1. 程式人生 > >ROS Error: Cannot Launch Node of Type

ROS Error: Cannot Launch Node of Type


ERROR: cannot launch node of type [ORB_SLAM/ORB_SLAM]: ORB_SLAM


This means that roslaunch cannot find the executable file ORB_SLAM anywhere in the ORB_SLAM package. Now, it's not clear to me why that's the case, but a common issue is that users do not source the setup.bash file after building which allows tools like 

roslaunch to find things like this. So presumably you built the workspace containing ORB_SLAM and that would have generated this setup.bash file somewhere. But without more information on how you built or installed this package you want to use, it's hard to help you further.

原因是安裝好OPB_SLAM包後沒有source setup.bash檔案,不能把相關的環境變數,包的路徑載入進來,導致ROS不能找到對應的節點


source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash