1. 程式人生 > >How-to: Enabled hive job running support on hive

How-to: Enabled hive job running support on hive

Correct command:
${SPARK_HOME}/bin/spark-submit --master yarn-cluster --driver-java-options "-XX:MaxPermSize=1G" --jars ../lib/datanucleus-api-jdo-3.2.1.jar,../lib/datanucleus-rdbms-3.2.1.jar,../lib/datanucleus-core-3.2.2.jar,../lib/mysql-connector-java-5.1.31-bin.jar --files ../conf/hive-site.xml --class org.apache.spark.examples.sql.hive.HiveFromSpark ../lib/spark-examples-1.3.0-cdh5.4.1-hadoop2.6.0-cdh5.4.1.jar


How-to: Enabled hive job running support on hive

Correct command: ${SPARK_HOME}/bin/spark-submit --master yarn-cluster --driver-java-options "-XX:MaxPermSize=1G" --jars ../lib/datanucleus-api-jdo-3.2.1.ja

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