1. 程式人生 > >win32 對棧進行安全的多執行緒操作

win32 對棧進行安全的多執行緒操作

壓棧 出棧等函式操作都是原子操作

#include <windows.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <stdio.h>

// Structure to be used for a list item; the first member is the 
// SLIST_ENTRY structure, and additional members are used for data.
// Here, the data is simply a signature for testing purposes. 

typedef struct _PROGRAM_ITEM {
	ULONG Signature; 

int main( )
	ULONG Count;
	PSLIST_ENTRY pFirstEntry, pListEntry;
	PPROGRAM_ITEM pProgramItem;

	// Initialize the list header to a MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ALIGNMENT boundary.

	if( NULL == pListHead )
		printf("Memory allocation failed./n");
		return -1;


	// Insert 10 items into the list.
	for( Count = 1; Count <= 10; Count += 1 )

		if( NULL == pProgramItem )
			printf("Memory allocation failed./n");
			return -1;

		pProgramItem->Signature = Count;
		pFirstEntry = InterlockedPushEntrySList(pListHead, &(pProgramItem->ItemEntry)); 

	// Remove 10 items from the list and display the signature.
	for( Count = 10; Count >= 1; Count -= 1 )
		pListEntry = InterlockedPopEntrySList(pListHead);

		if( NULL == pListEntry )
			printf("List is empty./n");
			return -1;

		pProgramItem = (PPROGRAM_ITEM)pListEntry;
		printf("Signature is %d\n", pProgramItem->Signature);

		// This example assumes that the SLIST_ENTRY structure is the 
		// first member of the structure. If your structure does not 
		// follow this convention, you must compute the starting address 
		// of the structure before calling the free function.


	// Flush the list and verify that the items are gone.
	pListEntry = InterlockedFlushSList(pListHead);
	pFirstEntry = InterlockedPopEntrySList(pListHead);
	if (pFirstEntry != NULL)
		printf("Error: List is not empty./n");
		return -1;


	return 0;