1. 程式人生 > >獲取手機品牌資訊的Build類



Build類獲取手機制造商,系統定製商,型號,Android 系統版本,CPU 指令集,可以檢視是否支援64位等


// Source code recreated from a .class file by IntelliJ IDEA
// (powered by Fernflower decompiler)

package android.os;

import android.os.SystemProperties;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.Slog;
import com.mediatek.cta.CtaUtils;
dalvik.system.VMRuntime; import java.util.Objects; public class Build { private static final String TAG = "Build"; // 當一個版本屬性不知道時所設定的值。其字串值為 "unknown" . public static final String UNKNOWN = "unknown"; // 修訂版本列表:Either a changelist number, or a label like "M4-rc20". public static final
String ID = getString("ro.build.id"); // DISPLAY 顯示屏引數 public static final String DISPLAY = getString("ro.build.display.id"); // PRODUCT 整個產品的名稱:The name of the overall product. public static final String PRODUCT = getString("ro.product.name"); // 裝置引數:The name of the industrial design.
public static final String DEVICE = getString("ro.product.device"); // 主機板:The name of the underlying board, like "goldfish". public static final String BOARD = getString("ro.product.board"); // cpu指令集:The name of the instruction set (CPU type + ABI convention) of native code. /** @deprecated */ @Deprecated public static final String CPU_ABI; // cpu指令集2:The name of the second instruction set (CPU type + ABI convention) of native code. /** @deprecated */ @Deprecated public static final String CPU_ABI2; // MANUFACTURER 硬體製造商:The manufacturer of the product/hardware. public static final String MANUFACTURER = getString("ro.product.manufacturer"); // 系統定製商:The consumer-visible brand with which the product/hardware will be associated, if any. // 版本即終端使用者可見的名稱:The end-user-visible name for the end product. public static final String BRAND = getString("ro.product.brand"); public static final String MODEL = getString("ro.product.model"); // BOOTLOADER 系統啟動程式版本號:The system bootloader version number. public static final String BOOTLOADER = getString("ro.bootloader"); // 無線電韌體版本:The radio firmware version number. 在API14後已過時。使用 getRadioVersion()代替 /** @deprecated */ @Deprecated public static final String RADIO = getString("gsm.version.baseband"); public static final String HARDWARE = getString("ro.hardware"); public static final boolean IS_EMULATOR = getString("ro.kernel.qemu").equals("1"); // 硬體序列號:A hardware serial number, if available. Alphanumeric only, case-insensitive. public static final String SERIAL = getString("ro.serialno"); public static final String[] SUPPORTED_ABIS = getStringList("ro.product.cpu.abilist", ","); public static final String[] SUPPORTED_32_BIT_ABIS = getStringList("ro.product.cpu.abilist32", ","); public static final String[] SUPPORTED_64_BIT_ABIS = getStringList("ro.product.cpu.abilist64", ","); public static final String TYPE; // 描述build的標籤,如未簽名,debug等等。:Comma-separated tags describing the build, like "unsigned,debug". public static final String TAGS; // 唯一識別碼:A string that uniquely identifies this build. Do not attempt to parse this value. public static final String FINGERPRINT; public static final long TIME; public static final String USER; public static final String HOST; public static final boolean IS_DEBUGGABLE; public static final boolean PERMISSIONS_REVIEW_REQUIRED; public Build() { } private static String deriveFingerprint() { String finger = SystemProperties.get("ro.build.fingerprint"); if(TextUtils.isEmpty(finger)) { finger = getString("ro.product.brand") + '/' + getString("ro.product.name") + '/' + getString("ro.product.device") + ':' + getString("ro.build.version.release") + '/' + getString("ro.build.id") + '/' + getString("ro.build.version.incremental") + ':' + getString("ro.build.type") + '/' + getString("ro.build.tags"); } return finger; } public static void ensureFingerprintProperty() { if(TextUtils.isEmpty(SystemProperties.get("ro.build.fingerprint"))) { try { SystemProperties.set("ro.build.fingerprint", FINGERPRINT); } catch (IllegalArgumentException var1) { Slog.e("Build", "Failed to set fingerprint property", var1); } } } public static boolean isBuildConsistent() { if("eng".equals(TYPE)) { return true; } else { String system = SystemProperties.get("ro.build.fingerprint"); String vendor = SystemProperties.get("ro.vendor.build.fingerprint"); String bootimage = SystemProperties.get("ro.bootimage.build.fingerprint"); String requiredBootloader = SystemProperties.get("ro.build.expect.bootloader"); String currentBootloader = SystemProperties.get("ro.bootloader"); String requiredRadio = SystemProperties.get("ro.build.expect.baseband"); String currentRadio = SystemProperties.get("gsm.version.baseband"); if(TextUtils.isEmpty(system)) { Slog.e("Build", "Required ro.build.fingerprint is empty!"); return false; } else if(!TextUtils.isEmpty(vendor) && !Objects.equals(system, vendor)) { Slog.e("Build", "Mismatched fingerprints; system reported " + system + " but vendor reported " + vendor); return false; } else { return true; } } } public static String getRadioVersion() { return SystemProperties.get("gsm.version.baseband", (String)null); } private static String getString(String property) { return SystemProperties.get(property, "unknown"); } private static String[] getStringList(String property, String separator) { String value = SystemProperties.get(property); return value.isEmpty()?new String[0]:value.split(separator); } private static long getLong(String property) { try { return Long.parseLong(SystemProperties.get(property)); } catch (NumberFormatException var2) { return -1L; } } public static boolean isPermissionReviewRequired() { return PERMISSIONS_REVIEW_REQUIRED || CtaUtils.isCtaSupported(); } static { String[] abiList; if(VMRuntime.getRuntime().is64Bit()) { abiList = SUPPORTED_64_BIT_ABIS; } else { abiList = SUPPORTED_32_BIT_ABIS; } CPU_ABI = abiList[0]; if(abiList.length > 1) { CPU_ABI2 = abiList[1]; } else { CPU_ABI2 = ""; } TYPE = getString("ro.build.type"); TAGS = getString("ro.build.tags"); FINGERPRINT = deriveFingerprint(); TIME = getLong("ro.build.date.utc") * 1000L; USER = getString("ro.build.user"); HOST = getString("ro.build.host"); IS_DEBUGGABLE = SystemProperties.getInt("ro.debuggable", 0) == 1; PERMISSIONS_REVIEW_REQUIRED = SystemProperties.getInt("ro.permission_review_required", 0) == 1; } public static class VERSION_CODES { public static final int CUR_DEVELOPMENT = 10000; public static final int BASE = 1; public static final int BASE_1_1 = 2; public static final int CUPCAKE = 3; public static final int DONUT = 4; public static final int ECLAIR = 5; public static final int ECLAIR_0_1 = 6; public static final int ECLAIR_MR1 = 7; public static final int FROYO = 8; public static final int GINGERBREAD = 9; public static final int GINGERBREAD_MR1 = 10; public static final int HONEYCOMB = 11; public static final int HONEYCOMB_MR1 = 12; public static final int HONEYCOMB_MR2 = 13; public static final int ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH = 14; public static final int ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH_MR1 = 15; public static final int JELLY_BEAN = 16; public static final int JELLY_BEAN_MR1 = 17; public static final int JELLY_BEAN_MR2 = 18; public static final int KITKAT = 19; public static final int KITKAT_WATCH = 20; public static final int L = 21; public static final int LOLLIPOP = 21; public static final int LOLLIPOP_MR1 = 22; public static final int M = 23; public static final int N = 24; public VERSION_CODES() { } } public static class VERSION { public static final String INCREMENTAL = Build.getString("ro.build.version.incremental"); public static final String RELEASE = Build.getString("ro.build.version.release"); public static final String BASE_OS = SystemProperties.get("ro.build.version.base_os", ""); public static final String SECURITY_PATCH = SystemProperties.get("ro.build.version.security_patch", ""); /** @deprecated */ @Deprecated public static final String SDK = Build.getString("ro.build.version.sdk"); public static final int SDK_INT = SystemProperties.getInt("ro.build.version.sdk", 0); public static final int PREVIEW_SDK_INT = SystemProperties.getInt("ro.build.version.preview_sdk", 0); public static final String CODENAME = Build.getString("ro.build.version.codename"); private static final String[] ALL_CODENAMES = Build.getStringList("ro.build.version.all_codenames", ","); public static final String[] ACTIVE_CODENAMES; public static final int RESOURCES_SDK_INT; public VERSION() { } static { ACTIVE_CODENAMES = "REL".equals(ALL_CODENAMES[0])?new String[0]:ALL_CODENAMES; RESOURCES_SDK_INT = SDK_INT + ACTIVE_CODENAMES.length; } } }


package com.fadisu.cpurun.util;

import java.lang.reflect.Field;

import android.os.Build;
import android.util.Log;

public class BuildHelper {
    private static final String TAG = BuildHelper.class.getSimpleName();

     * Build class所有的欄位屬性
     * Build.BOARD : Z91
     * Build.BOOTLOADER : unknown
     * Build.BRAND : FaDi
     * Build.CPU_ABI : arm64-v8a
     * Build.CPU_ABI2 :
     * Build.DEVICE : Z91
     * Build.DISPLAY : TEST_FaDi_Z91_S100_20180108
     * Build.FINGERPRINT : FaDi/Z91/Z91:7.1.1/N6F26Q/1515397384:user/release-keys
     * Build.HARDWARE : mt6739
     * Build.HOST : 69959bbb90c6
     * Build.ID : N6F26Q
     * Build.IS_DEBUGGABLE : true
     * Build.IS_EMULATOR : false
     * Build.MANUFACTURER : FaDi
     * Build.MODEL : Z91
     * Build.PRODUCT : Z91
     * Build.RADIO : unknown
     * Build.SERIAL : 0123456789ABCDEF
     * Build.SUPPORTED_32_BIT_ABIS : [Ljava.lang.String;@305cf5e
     * Build.SUPPORTED_64_BIT_ABIS : [Ljava.lang.String;@f5c1f3f
     * Build.SUPPORTED_ABIS : [Ljava.lang.String;@578b00c
     * Build.TAG : Build
     * Build.TAGS : release-keys
     * Build.TIME : 1515397382000
     * Build.TYPE : user
     * Build.UNKNOWN : unknown
     * Build.USER : FaDi
     * Build.VERSION.ACTIVE_CODENAMES : [Ljava.lang.String;@f4ecd55
     * Build.VERSION.ALL_CODENAMES : [Ljava.lang.String;@bdb836a
     * Build.VERSION.BASE_OS :
     * Build.VERSION.INCREMENTAL : 1515397384
     * Build.VERSION.RELEASE : 7.1.1
     * Build.VERSION.SDK : 25
     * Build.VERSION.SDK_INT : 25
     * Build.VERSION.SECURITY_PATCH : 2017-11-05
    public static void getAllBuildInformation() {
        Field[] fields = Build.class.getDeclaredFields();
        for (Field field : fields) {
            try {
                Log.w(TAG, "Build." + field.getName() + " : " + field.get(null));
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Log.e(TAG, "an error occured when collect crash info", e);

        Field[] fieldsVersion = Build.VERSION.class.getDeclaredFields();
        for (Field field : fieldsVersion) {
            try {
                Log.w(TAG, "Build.VERSION." + field.getName() + " : " + field.get(null));
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Log.e(TAG, "an error occured when collect crash info", e);

    // 手機制造商
    public static String getProduct() {
        return Build.PRODUCT;

    // 系統定製商
    public static String getBrand() {
        return Build.BRAND;

    // 硬體製造商
    public static String getManufacturer() {
        return Build.MANUFACTURER;

    // 硬體名稱
    public static String getHardWare() {
        return  Build.HARDWARE;

    // 型號
    public static String getMode() {
        return Build.MODEL;

    // Android 系統版本
    public static String getAndroidVersion() {
        return  Build.VERSION.RELEASE;

    // CPU 指令集,可以檢視是否支援64位
    public static String getCpuAbi() {
        return Build.CPU_ABI;



一、需求 Build類獲取手機制造商,系統定製商,型號,Android 系統版本,CPU 指令集,可以檢視是否支援64位等 二、原始碼 // // Source code recreated from a .class file by Intell

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1、使用Build獲取架構屬性 下面我們來根據原始碼看看通過Build這個類可以得到哪些配置資訊,具體就不解釋了,從命名基本可以理解其代表的屬性。 public class Build { //當一個版本屬性不知道時所設定的值。 publ

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在有的專案中需要根據特定的手機資訊來進行處理,這時就需要我們來獲取手機的裝置資訊了,那首先看看我的測試機的一些基本資訊: 那麼這些資訊怎麼獲得呢??其實都封裝在了TelephonyManager中,我們從裡面可以拿到,但是注意的是有的手機手機號是拿不到的(

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主要有,獲取手機系統版本,獲取手機品牌、獲取軟體版本資訊、獲取螢幕尺寸寬高(包含和不包含虛擬鍵)以及獲取手機ip地址 public class DeviceUtils { /** * 品牌 */ public static String getDevic

Android筆記: 獲取手機品牌、型號、Android系統版本號、IMEI、當前系統語言等工具

最近在開發中,需要用到一些系統資訊,這裡我把這些方法寫成一個工具類方便以後複用,該工具類有以下6個功能: 1、獲取手機制造廠商 2、獲取手機型號 3、獲取手機系統當前使用的語言 4、獲取Andr

編寫一個手機(Mobile),包括手機品牌(brand)、手機型號(type), 方法包括顯示手機資訊,並編寫測試進行物件的建立

/*編寫一個手機類(Mobile),包括手機品牌(brand)、手機型號(type), * 方法包括顯示手機資訊,並編寫測試類進行物件的建立*/package cyff;public class Mobile {// 定義Mobile類String brand, type