wifi direct介紹與ad-hoc區別
There are a few key features to know about Wi-Fi Direct:
Wi-Fi Direct enlists a technology known as "Soft AP": Soft AP, in a nutshell, is software-based access point
functionality built into Wi-Fi Direct certified devices. These devices are capable of routing and directing network traffic just like access points and routers.
- Wi-Fi Direct is expected to provide superior connectivity over Bluetooth: Wi-Fi Direct is not just an alternative to Bluetooth connectivity; it delivers a better connection and has greater range than Bluetooth.
Legacy Wi-Fi devices are supported: If you have one Wi-Fi Direct certified device; that device can connect
with 802.11n as well as b and g devices.
- Wi-Fi Direct has built-in security: WPA2 is bundled into this wireless standard and unlike traditional wireless routers and access points, cannot be disabled.
Applications are a driving factor of this technology: Portable devices will be able to connect to the myriad
of applications available without need to connect to a Wi-Fi network.
- Wi-Fi Direct is not the same as ad-hoc networking: The most significant difference between traditional ad-hoc wireless networking (traditional peer-to-peer networking) and Wi-Fi Direct is security. In Windows ad-hoc networks, the highest level of security supported is WEP in mixed client environments (Windows 7 will support WPA2 provided all adapters support it, as well). Wi-Fi Direct, as mentioned, supports WPA2. Another difference, Wi-Fi Direct devices can also simultaneously connect to existing wireless networks. More granular control and better discovery of devices also differentiate Wi-Fi Direct from ad-hoc networking.
- Wi-Fi Direct is not meant to replace traditional wireless networks: Wi-Fi Direct devices may not provide the overall range of a wireless router or AP. There's more flexibility with APs and routers, as they can be placed strategically to provide optimized signal strength. Also, there are security considerations with Wi-Fi Direct; there is a good chance that IT departments with corporate wireless networks may have issues with controlling Wi-Fi Direct devices.
wifi direct介紹與ad-hoc區別
There are a few key features to know about Wi-Fi Direct: Wi-Fi Direct enlists a technology known as "Soft AP": Soft AP, in a nutshell,
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不成功 etc txt -a 表示 sts sync 行修改 for [toc] Ad-Hoc 是指ansible下臨時執行的一條命令,並且不需要保存的命令,對於復雜的命令會使用playbook。Ad-hoc的執行依賴於模塊,ansible官方提供了大量的模塊。 如:com
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tex 信息 文件的 包安裝 proc vpd 管道符 如果 present 在自動化運維的過程中,我們常常會通過命令行的形式使用Ansible模塊,ansible自帶了259各模塊,我們可以通過一些命令來查看ansible中所含的模塊,也可以查看單一模塊的信息。下面,我就
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java分散式系統部署學習(六)ansible Ad-hoc與commands模組
Ad-Hoc 是指ansible下臨時執行的一條命令,並且不需要儲存的命令,對於複雜的命令後面會說playbook。講到Ad-hoc 就要提到模組,所有的命令執行都要依賴於事先寫好的模組,預設安裝好的ansible 裡面已經自帶了很多模組,如:command、r