Objective-C Learning notes
There Some points in Objective-C just like NSString,NSArray,NSDictionary,Protocol,interface,abort dealing,Delegate,Listeners and more details.
At first I want to show the structure of my learning Project.:
As we can see,I have defined my own interface which are People,Man and Hi as well as I also have defined my own protocol which are IPeople and ManDelegate.
I have finished the studying of the Objective-C fundamental syntax in this simple project.
I mainly want to show some details in the supporting files.Because I haven’t used the UIKit which is the main framework for iOS.
First I can spread my introduction with the file main.m,let’s see the code of the main.m:
// main.m
// CallMethod
// Created by 趙天宇 on 15/4/14.
// Copyright (c) 2015年 Panda. All rights reserved.
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "AppDelegate.h"
//#include "Hi.h"
#import "People.h"
#import "Hi.h"
#import "Man.h"
#import "ManDelegate.h"
//Use the @interface to create a Objective-C class
@interface Hello : NSObject{
int num;
}//Define the attributes of the class.
-(void)sayHello1;//create a list for methods.'-' refers to the method is public.'+'refers to the method is private.
@interface ManListener : NSObject <ManDelegate>//define a interface for ManListener to listen the Man-class's status.Observing the protocol ManDelegate.
//because the interface observe the ManDelegate protocol , we need to achieve the method which have defined in the ManDelegate.
//So we can make a conclusion that the protocol is used to limit the essential/basic foundation for a interface.
@implementation ManListener//implement the ManListener.
NSLog(@"Age changed,Current age is %d",age);
@implementation Hello//achieve the methods in the implementation area.
-(instancetype)init{//this method must be quoted when we initialize the interface(in C++ we can call it class).
self = [super init];
if (self) {
num = 100;
return self;
}//This is the init method.
//if you want to get some initializations(or initialized works.),you will write some code in the init method.
NSLog(@"Hello OC Class!");
NSLog(@"Num is %d",num);
void sayHello(){
printf("Hello OC!\n");
//There is a point that objective-C have the Backward compatibility to C and C++.
//So we can use some C/C++ methods to solve our problems.
typedef void (^HelloObjC)();//using typedef to define the CodeBlock .
int (^max)(int,int);//CodeBlock;
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
// @autoreleasepool {
// return UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, NSStringFromClass([AppDelegate class]));
// }
//using the appDelegate to define a AppListener to listen the status of the application.
//We can set some different works in different app's status.So the listener works for this.
People *p = [[People alloc] initWithNum:40430 andName:@"Panda"];
//achieve the attributes of the interface People by using the method I have defined in the class.
p.age = 20;//change the age of the people class.
// [p setAge:21];
NSString *str = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Hello %d",100];
//Initialize the NSString *str by using the factory method.
NSLog(@"age %d",[p age]);
sayHi();//quote the method - sayhi();
Hello *h = [[Hello alloc] init];
[h sayHello1];
NSArray *arr = [NSArray arrayWithContentsOfFile:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"data" ofType:@"plist"]];
//Initialize the NSArray with the factory method arrayWithContentsOfFile.We use a NSBundle to get the plist file.
//There is a static array whose each items can be different type in the data.plist file.
NSLog(@"p.num is %d,p.name is %@",[p getNum],[p getName]);//Using getNum and getName to print the attributes.
for (int i = 0;i < [arr count]; i++) {
NSLog(@"%@",[arr objectAtIndex:i]);
// NSMutableArray *arr1 = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
// for (int i = 0; i<100; i++) {
// [arr1 addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Item %d",i]];
// }
// NSLog(@"%@",arr1);
NSDictionary *dict = @{@"name":@"Panda",@"sex":@"male"};
//Initialize a NSDictionary's item.The dictionary's item's structure is Key:value couple.
NSLog(@"%@",[dict objectForKey:@"sex"]);
//using the factory method objectForKey to find the item whose key is "sex".
NSDictionary *dict1 = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"ManData" ofType:@"plist"]];
//just like initialize the array with plist file.we can also initialize the dictionary with a plist file.
//There is a static dictionary whose each items can be different type in the ManData.plist.
NSLog(@"%@",[dict1 objectForKey:@"age"]);
NSMutableDictionary *Mutabledict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
//Initialize the Mutable Dictionary which each items can be changed as we like.
[Mutabledict setObject:@"Panda" forKey:@"name"];
NSLog(@"%@",[Mutabledict objectForKey:@"name"]);
max = ^(int a,int b){//Achieve the CodeBlock which is embedded in a function.
return a>b?a:b;
//I think the CodeBlock can be used slick just like a function in C.
printf("max is %d\n",max(2,3));
HelloObjC Hoc = ^(){
printf("Hello Objective-C!\n");
};//achieve the CodeBlock HelloObjC.
Man *m = [[Man alloc] init];//initialize the interface of the Man.
NSLog(@"%@,%d",[m getName],[m getAge]);
[m setDelegate:[[ManListener alloc] init]];//Initialize the Listener to listen the status of the man's age.
[m setAge:21];
[m setAge:20];
NSLog(@"%d",[m isKindOfClass:[NSObject class]]);
//Now we can define some abort we can use.
@try {//this is a method for the abort.
//we can define some abort we can find in this area.
@throw [NSException exceptionWithName:@"My error" reason:nil userInfo:nil];
@catch (NSException *exception) {
//we catch some abort in this area.if we can't catch the abort ,we can't deal with it.
@finally {
//This area is for the codes which deal with the abort.
Now there are some questions about the main.m:
- Where are the interfaces which include People,Man and Hi defined?
- Where are the protocol which include IPeople and ManDelegate
defined? - What are contents of the data.plist and ManData.plist?
- There are some operations that we need to see how they work.
- How can we achieve the Delegate?
Let us see some file in my project:
For the question 1:
// People.h
// CallMethod
// Created by 趙天宇 on 15/4/14.
// Copyright (c) 2015年 Panda. All rights reserved.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@interface People : NSObject{
int _age;
int _num;
NSString *_name;
}//define the attributes of People.
+(People*)peopleWithNum:(int)num andName:(NSString*)name;
//This is a factory method to deal with some thing
//Use this method to convert the num and name into people.
-(id)initWithNum:(int)num andName:(NSString *)name;
//init the num and people.
@property int age;
#ifndef CallMethod_Hi_h
#define CallMethod_Hi_h
void sayHi();
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "IPeople.h"
#import "ManDelegate.h"
@interface Man : NSObject<IPeople>{//Define the Man interface which observe the protocol IPeople.
int _age;
//there are the functions we need to achieve because IPeople protocol.
@property id<ManDelegate> delegate;
For the question 2:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@protocol IPeople <NSObject>//Define the protocol in the IPeople.h .so other files can quote this protocol.
#ifndef CallMethod_ManDelegate_h
#define CallMethod_ManDelegate_h
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@protocol ManDelegate <NSObject>//Define the ManDelegate protocol in the ManDelegate.h.
For the question 3:
For the question 4:
#import "People.h"
@implementation People
//achieve some method of people in this area.
+(People*)peopleWithNum:(int)num andName:(NSString *)name{//achieve factory method in there.
return [[People alloc] initWithNum:num andName:name];
-(instancetype)initWithNum:(int)num andName:(NSString *)name{
self = [super init];
if (self) {
_num = num;
_name = name;
return self;
-(void)setAge:(int)age{//iOS system have generated methods - "setter" and "getter"
//in this way , we can rewrite it by ourself to reduce some useless operations.
NSLog(@"Set age");
_age = age;
NSLog(@"Get age");
return _age;
return _num;
return _name;
#import "Man.h"
@implementation Man//this is the implementation of the Man interface.
self = [super init];
if (self) {
self.delegate = nil;//at first the Listener is nil to wait for some changes.
_age = 20;
return self;
return _age;
return @"Panda";
if (age!=_age) {
if (self.delegate) {//if we find the age is changed we can set a message to the application.
[self.delegate onAgeChanged:age];
//if the message is sent successfully,We can say the ManListener is built successfully.
_age = age;
For the question 5:
if we are willing to use delegate to build a listener to listen the status of the p.ages,first we need to define a protocol-ManDelegate to limit the ManListener interface.In order to achieve the ManListener ,we need to obey the rule of ManDelegate.So we have to the function onAgeChanged:(int)age{} when @implementation ManListener.
Now everything has been readied for the ManListener. So we can use ManListener to listen the status of p.age.When the age is changed,ManListener will send a message.
Objective-C Learning notes
There Some points in Objective-C just like NSString,NSArray,NSDictionary,Protocol,interface,abort dealing,Delegate,Listeners and mo
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