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Swift Standard Library

Swift has 74 built-in functions but only seven of them are documented in the Swift book (“The Swift Programming Language”). The rest remain undocumented.

This article lists all built-in Swift functions – both documented and undocumented ones. The definition used for “built-in function” used in this article is a function available in Swift without

importing any modules (such as Foundation, etc.) or referencing any classes.

Let’s start with the seven documented built-in functions mentioned in the Swift book along with the page number on which the function was first mentioned:

[objc] view plaincopyprint?
  1. // assert mentioned on page 55
  2. assert(true)  
  3. // countElements mentioned on page 79
  4. countElements("foo") == 3
  5. // enumerate mentioned on page 94
  6. for (i, j) in enumerate(["A""B"]) {  
  7.     // "0:A", "1:B" will be printed
  8.     println("\(i):\(j)")  
  9. }  
  10. // min mentioned on page 246
  11. min(823) == 2
  12. // print mentioned on page 85
  13. print("Hello "
  14. // println mentioned on page 4
  15. println("World")  
  16. // sort mentioned on page 14
  17. for i in sort(["B""A"]) {  
  18.     // "A", "B" will be printed
  19.     println(i)  
  20. }  

Now on to the most useful undocumented functions …

abs(signedNumber): Returns the absolute value of a given signed number. Trivial but not documented.

[objc] view plaincopyprint?
  1. abs(-1) == 1
  2. abs(-42) == 42
  3. abs(42) == 42

contains(sequence, element): Returns true if a given sequence (such as an array) contains the specified element. [objc] view plaincopyprint?
  1. var languages = ["Swift""Objective-C"]  
  2. contains(languages, "Swift") == true
  3. contains(languages, "Java") == false
  4. contains([29854296, 75], 42) == true

dropFirst(sequence): Returns a new sequence (such as an array) without the first element of the sequence. [objc] view plaincopyprint?
  1. var languages = ["Swift""Objective-C"]  
  2. var oldLanguages = dropFirst(languages)  
  3. equal(oldLanguages, ["Objective-C"]) == true

dropLast(sequence): Returns a new sequence (such as an array) without the last element of the sequence passed as argument to the function. [objc] view plaincopyprint?
  1. var languages = ["Swift""Objective-C"]  
  2. var newLanguages = dropLast(languages)  
  3. equal(newLanguages, ["Swift"]) == true

dump(object): Dumps the contents of an object to standard output.

[objc] view plaincopyprint?
  1. var languages = ["Swift""Objective-C"]  
  2. dump(languages)  
  3. // Prints:
  4. // ▿ 2 elements
  5. //   - [0]: Swift
  6. //   - [1]: Objective-C

equal(sequence1, sequence2): Returns true if sequence1 and sequence2 contain the same elements.

[objc] view plaincopyprint?
  1. var languages = ["Swift""Objective-C"]  
  2. equal(languages, ["Swift""Objective-C"]) == true
  3. var oldLanguages = dropFirst(languages)  
  4. equal(oldLanguages, ["Objective-C"]) == true
filter(sequence, includeElementClosure): Returns a the elements from sequence that evaluate to true by includeElementClosure. [objc] view plaincopyprint?
  1. for i in filter(1...100, { $0 % 10 == 0 }) {  
  2.     // 10, 20, 30, ...
  3.     println(i)  
  4.     assert(contains([102030405060708090, 100], i))  
  5. }  

find(sequence, element): Return the index of a specified element in the given sequence. Or nil if the element is not found in the sequence. [objc] view plaincopyprint?
  1. var languages = ["Swift""Objective-C"]  
  2. find(languages, "Objective-C") == 1
  3. find(languages, "Java") == nil
  4. find([29854296, 75], 42) == 2

indices(sequence): Returns the indices (zero indexed) of the elements in the given sequence. [objc] view plaincopy


Swift Standard Library

Swift has 74 built-in functions but only seven of them are documented in the Swift book (“The Swift Programming Language”). The rest r

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pos 介紹 win .net let keyword xpath imp 9.4 出自:http://blog.csdn.net/qiqll/article/details/39339319 0.1. 關於本書 0.2. 代碼約定 0.3. 關於例

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none struct supported 方法 all min lag ons ros 筆記-python-standard library-8.1 data types-datetime 1. Datatimes 本章節內容為日期和時間處理類和方法。

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conf next step += spi red exp option server 筆記-python-standard library-9.6 random 1. random source code:Lib/random.py 1.1. func

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exist time split case linu basename 當前 輸出 字符轉換 筆記-python-standard library-11.2 os.path 1. os.path Source code: Lib/posixpath.py (f

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輸出 bsp sleep 定義 最適 元組 enter local int 筆記-python-standard library-16.3 time 1. time 1.1. 開始 time模塊中時間表現的格式主要有三種: timestamp時間戳,

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怎麼用? 1.引入jar包。jstl.jar和standard.jar 2.在頁面中引入,使用JSPtaglib指令。注意,如果想和EL表示式一起使用,需要加入高版本的JSTL 基本用法: 假定頁面引入是這樣的指令 <%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="