1. 程式人生 > >Oracle database 12.2的dbca選項

Oracle database 12.2的dbca選項

[[email protected] ~]$ cd /u01/app/oracle/product/12.2.0/dbhome_1/bin
[[email protected] bin]$ ./dbca -help
Usage:  dbca [<flag>] [<command> <option>]
Following are the possible flags: 
		-contextId <RAC | SI>
	-ignorePreReqs - Ignore prerequisite checks for current operation.
	-ignorePrereqFailure  - Ignore all prerequisites failures.
	-silent - This flag allows you to carry on configuration in silent mode.

Following are the possible commands: 
	-addInstance - Command to Add an instance to an admin managed cluster database.
	-configureDatabase - Command to Configure a database.
	-configurePluggableDatabase - Command to Configure a pluggable database.
	-createCloneTemplate - Command to Create a clone template from an existing database.
	-createDatabase - Command to Create a database.
	-createDuplicateDB - Command to Duplicate a database
	-createPluggableDatabase - Command to Create a pluggable database.--->>>建立pdb
	-createTemplateFromDB - Command to Create a template from an existing database.
	-deleteDatabase - Command to Delete a database.
	-deleteInstance - Command to Delete an instance from an admin managed cluster database.
	-deletePluggableDatabase - Command to Delete a pluggable database.
	-executePrereqs - Command to execute prerequisite checks.
	-generateScripts - Command to Generate scripts which can be used to create database.
	-unplugDatabase - Command to Unplug a pluggable database.---------->>>拔出pdb

[email protected]


Oracle database 12.2的dbca選項

[[email protected] ~]$ cd /u01/app/oracle/product/12.2.0/dbhome_1/bin [[email protected] b

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