1. 程式人生 > >轉:Virtual Earth and AJAX--Part Two

轉:Virtual Earth and AJAX--Part Two

In part 1 of this mini-tutorial on AJAX we set up a barebonesmapping UI by adding the Virtual Earth Map Control to a web page. With just a few lines of javascript the MapControl gives us very versatile display and navigation tools. Here in part 2, we get to the heart of what this tutorial is about – making an asynchronous call from the client up to a server component, waiting politely for a response, then acting on that reponse by updating a message to the user. The message in this case is just an echo of the inputs passed to the server. In part three we’ll expand the server component to do something truly useful, by making a query to the Mappoint Web Service to reverse Geocode the passed coordinate.


Virtual Earth and AJAX--Part Two

In part 1 of this mini-tutorial on AJAX we set up a barebonesmapping UI by adding the Virtual Earth Map Control to a web page. With just a few lines of jav

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*************************** APPLICATION FAILED TO START *************************** Description: Failed to configure a DataSource: 'url'

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