1. 程式人生 > >採用Map容器 統計每個單詞出現的次數

採用Map容器 統計每個單詞出現的次數

  package cn.bjsxt.map;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

 * this is a cat and that is a mice and where is the food?
 * 統計每個單詞出現的次數
 * 儲存到Map中
 * key :String 
 * value:自定義型別
 * "分揀" 思路
 * 1、為所有key建立容器
 *    之後容器中存放對應value
 * 2、第一次建立容器,並存放值value
 *    第二次之後,直接使用容器存放值
 * @author Administrator
public class Demo01 {

	 * @param args
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		String str ="this is a cat and that is a mice and where is the food";
		String[] strArray=str.split(" ");
		Map<String,Letter>  letters = new HashMap<String,Letter>();   
		for(String temp:strArray){			
				Letter col = new Letter();
				col.setCount(1); //第一次值存放容器中
				letters.put(temp, col);//組成鍵值對
				//2、	 第二次之後,直接使用容器存放值
				Letter col =letters.get(temp); //直接使用容器
			Letter col = null;
				col = new Letter();
				col.setCount(1); //第一次值存放容器中
				letters.put(temp, col);
				//2、	 第二次之後,直接使用容器存放值				
		Set<String> keys = letters.keySet();
		for(String key:keys){
			Letter col =letters.get(key);
	public static void test1(){
		String str ="this is a cat and that is a mice and where is the food";
		String[] strArray=str.split(" ");
		Map<String,Letter>  letters = new HashMap<String,Letter>();
		for(String temp:strArray){
				letters.put(temp, new Letter());
		for(String temp:strArray){
			//  容器中存放對應value
			Letter col =letters.get(temp); //直接使用容器
		for(String temp:strArray){
				letters.put(temp, new Letter());
			//2、	 之後容器中存放對應value
			Letter col =letters.get(temp); //直接使用容器
		Set<String> keys = letters.keySet();
		for(String key:keys){
			Letter col =letters.get(key);
package cn.bjsxt.map;

public class Letter {
	private String name;
	private int count;
	public Letter() {
		// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
	public Letter(String name, int count) {
		this.name = name;
		this.count = count;
	public String getName() {
		return name;
	public void setName(String name) {
		this.name = name;
	public int getCount() {
		return count;
	public void setCount(int count) {
		this.count = count;


package cn.bjsxt.map;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

 * 班級
 * @author Administrator
public class ClassRoom {
	private String no;
	private List<Student> stus; //學生列表
	private double total; //總分
	public ClassRoom() {
		stus = new ArrayList<Student>();	
	public ClassRoom(String no) {
		this();    //構造器沒有相互呼叫  該構造器未初始化
		this.no = no;	
	public String getNo() {
		return no;
	public void setNo(String no) {
		this.no = no;
	public List<Student> getStus() {
		return stus;
	public void setStus(List<Student> stus) {
		this.stus = stus;
	public double getTotal() {
		return total;
	public void setTotal(double total) {
		this.total = total;
package cn.bjsxt.map;

public class Student {
	private String name;
	private String no;
	private double score;
	public Student() { 
	public Student(String name, String no, double score) {
		this.name = name;
		this.no = no;
		this.score = score;

	public String getName() {
		return name;

	public void setName(String name) {
		this.name = name;

	public String getNo() {
		return no;

	public void setNo(String no) {
		this.no = no;

	public double getScore() {
		return score;

	public void setScore(double score) {
		this.score = score;

	public String toString() {
		return "Student [name=" + name + ", no=" + no + ", score=" + score
				+ "]";

package cn.bjsxt.map;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

 * 定義一個Student類,屬性:name 姓名,classNumber 班號,score 成績
 * @author Administrator
public class MapDemo03 {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		List<Student> list = new ArrayList<Student>();
		Map<String,ClassRoom> rooms = new HashMap<String,ClassRoom>();
	 * 列印 總分與平均分
	public static void printScore(Map<String,ClassRoom> rooms){
		Set<Map.Entry<String,ClassRoom>> entrySet =rooms.entrySet();
		Iterator<Map.Entry<String,ClassRoom>> it =entrySet.iterator();
			Map.Entry<String,ClassRoom> entry =it.next();
			ClassRoom room = entry.getValue();
			double avg = room.getTotal()/room.getStus().size();
	 * 統計分數
	public static void count(Map<String,ClassRoom> rooms,List<Student> list){
		for(Student stu:list){
			String no = stu.getNo();
			double score = stu.getScore();
			//根據班級編號 檢視  Map是否存在該班級  分揀思路
			ClassRoom room = rooms.get(no);
			if(null==room){  //第一次
				room = new ClassRoom(no);
				rooms.put(no, room);
			//儲存 總分
			room.getStus().add(stu); //加入學生			
	 * 現在將若干Student物件放入List
	 * @param list
	public static void exam(List<Student> list){
		list.add(new Student("a","001",80));
		list.add(new Student("b","001",80));
		list.add(new Student("a","002",80));
		list.add(new Student("c","003",80));
		list.add(new Student("d","003",80));