1. 程式人生 > >使用dialog寫圖形自動化shell指令碼



yesno() {

 dialog --title "First screen" --backtitle "Test Program" --clear --yesno \

 "Start this test program or not ? \nThis decesion have to make by you. " 16 51

 # yes is 0, no is 1 , esc is 255


 if [ $result -eq 1 ] ; then

 exit 1;

 elif [ $result -eq 255 ]; then

 exit 255;




username() {

 cat /dev/null >/tmp/test.username

 dialog --title "Second screen" --backtitle "Test Program" --clear --inputbox \

 "Please input your username (default: hello) " 16 51 "hello" 2>/tmp/test.username


 if [ $result -eq 1 ] ; then


 elif [ $result -eq 255 ]; then

 exit 255;




password() {

 cat /dev/null >/tmp/test.password

 dialog --insecure --title "Third screen" --backtitle "Test Program" --clear --passwordbox \

 "Please input your password (default: 123456) " 16 51 "123456" 2>/tmp/test.password


 if [ $result -eq 1 ] ; then


 elif [ $result -eq 255 ]; then

 exit 255;




occupation() {

 cat /dev/null >/tmp/test.occupation

 dialog --title "Forth screen" --backtitle "Test Program" --clear --menu \

 "Please choose your occupation: (default: IT)" 16 51 3 \

 IT "The worst occupation" \

 CEO "The best occupation" \

 Teacher "Not the best or worst" 2>/tmp/test.occupation


 if [ $result -eq 1 ] ; then


 elif [ $result -eq 255 ]; then

 exit 255;




finish() {

 dialog --title "Fifth screen" --backtitle "Test Program" --clear --msgbox \

 "Congratulations! The test program has finished!\n Username: $(cat /tmp/test.username)\n Password: $(cat /tmp/test.password)\n Occupation: $(cat /tmp/test.occupation)" 16 51


 if [ $result -eq 1 ] ; then


 elif [ $result -eq 255 ]; then

 exit 255;


