1. 程式人生 > >【Gradle Build Tool 4.1使用者指南】Chapter 5.The Gradle Console

【Gradle Build Tool 4.1使用者指南】Chapter 5.The Gradle Console

5.1. Overview 概述

Nearly every Gradle user will experience the command-line interface at some point. Gradle’s console output is optimized for rendering performance and usability, showing only relevant information and providing visually appealing feedback.


Figure 5.1. The Gradle command-line in action 活動狀態的Gradle命令列

5.2. Command-line feedback 命令列反饋

Gradle displays information while the build is running so you can concentrate on the most important items of interest. Each of the sections of Gradle’s console output help answer specific questions.



Is there anything I should know about my build right now e.g. tests have failed and emitted warnings?


When will my build finish? 構建什麼時候結束?

What is Gradle doing right now? Gradle現在在執行嗎?

Are there other interesting outcomes e.g. tasks that have been skipped or were up-to-date?


5.2.1. Build output 構建輸出

Output from build script log messages, tasks, forked processes, test output and compile warnings is displayed above the build progress bar.


Figure 5.2. Build output portion of the Gradle command-line Gradle命令列的部分構建輸出

Starting with Gradle 4.0, the volume of command-line console output has been reduced. The start and end of each task is not displayed anymore or the outcome of the task (e.g. UP-TO-DATE). The task’s name is only displayed if some output is emitted during task execution. Gradle also groups output originating from a specific context together, e.g. all warnings from a compilation task, test execution or forked processes. Grouped output is especially useful for parallel task execution, as it prevents interleaved messages that do not clearly indicate their origin (see Section 26.8, “Parallel project execution”).

Gradle 4.0開始,命令列控制檯的量輸出就被減少了。每個任務的開始和結束不再顯示,或者不顯示某些任務(例如:UP-TO-DATE)。如果在任務執行過程中有一些輸出,也只是顯示任務的名字。Gradle還從一個特定的上下文中組織輸出源,比如來自編譯任務的所有警告,測試執行或者分叉過程。分組輸出對並行任務執行是特別有用的,因為它防止了資訊的交錯——不能清楚地表明來源(見第26.8節,“平行專案執行”)。

The following console output shows grouped output for the configuration phase and the task :compileJava: 以下的控制檯輸出顯示了配置階段和任務compileJava的組輸出:

> Configure project ':library'
Configuring project version for project ':library'
> Configure project ':consumer'
Configuring project version for project ':consumer'
> Task :compileJava
Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.

Gradle does not wait until a unit of work is fully completed before displaying its output. Gradle flushes output to the console after a short amount of time to ensure that relevant information is made available as soon as possible. When building in parallel, the output of long running tasks can be broken up by other tasks. Each block of console output will clearly indicate which task it belongs to.


> Task :compileJava
Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
> Task :generateCode
Generating JAXB classed from XSD files.
> Task :compileJava
Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.

5.2.2. Build progress bar 構建進度條

The build progress bar gives you a very fast way of knowing if the build will be finished soon. As the build performs work, the progress bar will fill from left to right. At any given time, the build progress bar also renders the current phase of the build lifecycle (see Section 22.1, Build phases) and the overall time spent during the build.


Figure 5.3. Build progress bar portion of the Gradle command-line


 The following examples shows the progress bar during the initialization, configuration and execution phase of the build lifecycle:


<-------------> 0% INITIALIZING [2s]
<==-----------> 25% CONFIGURING [4s]
<=========----> 64% EXECUTING [17s]

5.2.3. Work in-progress display 工作進行中的顯示

Gradle provides a fined-grained view of the actual work being performed directly underneath the The build progress bar. Each line represents a thread or process that can perform work in parallel—​resolving dependencies, executing a task and running tests. If an available worker is not being used then it is marked with IDLE. The number of available workers defaults to the number of processors on the machine executing the build.


Figure 5.4. Work in-progress portion of the Gradle command-line 


Parallel test execution is only displayed for JVM-based tests supported by Gradle core e.g. JUnit and TestNG. Future versions of Gradle might support other testing tools and frameworks.


The following portion of the console output shows the work in-progress display with 8 concurrent workers:


<==========---> 77% EXECUTING [10s]
> :codeQuality:classpathManifest > Resolve dependencies :codeQuality:runtimeClasspath
> :ivy:classpathManifest > Resolve dependencies :ivy:runtimeClasspath
> :antlr:classpathManifest > Resolve dependencies :antlr:runtimeClasspath
> :scala:compileJava > Resolve dependencies :scala:compileClasspath
> :buildInit:classpathManifest > Resolve dependencies :buildInit:runtimeClasspath
> :jacoco:classpathManifest > Resolve dependencies :jacoco:runtimeClasspath

5.2.4. Build result 構建結果

At the end of the build, Gradle will display the result of the build (successful or failed) and the number of tasks that performed work and avoided work. The build result also displays the overall elapsed time it took to execute the build. The number of tasks that performed work provides an indication of how out-of-date or busy the build was.


Figure 5.5. Build progress bar portion of the Gradle command-line 


The following build result represents a successful build and the amount of tasks including their statuses:


411 actionable tasks: 381 executed, 30 up-to-date

"Actionable" tasks are tasks with at least one action. Lifecycle tasks like build (also called aggregation tasks) do not declare any actions and are therefore not actionable.


5.3. Look & feel in non-interactive environments 非互動性環境中的外觀和感覺

By default, Gradle tries to enable rich console output by detecting the type of console the build is running from. This enables color and additional console output formatting. Non-interactive environments fall back to using plain console output. The plain output format does not support grouping of output. Tasks and outcomes are always printed to be consistent with Gradle 3.x versions.

預設情況下,Gradle試圖通過檢測構建正在執行的控制檯的型別來啟用豐富的控制檯輸出。啟用了顏色和其他的控制檯輸出格式化。非互動式環境則使用普通的控制檯輸出。普通輸出格式不支援輸出分組。任務和結果的列印總是和Gradle 3.x版本的一致。

Gradle builds executed from an IDE (e.g. Buildship and IntelliJ) or Continuous Integration products (e.g. Jenkins and TeamCity) use plain console output by default.


The following output demonstrates the use of a plain console:


Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
:compileTestJava NO-SOURCE
:processTestResources NO-SOURCE
:testClasses UP-TO-DATE
:check UP-TO-DATE
11 actionable tasks: 6 executed, 5 up-to-date