import javax.crypto.Cipher; import javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec; import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec; public class AES { /* * encrypt key contain 26 letters and digitshere use AES-128-CBC model * length must be 16 */ private static String sKey = "1234567890987654"; private static String cPriKey = "1122334455667788"; public static String Encrypt(String sSrc) throws Exception { if (sKey == null) { System.out.print("Key id null"); return null; } // judge whethe Key's length is 16 if (sKey.length() != 16) { System.out.print("Key's length is not 16"); return null; } byte[] raw = sKey.getBytes(); SecretKeySpec skeySpec = new SecretKeySpec(raw, "AES"); Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding"); IvParameterSpec iv = new IvParameterSpec(cPriKey.getBytes());// use CBC model cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, skeySpec, iv); byte[] encrypted = cipher.doFinal(sSrc.getBytes()); return Base64.encode(encrypted, 0, encrypted.length); } public static String Decrypt(String sSrc) throws Exception { try { if (sKey == null) { System.out.print("Key id is null"); return null; } // Judge Whethe Key's Length Is 16 if (sKey.length() != 16) { System.out.print("Key's length is not 16"); return null; } byte[] raw = sKey.getBytes("ASCII"); SecretKeySpec skeySpec = new SecretKeySpec(raw, "AES"); Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding"); IvParameterSpec iv = new IvParameterSpec(cPriKey.getBytes()); cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, skeySpec, iv); byte[] encrypted1 = Base64.decode(sSrc, 0, sSrc.getBytes().length); try { byte[] original = cipher.doFinal(encrypted1); String originalString = new String(original); return originalString; } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.toString()); return null; } } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println(ex.toString()); return null; } } }
import; public class Base64 { private Base64() {} /** * This character array provides the alphabet map from RFC1521. */ private final static char ALPHABET[] = { 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '+', '/' }; /** * Decodes a 7 bit Base64 character into its binary value. */ private static int valueDecoding[] = new int[128]; /** * initializes the value decoding array from the character map */ static { for (int i = 0; i < valueDecoding.length; i++) { valueDecoding[i] = -1; } for (int i = 0; i < ALPHABET.length; i++) { valueDecoding[ALPHABET[i]] = i; } } /** * Converts a byte array into a Base64 encoded string. * * @param data * bytes to encode * @param offset * which byte to start at * @param length * how many bytes to encode; padding will be added if needed * @return base64 encoding of data; 4 chars for every 3 bytes */ public static String encode(byte[] data, int offset, int length) { int i; int encodedLen; char[] encoded; // 4 chars for 3 bytes, run input up to a multiple of 3 encodedLen = (length + 2) / 3 * 4; encoded = new char[encodedLen]; for (i = 0, encodedLen = 0; encodedLen < encoded.length; i += 3, encodedLen += 4) { encodeQuantum(data, offset + i, length - i, encoded, encodedLen); } return new String(encoded); } /** * Encodes 1, 2, or 3 bytes of data as 4 Base64 chars. * * @param in * buffer of bytes to encode * @param inOffset * where the first byte to encode is * @param len * how many bytes to encode * @param out * buffer to put the output in * @param outOffset * where in the output buffer to put the chars */ private static void encodeQuantum(byte in[], int inOffset, int len, char out[], int outOffset) { byte a = 0, b = 0, c = 0; a = in[inOffset]; out[outOffset] = ALPHABET[(a >>> 2) & 0x3F]; if (len > 2) { b = in[inOffset + 1]; c = in[inOffset + 2]; out[outOffset + 1] = ALPHABET[((a << 4) & 0x30) + ((b >>> 4) & 0xf)]; out[outOffset + 2] = ALPHABET[((b << 2) & 0x3c) + ((c >>> 6) & 0x3)]; out[outOffset + 3] = ALPHABET[c & 0x3F]; } else if (len > 1) { b = in[inOffset + 1]; out[outOffset + 1] = ALPHABET[((a << 4) & 0x30) + ((b >>> 4) & 0xf)]; out[outOffset + 2] = ALPHABET[((b << 2) & 0x3c) + ((c >>> 6) & 0x3)]; out[outOffset + 3] = '='; } else { out[outOffset + 1] = ALPHABET[((a << 4) & 0x30) + ((b >>> 4) & 0xf)]; out[outOffset + 2] = '='; out[outOffset + 3] = '='; } } /** * Converts a Base64 encoded string to a byte array. * * @param encoded * Base64 encoded data * @return decode binary data; 3 bytes for every 4 chars - minus padding * @exception IOException * is thrown, if an I/O error occurs reading the data */ public static byte[] decode(String encoded) throws IOException { return decode(encoded, 0, encoded.length()); } /** * Converts an embedded Base64 encoded string to a byte array. * * @param encoded * a String with Base64 data embedded in it * @param offset * which char of the String to start at * @param length * how many chars to decode; must be a multiple of 4 * @return decode binary data; 3 bytes for every 4 chars - minus padding * @exception IOException * is thrown, if an I/O error occurs reading the data */ public static byte[] decode(String encoded, int offset, int length) throws IOException { int i; int decodedLen; byte[] decoded; // the input must be a multiple of 4 if (length % 4 != 0) { throw new IOException("Base64 string length is not multiple of 4"); } // 4 chars for 3 bytes, but there may have been pad bytes decodedLen = length / 4 * 3; if (encoded.charAt(offset + length - 1) == '=') { decodedLen--; if (encoded.charAt(offset + length - 2) == '=') { decodedLen--; } } decoded = new byte[decodedLen]; for (i = 0, decodedLen = 0; i < length; i += 4, decodedLen += 3) { decodeQuantum(encoded.charAt(offset + i), encoded.charAt(offset + i + 1), encoded.charAt(offset + i + 2), encoded.charAt(offset + i + 3), decoded, decodedLen); } return decoded; } /** * Decode 4 Base64 chars as 1, 2, or 3 bytes of data. * * @param in1 * first char of quantum to decode * @param in2 * second char of quantum to decode * @param in3 * third char of quantum to decode * @param in4 * forth char of quantum to decode * @param out * buffer to put the output in * @param outOffset * where in the output buffer to put the bytes */ private static void decodeQuantum(char in1, char in2, char in3, char in4, byte[] out, int outOffset) throws IOException { int a = 0, b = 0, c = 0, d = 0; int pad = 0; a = valueDecoding[in1 & 127]; b = valueDecoding[in2 & 127]; if (in4 == '=') { pad++; if (in3 == '=') { pad++; } else { c = valueDecoding[in3 & 127]; } } else { c = valueDecoding[in3 & 127]; d = valueDecoding[in4 & 127]; } if (a < 0 || b < 0 || c < 0 || d < 0) { throw new IOException("Invalid character in Base64 string"); } // the first byte is the 6 bits of a and 2 bits of b out[outOffset] = (byte) (((a << 2) & 0xfc) | ((b >>> 4) & 3)); if (pad < 2) { // the second byte is 4 bits of b and 4 bits of c out[outOffset + 1] = (byte) (((b << 4) & 0xf0) | ((c >>> 2) & 0xf)); if (pad < 1) { // the third byte is 2 bits of c and 4 bits of d out[outOffset + 2] = (byte) (((c << 6) & 0xc0) | (d & 0x3f)); } } } }
import; import; import; import; import; import; public class DataTools { public static final byte[] InputStreamToByte(InputStream inStream) throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream swapStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); byte[] buff = new byte[100]; int rc = 0; while ((rc =, 0, 100)) > 0) { swapStream.write(buff, 0, rc); } byte[] in2b = swapStream.toByteArray(); return in2b; } public static String InputStreamTOString(InputStream is) { /* * To convert the InputStream to String we use the * BufferedReader.readLine() method. We iterate until the BufferedReader * return null which means there's no more data to read. Each line will * appended to a StringBuilder and returned as String. */ BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is)); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String line = null; try { while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { sb.append(line + "\n"); } } catch (IOException e) { } finally { try { is.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } return sb.toString(); } /** * 將String轉換成InputStream * * @param in * @return * @throws Exception */ public static InputStream StringTOInputStream(String in) throws Exception { ByteArrayInputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream( in.getBytes("ISO-8859-1")); return is; } /** * 將byte陣列轉換成InputStream * * @param in * @return * @throws Exception */ public static InputStream byteTOInputStream(byte[] in) throws Exception { ByteArrayInputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(in); return is; } /** * 將byte陣列轉換成String * * @param in * @return * @throws Exception */ public static String byteTOString(byte[] in) throws Exception { String string = new String(in, "ISO-8859-1"); return string; } public static String byteTOString(byte[] in, String type) throws Exception { String string = new String(in, type); return string; } /*** * half-angle Convert to full-angle * * @param input * @return */ public static String ToDBC(String input) { char[] c = input.toCharArray(); for (int i = 0; i < c.length; i++) { if (c[i] == 12288) { c[i] = (char) 32; continue; } if ((c[i] > 65280) && (c[i] < 65375)) { c[i] = (char) (c[i] - 65248); } } return new String(c); } }
public class Main {
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
File file2 = new File("c:\\Users\\zoeice\\Desktop\\111111.png");
InputStream is = null;
BufferedImage bi = null;
try {
bi =;
} catch (IOException e) {
ByteArrayOutputStream bs = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ImageOutputStream imOut;
try {
imOut = ImageIO.createImageOutputStream(bs);
ImageIO.write(bi, "png",imOut);
is= new ByteArrayInputStream(bs.toByteArray());
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("原始資料:" + DataTools.InputStreamTOString(is));
try {
String str = AES.Encrypt(DataTools.InputStreamTOString(is));
System.out.println("加密以後:" +str);
} catch (Exception e) {
AES加密解密圖片資源 import javax.crypto.Cipher; import javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec; import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec; public class AES
tran delegate class ext str eap ase hfs tde 加密時:先對string進行utf8解析成數組-->對數組進行加密-->對加密結果用base64解析成string。 那麽揭秘時,
algorithm buffer password 使用 eas ray locks tex update AES加密解密 SHA1、SHA加密 MD5加密 二話不說立即附上代碼: package com.luo.util; import j
C# 實現 JAVA AES加密解密[原創]
com base gets tran con spec ole tor 技術分享 以下是網上普遍能收到的JAVA AES加密解密方法。 因為裏面用到了KeyGenerator 和 SecureRandom,但是.NET 裏面沒有這2個類。無法使用安全隨機數生成KEY。 我們
AES加密解密 Java中運用
upper span pub substring rac ont wid mem log AES全稱 Advanced Encryption Standard, 高級加密算法,更加安全,可取代DES。 Aes: package
西安人 才網 西安人才網掌握的HTML中的js前端AES加密最近因為項目需求做了一次MITM,俄然即便發現運用HTTPS,也不能確保數據傳輸過程中的安全性。 經過中間人進犯,能夠直接獲取到Http協議的一切內容。 所以開端嘗試做一些簡略的加密,在一定程度上確保安全性。本次選用AES加密數據,所以客戶端
C# 實現AES加密--解密
bsp 密文 rem adding gets manage string sys cipher /// <summary> /// AES 加密 /// </summary> ///
ruby 實現java中的aes 加密解密
abcde class hwm nbsp crypt 實現 () cbc sad def aes_encrypt() cipher =, :CBC) cipher.encrypt cipher.key =
python AES加密解密 pycryptodome
掌握 mod pack 然而 http != col 技術 aes 環境 pyhton3.6 pip 升級到10.0以上,,不然可能出現裝不上的可能。 博主為了解碼 AES 用了1天的時間,安了各種包,然而走了很多坑,在這裏給大家提供一個簡便的方法 首先在命令行(推薦)
Crypto++ AES 加密解密流程
color 程序 pla ESS dem cde inb def 必須 // aesdemo.cpp : 定義控制臺應用程序的入口點。 // #include <stdio.h>#include <tchar.h>#include <ios
php aes加密解密類(兼容php5、php7)
bytes pri rip dom ase lee vat idea cipher <?php /** * @desc:php aes加密解密類 * @author [Lee] <[<[email protected]>]> */ class
java AES 加密解密工具(Advanced Encryption Standard)
@param key block 生成 utf i++ spec res null 1、通用方法 package com.qlkj.hzd.commom.utils; import javax.crypto.*; import
cryptojs aes加密解密
base64和hex vue專案 //如下程式碼寫為vue的全域性函式,便於呼叫 var iv = crypto.enc.Utf8.parse('1234567887654321'); &
AES加密在php5的版本中使用的mcrypt_decrypt 函式,該函式已經在php7.1後棄用了,取而代之的是openssl的openssl_encrypt和openssl_decrypt,並且程式碼也非常精簡,下面是示例程式碼: class Aes { public $key = ''
版權宣告:本文為作者原創,如需轉載,請註明出處 AES演算法簡介 AES演算法是為了取代DES演算法而生,雖然3DES演算法仍然可以使用,但是效率比較低下,AES演算法是在眾多演算法中選拔
AES加密解密 附贈 base64
AES加密是一總比較常用的,會補足長度的加密方式,不管你長度為多少,加密完之後都會變成128位(僅指這裡,當然也有其他的AES)。 敲黑板:之前做過一次跨語言的加密解密,發現是不可以的。即java php c++之間不同的加密解密不要通用,因為進位制和編碼的問題,如果強行使用的話。需要二進
PyCrypto是一款非常實用的Python加密模組,最近寫了一個檔案加密指令碼需要用到AES加密,和大家分析一下心得。 下載與安裝:PyCrypto專案已經於2015年7月停止了,下面是官方的下載地址。 如果是l
PHP AES加密解密。
<?php namespace app\models; class AES{ public $key; //建構函式,用金鑰初始化 function Prpcrypt( $k ) { $this->key = $k; } /*AES加密*/ public static function e
我們在工作中會遇到各種加密,下面就是PHP中AES加密解密的類 <?php class Aes { /** * var string&nbs
高階加密標準(AES,Advanced Encryption Standard)為最常見的對稱加密演算法(微信小程式加密傳輸就是用這個加密演算法的)。對稱加密演算法也就是加密和解密用相同的金鑰,具體的加密流程如下圖: 下面簡單介紹下各個部分的作用與意義: 明文P