWidth, bmBitmap.bmHeight, &hdcImage, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);

// Perform BitBlt operations (this is where the Masking occurs)
pDC->BitBlt( x, y, bmBitmap.bmWidth, bmBitmap.bmHeight, &hdcImage, 0, 0, SRCINVERT);
pDC->BitBlt( x, y, bmBitmap.bmWidth, bmBitmap.bmHeight, &hdcTrans, 0, 0, SRCAND);
pDC->BitBlt( x, y, bmBitmap.bmWidth, bmBitmap.bmHeight, &hdcImage, 0, 0, SRCINVERT);

// Retore original background and text colors for the passed DC


// Emboss - Basic embossing ability
// Parameters:
// bmDest - Destination bitmap
// bmSource - Source bitmap to be embossed
// Comments: Uses brute force so we can maintain 3 colors on a disabled bitmap:
// the highlight, dark, and transparent colors
void CBmpButton::Emboss( CBitmap& Dest, CBitmap& bmSource )
CDC memDC, memDCEmbossed;
CBitmap hbmOldBM, hbmOldBMEmbossed;
BITMAP bmInfo;
COLORREF crTransparent, crLo = ::GetSysColor(COLOR_3DHILIGHT),crHi=::GetSysColor(COLOR_3DSHADOW);
COLORREF crCur, crNewTransparent = ::GetSysColor( COLOR_3DFACE );
int Row, Col, ColorAvg=0, Total=0;

// Determine information for the bitmap passed
bmSource.GetObject( sizeof(bmInfo), &bmInfo );

// Create memory DCs, and the return bitmap, for drawing and creation
memDC.SelectObject(&bmSource );
Dest.CreateCompatibleBitmap( &memDC, bmInfo.bmWidth, bmInfo.bmHeight );

// Select the new bitmap into the memory DC. Now, when we draw on the memory DC, it
// will manipulate the bitmap that is selected into it.
memDCEmbossed.SelectObject( Dest );

// Perform some basic color analisys, to determine what colors to use
crTransparent = memDC.GetPixel( 0, bmInfo.bmHeight-1 );
for( Row=0; Row < bmInfo.bmHeight; Row++ )
for( Col=0; Col < bmInfo.bmWidth; Col++ )
crCur = memDC.GetPixel( Row, Col );
if( crCur != crTransparent )
ColorAvg /= Total;

// Draw the original bitmap into the memory DC, which will set the color depth and
// dimensions of the new bitmap.
memDCEmbossed.BitBlt( 0, 0, bmInfo.bmWidth, bmInfo.bmHeight, &memDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);

// Now, go through each pixel, and make it one of 3 colors: Dark, light, and transparent
for( Row=0; Row < bmInfo.bmHeight; Row++ )
for( Col=0; Col < bmInfo.bmWidth; Col++ )
crCur = memDC.GetPixel( Col, Row );
if( crCur != crTransparent )
if( (GetGValue(crCur)+GetBValue(crCur)+GetRValue(crCur)) > ColorAvg )
memDCEmbossed.SetPixel( Col, Row, crHi);
memDCEmbossed.SetPixel( Col, Row, crLo);
memDCEmbossed.SetPixel( Col, Row, crNewTransparent );
// Destructors clean up for us.



VC++ MFC 使用BMP按鈕

*********ins-ert***********編譯出錯請去掉“-”1. 用下面的類CBmpButton2. 例化一個CBmpButton並將 控制元件對映 到想要顯示為BMP的按鈕上3. 注意: 要顯示BMP的按鈕的style屬性應選為: owner draw , b

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本文部分轉載於 http://blog.chinaunix.net/uid-2516614-id-2496197.html 用於參考 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 外部視窗介