1. 程式人生 > >asmcmd命令報錯.Connected to an idle instance

asmcmd命令報錯.Connected to an idle instance

[[email protected] grid]$ asmcmd
Connected to an idle instance.
ASMCMD-08102: no connection to ASM; command requires ASM to run

[[email protected] db_1]$ sqlplus sys/[email protected]/orcl as sysdba
sql> SELECT dg.name AS diskgroup,SUBSTR(c.instance_name,1,12) AS instance,
SUBSTR(c.db_name,1,12) AS dbname,SUBSTR(c.SOFTWARE_VERSION,1,12) AS software,
WHERE dg.group_number = c.group_number;

DATA    +ASM1    orcl
FRA      +ASM1    orcl


asmcmd命令.Connected to an idle instance

錯誤描述: [[email protected] grid]$ asmcmd Connected to an idle instance. ASMCMD> ls  ASMCMD-08102: no connection to ASM; command requ

asmcmd:Connected to an idle instance.

asmcmd原因:環境變量設置錯誤 asmcmd:Connected to an idle instance.

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