1. 程式人生 > >win7下 pip install package 報錯解決辦法

win7下 pip install package 報錯解決辦法

更新之後,在D:\Python27目錄下並沒有Scripts這個資料夾,什麼鬼!沒有就沒有吧,那我來手動安裝pip,具體過程不說了,balabala,裝好了,輸入pip -V可用,執行pip install package,結果如圖:我是圖

        with _winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, ''
) as hkcr: for subkeyname in enum_types(hkcr): try: if '\0' in subkeyname: # new continue # new with _winreg.OpenKey(hkcr, subkeyname) as subkey: # Only check file extensions if
not subkeyname.startswith("."): continue # raises EnvironmentError if no 'Content Type' value mimetype, datatype = _winreg.QueryValueEx( subkey, 'Content Type') if datatype != _winreg.REG_SZ: continue
try: mimetype = mimetype.encode(default_encoding) except UnicodeEncodeError: continue self.add_type(mimetype, subkeyname, strict) except EnvironmentError: continue
