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[資源帖]IJCAI 2016 下載地址

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000.pdf Preface 
001.pdf Conference Organization 
002.pdf Program Committee 
003.pdf Conference Organizers and Sponsors 
004.pdf Awards and Distinguished Papers 
005.pdf IJCAI Organization 
pdf Past IJCAI Conferences 007.pdf Interdependent Scheduling Games 008.pdf Scalable Greedy Algorithms for Task/Resource Constrained Multi-Agent Stochastic Planning 009.pdf Coco: Runtime Reasoning about Conflicting Commitments 010.pdf Verifying Existence of Resource-Bounded Coalition Uniform Strategies 011.
pdf On Truthful Mechanisms for Maximin Share Allocations 012.pdf Modeling and Reasoning about NTU Games via Answer Set Programming 013.pdf Randomized Social Choice Functions under Metric Preferences 014.pdf Generalized Discrete Preference Games 015.pdf Computing Pareto Optimal Committees 016.pdf Control of
Fair Division 017.pdf A Characterization of Voting Power for Discrete Weight Distributions 018.pdf Misrepresentation in District Voting 019.pdf Conditional and Sequential Approval Voting on Combinatorial Domains 020.pdf On Logics of Strategic Ability Based on Propositional Control 021.pdf Complexity of Efficient and Envy-Free Resource Allocation: Few Agents, Resources, or Utility Levels 022.pdf The Complexity of Playing Durak 023.pdf Proving the Incompatibility of Efficiency and Strategyproofness via SMT Solving 024.pdf To Give or Not to Give: Fair Division for Single Minded Valuations 025.pdf Pairwise Diffusion of Preference Rankings in Social Networks 026.pdf Facility Location with Minimax Envy 027.pdf Achieving Proportional Representation in Conference Programs 028.pdf Subset Selection via Implicit Utilitarian Voting 029.pdf Trading on a Rigged Game: Outcome Manipulation in Prediction Markets 030.pdf Congestion Games with Polytopal Strategy Spaces 031.pdf Robust Draws in Balanced Knockout Tournaments 032.pdf Verifying Pushdown Multi-Agent Systems against Strategy Logics 033.pdf Truthfulness of a Proportional Sharing Mechanism in Resource Exchange 034.pdf Better Strategyproof Mechanisms without Payments or Prior —— An Analytic Approach 035.pdf Approximating Value Equivalence in Interactive Dynamic Influence Diagrams Using Behavioral Coverage 036.pdf Selective Norm Monitoring 037.pdf Elicitation for Preferences Single Peaked on Trees 038.pdf Preference Elicitation for Single Crossing Domain 039.pdf Complexity of Manipulation with Partial Information in Voting 040.pdf Strategic Voting with Incomplete Information 041.pdf Voting-Based Group Formation 042.pdf Committee Scoring Rules: Axiomatic Classification and Hierarchy 043.pdf How Hard Is It for a Party to Nominate an Election Winner? 044.pdf Digital Good Exchange 045.pdf Parallel Behavior Composition for Manufacturing 046.pdf Opinion Dynamics with Local Interactions 047.pdf Online Mechanism Design for Vehicle-to-Grid Car Parks 048.pdf Moving in a Crowd: Safe and Efficient Navigation among Heterogeneous Agents 049.pdf A Network-Based Rating System and Its Resistance to Bribery 050.pdf Three Strategies to Success: Learning Adversary Models in Security Games 051.pdf Reconfigurability in Reactive Multiagent Systems 052.pdf Probabilistic Matrix Inspection and Group Scheduling 053.pdf Catcher-Evader Games 054.pdf Asymptotically Tight Bounds for Inefficiency in Risk-Averse Selfish Routing 055.pdf Social Choice for Agents with General Utilities 056.pdf Incentivizing Reliability in Demand-Side Response 057.pdf Allocating Indivisible Items in Categorized Domains 058.pdf Correlated Voting 059.pdf Silk: A Simulation Study of Regulating Open Normative Multiagent Systems 060.pdf Incentivizing Intelligent Customer Behavior in Smart-Grids: A Risk-Sharing Tariff &amp; Optimal Strategies 061.pdf Dynamic Auctions with Bank Accounts 062.pdf SLIM: Semi-Lazy Inference Mechanism for Plan Recognition 063.pdf Sequential Plan Recognition 064.pdf Distributed Decoupling of Multiagent Simple Temporal Problems 065.pdf Role Assignment for Game-Theoretic Cooperation 066.pdf Core-Selecting Payment Rules for Combinatorial Auctions with Uncertain Availability of Goods 067.pdf Automated Mechanism Design without Money via Machine Learning 068.pdf Trembling Hand Equilibria of Plurality Voting 069.pdf Distributed Breakout: Beyond Satisfaction 070.pdf Mission Oriented Robust Multi-Team Formation and Its Application to Robot Rescue Simulation 071.pdf Controlling Growing Tasks with Heterogeneous Agents 072.pdf Using Message-Passing DCOP Algorithms to Solve Energy-Efficient Smart Environment Configuration Problems 073.pdf An Online Mechanism for Ridesharing in Autonomous Mobility-on-Demand Systems 074.pdf Efficient Local Search in Coordination Games on Graphs 075.pdf Assigning a Small Agreeable Set of Indivisible Items to Multiple Players 076.pdf Preserving Privacy in Region Optimal DCOP Algorithms 077.pdf Nash Equilibria and Their Elimination in Resource Games 078.pdf An Empirical Game-Theoretic Analysis of Price Discovery in Prediction Markets 079.pdf Hierarchical Approach to Transfer of Control in Semi-Autonomous Systems 080.pdf Coordinating Human-UAV Teams in Disaster Response 081.pdf Efficient Resource Allocation for Protecting Coral Reef Ecosystems 082.pdf Optimally Protecting Elections 083.pdf Decision-Making Policies for Heterogeneous Autonomous Multi-Agent Systems with Safety Constraints 084.pdf Towards a White Box Approach to Automated Algorithm Design 085.pdf Action Selection for Hammer Shots in Curling 086.pdf Fast Solving Maximum Weight Clique Problem in Massive Graphs 087.pdf Packing Graphs with ASP for Landscape Simulation 088.pdf On the Topology of Genetic Algorithms 089.pdf Truncating Shortest Path Search for Efficient Map-Matching 090.pdf Relevance for SAT(ID) 091.pdf Counting Linear Extensions of Sparse Posets 092.pdf Comparing Search Algorithms Using Sorting and Hashing on Disk and in Memory 093.pdf Limited Discrepancy AND/OR Search and Its Application to Optimization Tasks in Graphical Models 094.pdf FastLCD: Fast Label Coordinate Descent for the Efficient Optimization of 2D Label MRFs 095.pdf Heuristics and Really Hard Instances for Subgraph Isomorphism Problems 096.pdf Markov Chain Analysis of Noise and Restart in Stochastic Local Search 097.pdf Efficiently Finding Conceptual Clustering Models with Integer Linear Programming 098.pdf Scalable Segment Abstraction Method for Advertising Campaign Admission and Inventory Allocation Optimization 099.pdf Improved Heuristic and Tie-Breaking for Optimally Solving Sokoban 100.pdf An Approximation Algorithm for the Subpath Planning Problem 101.pdf External Memory Bidirectional Search 102.pdf Canonical Orderings on Grids 103.pdf Monte Carlo Tree Search in Continuous Action Spaces with Execution Uncertainty 104.pdf Multiple Constraint Acquisition 105.pdf Ranking Constraints 106.pdf Bias in Algorithm Portfolio Performance Evaluation 107.pdf Constraint Acquisition with Recommendation Queries 108.pdf Combining the k-CNF and XOR Phase-Transitions 109.pdf Linear Arithmetic Satisfiability via Strategy Improvement 110.pdf Constraint Detection in Natural Language Problem Descriptions 111.pdf Improving Model Counting by Leveraging Definability 112.pdf Static Symmetry Breaking with the Reflex Ordering 113.pdf A Clause Tableau Calculus for MaxSAT 114.pdf Optimizing Molecular Cloning of Multiple Plasmids 115.pdf Controllable Procedural Content Generation via Constrained Multi-Dimensional Markov Chain Sampling 116.pdf Optimizing Simple Tabular Reduction with a Bitwise Representation 117.pdf Mutual Influence Potential Networks: Enabling Information Sharing in Loosely-Coupled Extended-Duration Teamwork 118.pdf Interactive Teaching Strategies for Agent Training 119.pdf Planning with Task-Oriented Knowledge Acquisition for a Service Robot 120.pdf A Polynomial Time Optimal Algorithm for Robot-Human Search under Uncertainty 121.pdf Apprenticeship Scheduling: Learning to Schedule from Human Experts 122.pdf DeepSchema: Automatic Schema Acquisition from Wearable Sensor Data in Restaurant Situations 123.pdf Interactive Martingale Boosting 124.pdf Fear and Hope Emerge from Anticipation in Model-Based Reinforcement Learning 125.pdf Predictive Models of Malicious Behavior in Human Negotiations 126.pdf Verbalization: Narration of Autonomous Robot Experience 127.pdf Interactive Scheduling of Appliance Usage in the Home 128.pdf Polynomial Datalog Rewritings for Expressive Description Logics with Closed Predicates 129.pdf Completion of Disjunctive Logic Programs 130.pdf Query Answering with Transitive and Linear-Ordered Data 131.pdf Evaluation of Arguments from Support Relations: Axioms and Semantics 132.pdf Incomplete Causal Laws in the Situation Calculus Using Free Fluents 133.pdf On the Relationship between P-log and LP<sup>MLN</sup> 134.pdf Online Agent Supervision in the Situation Calculus 135.pdf Equivalent Stream Reasoning Programs 136.pdf The Inconsistency in G&ouml;del&rsquo;s Ontological Argument: A Success Story for AI in Metaphysics 137.pdf Ontology-Mediated Queries Distributing over Components 138.pdf Leviathan: A New LTL Satisfiability Checking Tool Based on a One-Pass Tree-Shaped Tableau 139.pdf Query-Driven Repairing of Inconsistent DL-Lite Knowledge Bases 140.pdf First Order-Rewritability and Containment of Conjunctive Queries in Horn Description Logics 141.pdf Automated Synthesis of Timed Failure Propagation Graphs 142.pdf ASP for Anytime Dynamic Programming on Tree Decompositions 143.pdf Extending the Harper Identity to Iterated Belief Change 144.pdf Preferential Query Answering over the Semantic Web with Possibilistic Networks 145.pdf Query-Based Entailment and Inseparability for <i>ALC</i> Ontologies 146.pdf Knowledge Compilation Meets Communication Complexity 147.pdf An ASP Semantics for Default Reasoning with Constraints 148.pdf Plan Synthesis for Knowledge and Action Bases 149.pdf On the Impact of Modal Depth in Epistemic Planning 150.pdf Imperfect-Information Games and Generalized Planning 151.pdf LTL<i><sub>f</sub></i> and LDL<i><sub>f</sub></i> Synthesis under Partial Observability 152.pdf Investigating the Relationship between Argumentation Semantics via Signatures 153.pdf Exploiting Partial Assignments for Efficient Evaluation of Answer Set Programs with External Source Access 154.pdf Forgetting in Multi-Agent Modal Logics 155.pdf Trend-Based Prediction of Spatial Change 156.pdf Towards Fast Algorithms for the Preference Consistency Problem Based on Hierarchical Models 157.pdf Querying Data Graphs with Arithmetical Regular Expressions 158.pdf On Consensus Extraction 159.pdf Temporalized <i>EL</i> Ontologies for Accessing Temporal Data: Complexity of Atomic Queries 160.pdf Distributing Knowledge into Simple Bases 161.pdf Epistemic Boolean Games Based on a Logic of Visibility and Control 162.pdf Normative Multiagent Systems: The <i>Dynamic</i> Generalization 163.pdf Eliminating Disjunctions in Answer Set Programming by Restricted Unfolding 164.pdf Epistemic GDL: A Logic for Representing and Reasoning about Imperfect Information Games 165.pdf Question Answering via Integer Programming over Semi-Structured Knowledge 166.pdf Conservative Rewritability of Description Logic TBoxes 167.pdf Temporal and Spatial OBDA with Many-Dimensional Halpern-Shoham Logic 168.pdf Learning Possibilistic Logic Theories from Default Rules 169.pdf Answering Metaqueries over Hi (OWL 2 QL) Ontologies 170.pdf Constraint Answer Set Programming versus Satisfiability Modulo Theories 171.pdf Exploring the Context of Locations for Personalized Location Recommendations 172.pdf A Decision Procedure for a Fragment of Linear Time Mu-Calculus 173.pdf Efficient Path Consistency Algorithm for Large Qualitative Constraint Networks 174.pdf Belief Update for Proper Epistemic Knowledge Bases 175.pdf Optimal Status Enforcement in Abstract Argumentation 176.pdf Efficient Representations for the Modal Logic S5 177.pdf Expressivity of Datalog Variants —— Completing the Picture 178.pdf Is Promoting Beliefs Useful to Make Them Accepted in Networks of Agents? 179.pdf Normative Practical Reasoning via Argumentation and Dialogue 180.pdf Efficient Sequential Model-Based Fault-Localization with Partial Diagnoses 181.pdf Object-Relational Queries over CFDI<sub>nc</sub> Knowledge Bases: OBDA for the SQL-Literate 182.pdf Diagnosability of Discrete-Event Systems with Uncertain Observations 183.pdf Sampling-Based Belief Revision 184.pdf Efficient Query Answering over Expressive Inconsistent Description Logics 185.pdf Distributed Autoepistemic Logic and its Application to Access Control 186.pdf Text-Enhanced Representation Learning for Knowledge Graph 187.pdf On the Representation and Embedding of Knowledge Bases beyond Binary Relations 188.pdf Connecting Qualitative Spatial and Temporal Representations by Propositional Closure 189.pdf From One Point to a Manifold: Knowledge Graph Embedding for Precise Link Prediction 190.pdf Strategy Representation and Reasoning for Incomplete Information Concurrent Games in the Situation Calculus 191.pdf Expressive Completeness of Existential Rule Languages for Ontology-Based Query Answering 192.pdf A Characterization of the Semantics of Logic Programs with Aggregates 193.pdf Forgetting Concept and Role Symbols in <i>ALCOIH&mu;</i><sup>+</sup>(&nabla;, &#x2293;)-Ontologies 194.pdf Driver Frustration Detection from Audio and Video in the Wild 195.pdf The Complexity of Learning Acyclic CP-Nets 196.pdf Change Detection in Multivariate Datastreams: Likelihood and Detectability Loss 197.pdf Cold-Start Recommendations for Audio News Stories Using Matrix Factorization 198.pdf <i>MPMA:</i> Mixture Probabilistic Matrix Approximation for Collaborative Filtering 199.pdf A Generalized Matching Pursuit Approach for Graph-Structured Sparsity 200.pdf Entity Embedding-Based Anomaly Detection for Heterogeneous Categorical Events 201.pdf ADL&trade;: A Topic Model for Discovery of Activities of Daily Living in a Smart Home 202.pdf Cost-Aware Pre-Training for Multiclass Cost-Sensitive Deep Learning 203.pdf Learning Higher-Order Logic Programs through Abstraction and Invention 204.pdf A Unifying Framework for Learning Bag Labels from Generalized Multiple-Instance Data 205.pdf Hidden Parameter Markov Decision Processes: A Semiparametric Regression Approach for Discovering Latent Task Parametrizations 206.pdf EBEK: Exemplar-Based Kernel Preserving Embedding 207.pdf Version Space Reduction Based on Ensembles of Dissimilar Balanced Perceptrons 208.pdf Robust Domain Generalisation by Enforcing Distribution Invariance 209.pdf Copula Mixed-Membership Stochastic Blockmodel 210.pdf DrMAD: Distilling Reverse-Mode Automatic Differentiation for Optimizing Hyperparameters of Deep Neural Networks 211.pdf A Robust Convex Formulation for Ensemble Clustering 212.pdf Semi-Data-Driven Network Coarsening 213.pdf Constrained Local Latent Variable Discovery 214.pdf Knowledge-Based Sequence Mining with ASP 215.pdf Incremental Truncated LSTD 216.pdf A Distributed and Scalable Machine Learning Approach for Big Data 217.pdf Deep Learning for Reward Design to Improve Monte Carlo Tree Search in ATARI Games 218.pdf Semi-Supervised Active Learning with Cross-Class Sample Transfer 219.pdf Deep, Convolutional, and Recurrent Models for Human Activity Recognition Using Wearables 220.pdf Incorporating External Knowledge into Crowd Intelligence for More Specific Knowledge Acquisition 221.pdf Partially Supervised Graph Embedding for Positive Unlabelled Feature Selection 222.pdf Online Bayesian Max-Margin Subspace Multi-View Learning 223.pdf Tight Policy Regret Bounds for Improving and Decaying Bandits 224.pdf Bayesian Reinforcement Learning with Behavioral Feedback 225.pdf Grounding Topic Models with Knowledge Bases 226.pdf Class-Wise Supervised Hashing with Label Embedding and Active Bits 227.pdf Transfer Learning with Active Queries from Source Domain 228.pdf Learning Stable Linear Dynamical Systems with the Weighted Least Square Method 229.pdf Learning Unified Features from Natural and Programming Languages for Locating Buggy Source Code 230.pdf Change Detection Using Directional Statistics 231.pdf Using Task Features for Zero-Shot Knowledge Transfer in Lifelong Learning 232.pdf Multi-Label Informed Feature Selection 233.pdf Robust Out-of-Sample Data Recovery 234.pdf On Structural Properties of MDPs that Bound Loss Due to Shallow Planning 235.pdf Constructing Abstraction Hierarchies Using a Skill-Symbol Loop 236.pdf Bounds for Learning from Evolutionary-Related Data in the Realizable Case 237.pdf Learning Multi-Step Predictive State Representations 238.pdf Dual-Memory Deep Learning Architectures for Lifelong Learning of Everyday Human Behaviors 239.pdf Predicting Personal Traits from Facial Images Using Convolutional Neural Networks Augmented with Facial Landmark Information 240.pdf A Relaxed Ranking-Based Factor Model for Recommender System from Implicit Feedback 241.pdf Adversarial Sequence Tagging 242.pdf Joint Feature Selection and Structure Preservation for Domain Adaptation 243.pdf Multiple Kernel Clustering with Local Kernel Alignment Maximization 244.pdf Feature Learning Based Deep Supervised Hashing with Pairwise Labels 245.pdf Multi-View Learning with Limited and Noisy Tagging 246.pdf Graph Quality Judgement: A Large Margin Expedition 247.pdf Sparse Bayesian Content-Aware Collaborative Filtering for Implicit Feedback 248.pdf Group-Invariant Cross-Modal Subspace Learning 249.pdf Learning to Detect Concepts from Webly-Labeled Video Data 250.pdf Towards Convolutional Neural Networks Compression via Global Error Reconstruction 251.pdf Efficient <i>k</i>-Support-Norm Regularized Minimization via Fully Corrective Frank-Wolfe Method 252.pdf Supervised Matrix Factorization for Cross-Modality Hashing 253.pdf Aligning Users across Social Networks Using Network Embedding 254.pdf Transductive Optimization of Top <i>k</i> Precision 255.pdf Natural Supervised Hashing 256.pdf Linear-Time Outlier Detection via Sensitivity 257.pdf Avoiding Optimal Mean Robust PCA/2DPCA with Non-greedy <i>&#x2113;</i><sub>1</sub>-Norm Maximization 258.pdf On Combining Side Information and Unlabeled Data for Heterogeneous Multi-Task Metric Learning 259.pdf Multi-Grained Role Labeling Based on Multi-Modality Information for Real Customer Service Telephone Conversation 260.pdf Predict Anchor Links across Social Networks via an Embedding Approach 261.pdf Efficient Bayesian Clustering for Reinforcement Learning 262.pdf Soft Margin Consistency Based Scalable Multi-View Maximum Entropy Discrimination 263.pdf Sum-Product-Max Networks for Tractable Decision Making 264.pdf Asynchronous Accelerated Stochastic Gradient Descent 265.pdf Coordinate Discrete Optimization for Efficient Cross-View Image Retrieval 266.pdf Fast Laplace Approximation for Sparse Bayesian Spike and Slab Models 267.pdf Subspace Clustering via New Low-Rank Model with Discrete Group Structure Constraint 268.pdf Parameter-Free Auto-Weighted Multiple Graph Learning: A Framework for Multiview Clustering and Semi-Supervised Classification 269.pdf Gated Probabilistic Matrix Factorization: Learning Users&rsquo; Attention from Missing Values 270.pdf Tri-Party Deep Network Representation 271.pdf Outlier Detection in Complex Categorical Data by Modeling the Feature Value Couplings 272.pdf Fast Learning from Distributed Datasets without Entity Matching 273.pdf Direct Sparsity Optimization Based Feature Selection for Multi-Class Classification 274.pdf Deep Subspace Clustering with Sparsity Prior 275.pdf Self-Paced Boost Learning for Classification 276.pdf Parallel Pareto Optimization for Subset Selection 277.pdf Derivative-Free Optimization of High-Dimensional Non-Convex Functions by Sequential Random Embeddings 278.pdf Bridging LSTM Architecture and the Neural Dynamics during Reading 279.pdf Non-Negative Matrix Factorization with Sinkhorn Distance 280.pdf Dependency Clustering of Mixed Data with Gaussian Mixture Copulas 281.pdf Trading-Off Cost of Deployment Versus Accuracy in Learning Predictive Models 282.pdf Portfolio Blending via Thompson Sampling 283.pdf Adaptive Variance Reducing for Stochastic Gradient Descent 284.pdf Diversifying Convex Transductive Experimental Design for Active Learning 285.pdf Improving CNN Performance with Min-Max Objective 286.pdf Distance-Preserving Probabilistic Embeddings with Side Information: Variational Bayesian Multidimensional Scaling Gaussian Process 287.pdf Fast Structural Binary Coding 288.pdf Unsupervised Alignment of Actions in Video with Text Descriptions 289.pdf Distance Based Modeling of Interactions in Structured Regression 290.pdf Supervised Heterogeneous Domain Adaptation via Random Forests 291.pdf Learning Compact Neural Word Embeddings by Parameter Space Sharing 292.pdf A Novel Feature Matching Strategy for Large Scale Image Retrieval 293.pdf Learning Using Unselected Features (LUFe) 294.pdf Constructive Preference Elicitation by Setwise Max-Margin Learning 295.pdf Inference Machines for Nonparametric Filter Learning 296.pdf Dynamic Early Stopping for Naive Bayes 297.pdf Policy Search in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space 298.pdf Generalized Dictionary for Multitask Learning with Boosting 299.pdf Fast Robust Non-Negative Matrix Factorization for Large-Scale Human Action Data Clustering 300.pdf Cost-Saving Effect of Crowdsourcing Learning 301.pdf Dealing with Multiple Classes in Online Class Imbalance Learning 302.pdf Coupled Marginalized Auto-Encoders for Cross-Domain Multi-View Learning 303.pdf Learning First-Order Logic Embeddings via Matrix Factorization 304.pdf Constrained Preference Embedding for Item Recommendation 305.pdf Nonparametric Risk and Stability Analysis for Multi-Task Learning Problems 306.pdf Iterative Views Agreement: An Iterative Low-Rank Based Structured Optimization Method to Multi-View Spectral Clustering 307.pdf Bayesian Optimization of Partition Layouts for Mondrian Processes 308.pdf Bernoulli Random Forests: Closing the Gap between Theoretical Consistency and Empirical Soundness 309.pdf Learning A Deep <i>&#x2113;</i><sub>&infin;</sub> Encoder for Hashing 310.pdf To Project More or to Quantize More: Minimize Reconstruction Bias for Learning Compact Binary Codes 311.pdf Deep Nonlinear Feature Coding for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation 312.pdf Discriminatively Trained Recurrent Neural Networks for Continuous Dimensional Emotion Recognition from Audio 313.pdf Preference Inference through Rescaling Preference Learning 314.pdf Budgeted Multi-Armed Bandits with Multiple Plays 315.pdf Multi-View Exclusive Unsupervised Dimension Reduction for Video-Based Facial Expression Recognition 316.pdf Robust and Sparse Fuzzy K-Means Clustering 317.pdf Weight Features for Predicting Future Model Performance of Deep Neural Networks 318.pdf i, Poet: Automatic Poetry Composition through Recurrent Neural Networks with Iterative Polishing Schema 319.pdf Unsupervised Human Action Categorization with Consensus Information Bottleneck Method 320.pdf Modularity Based Community Detection with Deep Learning 321.pdf Sparsity Conditional Energy Label Distribution Learning for Age Estimation 322.pdf Empirical Risk Minimization for Metric Learning Using Privileged Information 323.pdf A Unified Framework for Discrete Spectral Clustering 324.pdf Learning by Actively Querying Strong Modal Features 325.pdf Multi-Modal Bayesian Embeddings for Learning Social Knowledge Graphs 326.pdf Greedy Learning of Generalized Low-Rank Models 327.pdf Frequent Direction Algorithms for Approximate Matrix Multiplication with Applications in CCA 328.pdf Neural Enquirer: Learning to Query Tables in Natural Language 329.pdf Theoretically-Grounded Policy Advice from Multiple Teachers in Reinforcement Learning Settings with Applications to Negative Transfer 330.pdf Unsupervised Feature Learning from Time Series 331.pdf Collaborative Filtering with Generalized Laplacian Constraint via Overlapping Decomposition 332.pdf Large Scale Sparse Clustering 333.pdf Improving DCNN Performance with Sparse Category-Selective Objective Function 334.pdf Staleness-Aware Async-SGD for Distributed Deep Learning 335.pdf Self-Adapted Multi-Task Clustering 336.pdf Bayesian Dictionary Learning with Gaussian Processes and Sigmoid Belief Networks 337.pdf Denoising and Completion of 3D Data via Multidimensional Dictionary Learning 338.pdf Improving Top-N Recommendation with Heterogeneous Loss 339.pdf Predictive Collaborative Filtering with Side Information 340.pdf Incomplete Multi-Modal Visual Data Grouping 341.pdf Learning Cross-View Binary Identities for Fast Person Re-Identification 342.pdf Fast-and-Light Stochastic ADMM 343.pdf Transfer Hashing with Privileged Information 344.pdf Model-Based Deep Hand Pose Estimation 345.pdf Probabilistic Rank-One Matrix Analysis with Concurrent Regularization 346.pdf Crowdsourcing via Tensor Augmentation and Completion 347.pdf A Self-Representation Induced Classifier 348.pdf Stochastic Multiresolution Persistent Homology Kernel 349.pdf Asymptotic Optimality of Myopic Optimization in Trial-Offer Markets with Social Influence 350.pdf Managing Overstaying Electric Vehicles in Park-and-Charge Facilities 351.pdf A SAT-Based Approach for Mining Association Rules 352.pdf Taking Up the Gaokao Challenge: An Information Retrieval Approach 353.pdf A Framework for Integrating Symbolic and Sub-Symbolic Representations 354.pdf Informed Expectations to Guide GDA Agents in Partially Observable Environments 355.pdf A Collaborative Filtering Approach to Citywide Human Mobility Completion from Sparse Call Records 356.pdf Optimal Interdiction of Illegal Network Flow 357.pdf Modifying MCTS for Human-Like General Video Game Playing 358.pdf Baseline Regularization for Computational Drug Repositioning with Longitudinal Observational Data 359.pdf Predicting Confusion in Information Visualization from Eye Tracking and Interaction Data 360.pdf Word Clouds with Latent Variable Analysis for Visual Comparison of Documents 361.pdf Bayesian Nonparametric Collaborative Topic Poisson Factorization for Electronic Health Records-Based Phenotyping 362.pdf Household Structure Analysis via Hawkes Processes for Enhancing Energy Disaggregation 363.pdf Protein Secondary Structure Prediction Using Cascaded Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks 364.pdf Makeup Like a Superstar: Deep Localized Makeup Transfer Network 365.pdf Urban Water Quality Prediction Based on Multi-Task Multi-View Learning 366.pdf Clustering Financial Time Series: How Long Is Enough? 367.pdf Player Goal Recognition in Open-World Digital Games with Long Short-Term Memory Networks 368.pdf How to Build Your Network? A Structural Analysis 369.pdf Simulating Human Inferences in the Light of New Information: A Formal Analysis 370.pdf Measuring Performance of Peer Prediction Mechanisms Using Replicator Dynamics 371.pdf DeepTransport: Prediction and Simulation of Human Mobility and Transportation Mode at a Citywide Level 372.pdf Balancing Appearance and Context in Sketch Interpretation 373.pdf Semantic Question-Answering with Video and Eye-Tracking Data: AI Foundations for Human Visual Perception Driven Cognitive Film Studies 374.pdf Rating-Boosted Latent Topics: Understanding Users and Items with Ratings and Reviews 375.pdf Scene Text Detection in Video by Learning Locally and Globally 376.pdf Stochastic and-or Grammars: A Unified Framework and Logic Perspective 377.pdf Dimensionally Guided Synthesis of Mathematical Word Problems 378.pdf Scale-Adaptive Low-Resolution Person Re-Identification via Learning a Discriminating Surface 379.pdf On Modeling and Predicting Individual Paper Citation Count over Time 380.pdf Exploiting Problem Structure in Combinatorial Landscapes: A Case Study on Pure Mathematics Application 381.pdf Modeling Contagious Merger and Acquisition via Point Processes with a Profile Regression Prior 382.pdf POISketch: Semantic Place Labeling over User Activity Streams 383.pdf ST-MVL: Filling Missing Values in Geo-Sensory Time Series Data 384.pdf Nonlinear Hierarchical Part-Based Regression for Unconstrained Face Alignment 385.pdf Situation Testing-Based Discrimination Discovery: A Causal Inference Approach 386.pdf Maximum Sustainable Yield Problem for Robot Foraging and Construction System 387.pdf Personalizing EEG-Based Affective Models with Transfer Learning 388.pdf WikiWrite: Generating Wikipedia Articles Automatically 389.pdf A Discriminative Approach to Grounded Spoken Language Understanding in Interactive Robotics 390.pdf Distraction-Based Neural Networks for Modeling Document 391.pdf Agreement-Based Joint Training for Bidirectional Attention-Based Neural Machine Translation 392.pdf Neural Network Translation Models for Grammatical Error Correction 393.pdf Recognizing Opinion Sources Based on a New Categorization of Opinion Types 394.pdf Hashtag Recommendation Using Attention-Based Convolutional Neural Network 395.pdf Intersubjectivity and Sentiment: From Language to Knowledge 396.pdf Parse Tree Fragmentation of Ungrammatical Sentences 397.pdf Exploiting N-Best Hypotheses to Improve an SMT Approach to Grammatical Error Correction 398.pdf Generating Recommendation Evidence Using Translation Model 399.pdf Tree-State Based Rule Selection Models for Hierarchical Phrase-Based Machine Translation 400.pdf Bag-of-Embeddings for Text Classification 401.pdf Reinforcement Learning for Turn-Taking Management in Incremental Spoken Dialogue Systems 402.pdf Joint Models for Extracting Adverse Drug Events from Biomedical Text 403.pdf StalemateBreaker: A Proactive Content-Introducing Approach to Automatic Human-Computer Conversation 404.pdf Towards Zero Unknown Word in Neural Machine Translation 405.pdf Learning Paraphrase Identification with Structural Alignment 406.pdf Knowledge Representation Learning with Entities, Attributes and Relations 407.pdf Recurrent Neural Network for Text Classification with Multi-Task Learning 408.pdf Exploring Segment Representations for Neural Segmentation Models 409.pdf <span class="italic">HC</span>-Search for Incremental Parsing 410.pdf Automatic Construction and Evaluation of a Large Semantically Enriched Wikipedia 411.pdf Cross-Lingual Dataless Classification for Many Languages 412.pdf Robust Natural Language Processing —— Combining Reasoning, Cognitive Semanti