火狐瀏覽器 不能訪問百度 以及訪問 csdn 登入 打不開 等待中
不能訪問百度 是一個外掛造成的,關閉即可
Disable DHE
TLS uses several types of key exchange method for securely agreeing on encryption keys. Of the available methods, ephemeral Diffie-Hellman (DHE) key exchange provides forward secrecy. However, DHE parameters chosen by the server cannot be verified by clients
(see RFC 7919 for details). In addition, Firefox only requires that the strength of DHE keys is 1023-bits, which - if the server reuses parameters - is potentially vulnerable to the logjam attack.
Users can install this addon to disable DHE-based TLS cipher suites. This could result in websites that rely on those cipher suites becoming unreachable.
登入csdn很慢 目前沒有找到原因,但等很久之後 會出來, 建議 勾上 自動登入,這樣 下次就不會跳轉到登入了
2017-04-22 今天,終於找到了原因,因為公司和電信那邊籤的協議,限制了上網的裝置數量,造成的,間歇性,斷網,qq訊息發不出去,不能使用qq快速登入 等問題