1. 程式人生 > >RHEL安裝heartbeat報錯: heartbeat: udpport setting must precede media statements

RHEL安裝heartbeat報錯: heartbeat: udpport setting must precede media statements


[[email protected] ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release 
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.5 (Tikanga)
[[email protected] ~]# uname -a
Linux master 2.6.18-194.el5 #1 SMP Tue Mar 16 21:52:39 EDT 2010 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
[[email protected] ~]# 
logd is already running
Starting High-Availability services: 
2013/07/15_16:31:45 INFO:  Resource is stopped
2013/07/15_16:31:45 INFO:  Resource is stopped
heartbeat: udpport setting must precede media statementsheartbeat[4742]: 2013/07/15_16:31:45 ERROR: Invalid user id name [hacluster]
heartbeat[4742]: 2013/07/15_16:31:45 ERROR: Bad uid list [hacluster]
heartbeat[4742]: 2013/07/15_16:31:45 ERROR: Invalid apiauth directive [ipfail uid=hacluster]
heartbeat[4742]: 2013/07/15_16:31:45 info: Syntax: apiauth client [uid=uidlist] [gid=gidlist]
heartbeat[4742]: 2013/07/15_16:31:45 info: Where uidlist is a comma-separated list of uids,
heartbeat[4742]: 2013/07/15_16:31:45 info: and gidlist is a comma-separated list of gids
heartbeat[4742]: 2013/07/15_16:31:45 info: One or the other must be specified.
heartbeat[4742]: 2013/07/15_16:31:45 ERROR: Invalid user id name [hacluster]
heartbeat[4742]: 2013/07/15_16:31:45 ERROR: Bad uid list [hacluster]
heartbeat[4742]: 2013/07/15_16:31:45 ERROR: Invalid apiauth directive [ccm uid=hacluster]
heartbeat[4742]: 2013/07/15_16:31:45 info: Syntax: apiauth client [uid=uidlist] [gid=gidlist]
heartbeat[4742]: 2013/07/15_16:31:45 info: Where uidlist is a comma-separated list of uids,
heartbeat[4742]: 2013/07/15_16:31:45 info: and gidlist is a comma-separated list of gids
heartbeat[4742]: 2013/07/15_16:31:45 info: One or the other must be specified.
heartbeat[4742]: 2013/07/15_16:31:45 ERROR: Invalid group name [haclient]
heartbeat[4742]: 2013/07/15_16:31:45 ERROR: Bad gid list [haclient]
heartbeat[4742]: 2013/07/15_16:31:45 ERROR: Invalid apiauth directive [ping gid=haclient]
heartbeat[4742]: 2013/07/15_16:31:45 info: Syntax: apiauth client [uid=uidlist] [gid=gidlist]
heartbeat[4742]: 2013/07/15_16:31:45 info: Where uidlist is a comma-separated list of uids,
heartbeat[4742]: 2013/07/15_16:31:45 info: and gidlist is a comma-separated list of gids
heartbeat[4742]: 2013/07/15_16:31:45 info: One or the other must be specified.
heartbeat[4742]: 2013/07/15_16:31:45 ERROR: Invalid group name [haclient]
heartbeat[4742]: 2013/07/15_16:31:45 ERROR: Bad gid list [haclient]
heartbeat[4742]: 2013/07/15_16:31:45 ERROR: Invalid apiauth directive [anon gid=haclient]
heartbeat[4742]: 2013/07/15_16:31:45 info: Syntax: apiauth client [uid=uidlist] [gid=gidlist]
heartbeat[4742]: 2013/07/15_16:31:45 info: Where uidlist is a comma-separated list of uids,
heartbeat[4742]: 2013/07/15_16:31:45 info: and gidlist is a comma-separated list of gids
heartbeat[4742]: 2013/07/15_16:31:45 info: One or the other must be specified.
heartbeat[4742]: 2013/07/15_16:31:45 ERROR: Bad permissions on keyfile [/opt/heartbeat-2.1.3/etc/ha.d/authkeys], 600 recommended.
heartbeat[4742]: 2013/07/15_16:31:45 ERROR: Authentication configuration error.
heartbeat[4742]: 2013/07/15_16:31:45 ERROR: Configuration error, heartbeat not started.



雖然懷疑,但還是抱著死馬當活馬醫的想法,嘗試了一下,oh my god, 果然解決了!

[[email protected] ha.d]# service heartbeat start       
logd is already running
Starting High-Availability services: 
2013/07/15_16:33:41 INFO:  Resource is stopped
2013/07/15_16:33:41 INFO:  Resource is stopped
                                                           [  OK  ]



RHEL安裝heartbeat heartbeat: udpport setting must precede media statements

環境如下: [[email protected] ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.5 (Tikanga) [[email protected]

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