1. 程式人生 > >關於 local variable 'has' referenced before assignment 問題

關於 local variable 'has' referenced before assignment 問題

local variable 'has' referenced before assignment

def MusicTable(request):
    MUSICIANS = [ 
        {'name': 'Django Reinhardt', 'genre': 'jazz'}, 
        {'name': 'Jimi Hendrix',     'genre': 'rock'}, 
        {'name': 'Louis Armstrong',  'genre': 'jazz'}, 
        {'name': 'Pete Townsend',    'genre': 'rock'}, 
        {'name': 'Yanni',            'genre': 'new age'}, 
        {'name': 'Ella Fitzgerald',  'genre': 'jazz'}, 
        {'name': 'Wesley Willis',    'genre': 'casio'}, 
        {'name': 'John Lennon',      'genre': 'rock'}, 
       {'name': 'Bono',             'genre': 'rock'}, 
       {'name': 'Garth Brooks',     'genre': 'country'}, 
       {'name': 'Duke Ellington',   'genre': 'jazz'}, 
       {'name': 'William Shatner',  'genre': 'spoken word'}, 
       {'name': 'Madonna',          'genre': 'pop'},]
    #預處理 判斷是否粗體顯示 ,模板只是呈現方式,不應該處理 判斷哪些是特殊顯示
    for m in MUSICIANS:
        if '' not in m['name']:

             has = True
                   'is_important':m['genre'] in ('jazz','rock'),
                   'is_pretentious': ' ' not in  m['name'],}
    return render_to_response('Musictable.html', {'Mu': Mu,'has_pretentious':has,})




def modifyConstant() :
        print CONSTANT
        CONSTANT += 1

if __name__ == '__main__' :
        print CONSTANT

UnboundLocalError: local variable 'CONSTANT' referenced before assignment



def modifyConstant() :

        print CONSTANT
        #CONSTANT += 1

if __name__ == '__main__' :
        print CONSTANT

所以,問題就在於,因為在函式內部修改了變數CONSTANT,Python認為CONSTANT是區域性變數,而print CONSTANT又在CONSTANT += 1之前,所以當然會發生這種錯誤。



def modifyConstant() :
        global CONSTANT
        print CONSTANT
        CONSTANT += 1

if __name__ == '__main__' :
        print CONSTANT


for m in MUSICIANS:
        if '' not in m['name']:
             has = True
                   'is_important':m['genre'] in ('jazz','rock'),
                   'is_pretentious': ' ' not in  m['name'],}
    return render_to_response('Musictable.html', {'Mu': Mu,'has_pretentious':has,})

標紅的部分 ''中間沒有空格,而在這個迴圈中根本沒有一次能滿足if '' not in m['name']: 這個條件,所以在 return render_to_response('Musictable.html', {'Mu': Mu,'has_pretentious':has,}) 傳遞 has的時候,報錯。
解決辦法有兩個 一個是將if '' not in m['name']: 的''加上空格變成‘ ’。
第二個辦法在之前給has一個初始值 has=False。


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