1. 程式人生 > >Couldn't save uncommitted changes. Tried to save uncommitted changes in stash before Update...

Couldn't save uncommitted changes. Tried to save uncommitted changes in stash before Update...

今天在從遠端庫拉程式碼的時候失敗了,android studio彈出了錯誤提示。


還能怎麼辦,我也很絕望啊,百度了半天還是沒有找到解決辦法。於是,我又回頭仔細看了看報錯資訊,哎,突然發現這/.git/index.lock': File exists. Cannot save the current index state。是不是這個index.lock檔案搞的鬼,於是開啟專案下的git資料夾找到這個檔案刪除了,然後重新拉取程式碼,就OK了。幸福來得太突然,哈哈。 





Couldn't save uncommitted changes. Tried to save uncommitted changes in stash before Update...

今天在從遠端庫拉程式碼的時候失敗了,android studio彈出了錯誤提示。 錯誤日誌如下圖: 還能怎麼辦,我也很絕望啊,百度了半天還是沒有找到解決辦法。於是,我又回頭仔細看了看報錯資訊,哎,突然發現這/.git/index.lock': File exists. C

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標籤:log   com   程式碼   src   http   si   檔案   it   la    1、從網際網路上或者其他途徑拿過來的工程程式碼,往往會報下面的提示:   (1)開啟檔案的時候出現視窗提示You don’t have permission to save the file

(error) MISCONF Redis is configured to save RDB snapshots, but is currently not able to persist on disk.

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MISCONF Redis is configured to save RDB snapshots, but it is currently not able to persist on disk. Commands that may modify the data set are disabled

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