ubuntu中Broadcom BCM4311 無線網絡卡驅動問題解決
阿新 • • 發佈:2019-01-24
最初百思不得其解,重啟後也無效。後來手動載入了wl和b43模組後,無線網絡卡居然可以用了,問題解決了。但重啟後無線網絡卡又無法識別,我意識到是驅動模組不會開機自動載入,問題就簡單了。將載入模組的命令寫入到某一個開機自動啟動的指令碼檔案(如/etc/rc.d/rc.local檔案)就OK了!我過後懷疑本來的網絡卡驅動是正確的,只是模組沒有自動載入而已,可是驅動已重灌,無法求證。sudo modprobe -r b43 ssb wl sudo modprobe wl
可這次在ubuntu12.10下按照相同的策略重灌並載入模組後,無線網絡卡還是沒有被識別,我開始懷疑是驅動程式和升級之後的ubuntu系統不匹配。後來在askubuntu上看到了有人和我遇到了同樣的問題並又詳細的解決方法( 開啟連結),將原有驅動解除安裝並重新安裝新驅動,修改配置檔案並重啟後,問題解決!步驟如下:
Uninstall the bcmwl-kernel-source package by issuing the following command on a terminal: sudo apt-get remove bcmwl-kernel-source make sure that the firmware-b43-installer and the b43-fwcutter packages are installed sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer b43-fwcutter type into terminal: cat /etc/modprobe.d/* | egrep 'bcm' (you may want to copy this) and see if the term 'blacklist bcm43xx' is there if it is, type cd /etc/modprobe.d/ and then sudo gedit blacklist.conf put a # in front of the line: blacklist bcm43xx then save the file (I was getting error messages in the terminal about not being able to save, but it actually did save properly). reboot