名稱 | 描述 |
UNITY_EDITOR | Define for calling Unity Editor scripts from your game code. |
UNITY_STANDALONE_OSX | Platform define for compiling/executing code specifically for Mac OS (This includes Universal, PPC and Intel architectures). |
UNITY_DASHBOARD_WIDGET | Platform define when creating code for Mac OS dashboard widgets. |
UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN | Use this when you want to compile/execute code for Windows stand alone applications. |
UNITY_STANDALONE_LINUX | Use this when you want to compile/execute code for Linux stand alone applications. |
UNITY_STANDALONE | Use this to compile/execute code for any standalone platform (Mac, Windows or Linux). |
UNITY_WEBPLAYER | Platform define for web player content (this includes Windows and Mac Web player executables). |
UNITY_WII | Platform define for compiling/executing code for the Wii console. |
UNITY_IPHONE | Platform define for compiling/executing code for the iPhone platform. |
Platform define for the Android platform. | |
UNITY_PS3 | Platform define for running PlayStation 3 code. |
UNITY_XBOX360 | Platform define for executing Xbox 360 code. |
UNITY_NACL | Platform define when compiling code for Google native client (this will be set additionally to UNITY_WEBPLAYER). |
UNITY_FLASH | Platform define when compiling code for Adobe Flash. |
UNITY_2_6 | Platform define for the major version of Unity 2.6. |
UNITY_2_6_1 | Platform define for specific version 1 from the major release 2.6. |
UNITY_3_0 | Platform define for the major version of Unity 3.0. |
UNITY_3_0_0 | Platform define for the specific version 0 of Unity 3.0. |
UNITY_3_1 | Platform define for major version of Unity 3.1. |
UNITY_3_2 | Platform define for major version of Unity 3.2. |
UNITY_3_3 | Platform define for major version of Unity 3.3. |
UNITY_3_4 | Platform define for major version of Unity 3.4. |
UNITY_3_5 | Platform define for major version of Unity 3.5. |
UNITY_4_0 | Platform define for major version of Unity 4.0. |
UNITY_4_0_1 | Platform define for major version of Unity 4.0.1. |
UNITY_4_1 | Platform define for major version of Unity 4.1. |
[AppleScript] 純文字檢視 複製程式碼 ?
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 |
PlatformDefines :
MonoBehaviour {
Start ( )
Debug.Log ( "Unity
Editor" ) ;
Debug.Log ( "Iphone" ) ;
Debug.Log ( "Stand
Alone OSX" ) ;
Debug.Log ( "Stand
Alone Windows" ) ;
名稱 描述 UNITY_EDITOR Define for calling Unity Editor scripts from your game code. UNITY_STANDALO
new 一個 unity cond 代碼 enter 歐拉角 onu text 今天來寫一個小鐘表,事實上非常easy,就運用到了歐拉角。 首先創建時鐘、分鐘、秒鐘以及4個點(12點、3點、6點、9點)偷懶了~~沒弄那麽多點。 時鐘、分鐘、秒鐘這三個父級的中心一定要註意
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1 介面介紹 在Windows等圖形化作業系統上,熟練地使用選單、圖示、快捷鍵等,將會極大提升工作效率。因此,要認識一個軟體,學會熟練使用他們,就必須先認識軟體的介面。 先點選選單欄的Window——
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