1. 程式人生 > >JEE上傳檔案的IO流




ServletInputStream sis =  request.getInputStream();
InputStreamReader isr = new
InputStreamReader(sis); int ch; while((ch = isr.read()) != -1 ) { out.println((char)ch); } System.out.flush();


Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file1"; 
filename="C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\桌面\test.txt"
Content-Type: text/plain my name is Rokey.Rokey。我的名字叫Rokey. -----------------------------7d7ea23120550 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="Submit" 上傳 -----------------------------7d7ea23120550--


my name is Rokey.Rokey。我的名字叫Rokey.


public class MultipartParser
extends java.lang.Object
A utility class to handle multipart/form-data requests, the kind of requests that support file uploads. This class uses a "pull" model where the reading of incoming files and parameters is controlled by the client code, which allows incoming files to be stored into any OutputStream. If you wish to use an API which resembles HttpServletRequest, use the "push" model MultipartRequest instead. It's an easy-to-use wrapper around this class.

This class can receive arbitrarily large files (up to an artificial limit you can set), and fairly efficiently too. It cannot handle nested data (multipart content within multipart content). It can now with the latest release handle internationalized content (such as non Latin-1 filenames).

It also optionally includes enhanced buffering and Content-Length limitation. Buffering is only required if your servlet container is poorly implemented (many are, including Tomcat 3.2), but it is generally recommended because it will make a slow servlet container a lot faster, and will only make a fast servlet container a little slower. Content-Length limiting is usually only required if you find that your servlet is hanging trying to read the input stram from the POST, and it is similarly recommended because it only has a minimal impact on performance.


MultipartParser mp = new MultipartParser(request, 10 * 1024 * 1024);
Part part;
while ((part = mp.readNextPart()) != null) {
      if (part.isParam()) {
          // it's a parameter part
          ParamPart paramPart = (ParamPart) part;
          //out.println("param: name=" + name + "; value=" + value);
      } else if (part.isFile()) {
          FilePart filePart = (FilePart) part;
          InputStream is = filePart.getInputStream();
          InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(is);

          int ch;
          while ((ch = isr.read()) != -1) {

              out.print((char) ch);



my name is Rokey.Rokey。
