1. 程式人生 > >Edit Phone Number(修改蘋果Apple ID 安全驗證問題、答案)

Edit Phone Number(修改蘋果Apple ID 安全驗證問題、答案)


The Apple Developer Program License Agreement has been updated.

In order to access certain membership resources, you must accept the latest license agreement. First, you’ll need to update the mobile phone number associated with your Apple ID. Your mobile phone number must be based in your country/region. Edit this number in the Account section of

appleid.apple.com, and return to your developer account to continue.

點選 Edit Phone Number ,跳轉到管理開發者賬戶



可以使用賬號,在手機登入>更改安全提示問題>驗證您的身份時 點選 忘記答案?>更改安全提示問題>重設安全提示問題>使用裝置或電話號碼>(手機未插卡時,會彈出一個驗證碼默默記下之後輸入即可更改安全提示問題及答案【iOS9.3.5親測可行】;手機插卡,會向本手機的手機號傳送驗證碼,輸入後也可以修改安全問題及答案【iOS11.2.5親測可行】)


之後登入 https://appleid.apple.com/#!&page=signin


點選Add More,會向你填寫的手機號傳送驗證碼,之後儲存即可

返回 https://developer.apple.com/account  點選Review Agreement > I Agree即可

The Apple Developer Program License Agreement has been updated.
In order to access certain membership resources, you must accept the latest license agreement.