Failed to recognize predicate 'xxx'. Failed rule: 'identifier' in column specification
1. 問題描述
select dt as date, comMap['searchType'] as search_type, comMap['clickType'] as click_type
from search_click
where dt = '20170614';
Failed to recognize predicate 'date'. Failed rule: 'identifier' in column specification
2. 問題分析
該選項的目的是:是否啟用對SQL2011保留關鍵字的支援。 啟用後,將支援部分SQL2011保留關鍵字。
3. 解決方案
- 棄用保留關鍵字
select dt, comMap['searchType'] as search_type, comMap['clickType'] as click_type
from search_click
where dt = '20170614';
- 棄用對保留關鍵字的支援
sudo -uwirelessdev hive -e "
set = false ;
select dt, comMap['searchType'] as search_type, comMap['clickType'] as click_type
from search_click
where dt = '20170614';
" > a.txt
<name></name >
Failed to recognize predicate 'xxx'. Failed rule: 'identifier' in column specification
1. 問題描述 在Hive1.2.2版本執行如下HQL時: select dt as date, comMap['searchType'] as search_type, comMap['clickType'] as click_type from search_cli
ParseException line 20:7 Failed to recognize predicate 'timestamp'. Failed rule: 'identifier' in tab
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