MTK Android 編譯模組說明及編譯命令
[makeMtk] ALPS project make /build entry point.
[bionic] C runtime libraries, such as, libc, libm, libdl, dynamic linker etc...
[bootable] Custom'task/modules'sources and header files
[build] Android Build System(include makefiles, scripts& other tools)
[cts] Compatability test suite
[dalvik] JAVA virtual machine
[development] High-level development and debugging tools
[external] External projects/applications
[frameworks] Application framework (Core Android application framework libraries, configration policy)
[hardware] Hardware abstraction layer and interface
[kernel] Linux kernel
[libcore] The original "dalvik/libcore", android core libraries
[mediatek] MediaTek developed source code, tools, build configration files and customization codes
[ndk] Android Native Development Ket(NDK)
[out] Build result/output(objects, binaries&intermediate files)
[package] Application packages
[prebuilt] Pre-built tools to support Linux builds
[sdk] Android SDK tools
[system] The core of the embedded Linux platform at the heart of Andorid (required fo
basic booting, operation, and debugging)
[verdor] Vendor's applications, MediaTek binary released libraries
編譯指令碼檔案及方法 命令
執行檔案 mediatek/build/
Usage: (makeMtk|mk) [options] project actions [modules]
-t, -tee : Print log information on the standard-out
-o, -opt=bypass_argument_to_make
: Pass extra arguments to make.
-h, -help : Print this mesage and exit.
one of available projects。
listp, listproject
: List all available projects.
chectk-env : Check if build environment is ready.
check-dep : Check feature dependency.
n, new : Clean and preform a full build.
c, clean : Clean the immediate files(such as, objects, librearies etc.).
r, remake : Rebuild(target will be updated if any dependency updates)
bm_new : "new"+ GNU make's "-k"(keep going when encounter error) feature.
bm_remake : "remake" + GNU make's "-k"(keep going when encounter error) feature.
mm : Build module through Android native command "mm"
emigen : Generate EMI setting source code.
codegen : Generate trace DB (for META/Cather etc. tools used).
drvgen : Generate driver customization source.
custgen : Generate customization source.
javaoptgen : Generate the global java options.
ptgen : Generate partition setting header & scatter file.
sign-image : Sigh all the image generated.
update-api : Android default build action(be executed if system setting or anyting removed from API).
sdk : Build sdk package.
banyan_addon: Build MTK sdk addon.
cts : Build cts package.
bootimage : Build bootimage.
systemimage : Build systemimage.
recoveryimage: Build recoveryiamge.
secroimage : Build secroimage.
factoryimage: Build factoryimage.
pl, preloader: Specify to build preloader.
ub, uboot : Specify to build uboot.
k, kernel : Specify to build kernel.
dr, android : Specify to build android.
NULL : Specify to build all components/modules in default.
k <module path>
: Specify to build kernel component/module with the source path.
dr <module name>
: Specify to build android component/module with module name.
編譯驅動模組 ./mk ln73 r ub k && ./mk ln73 bootimage