1. 程式人生 > >sqlserver通過遞迴查詢所有下級或上級部門和使用者



with cte as
    select Id,Pid,DeptName, 0 as lvl from Department
    where Id = 2
    union all
    select d.Id,d.Pid,d.DeptName,lvl + 1 from cte c inner join Department d
    on c.Id = d.Pid
select * from cte


with cte as
    select Id,Pid,DeptName, 0 as lvl from Department
    where Id = 2
    union all
    select d.Id,d.Pid,d.DeptName,lvl + 1 from cte c inner join Department d
    on c.Pid= d.Id
select * from cte