1. 程式人生 > >RocketMQ(7)——通訊協議


   // Broker 傳送訊息
    public static final int SEND_MESSAGE = 10;
    // Broker 訂閱訊息
    public static final int PULL_MESSAGE = 11;
    // Broker 查詢訊息
    public static final int QUERY_MESSAGE = 12;
    // Broker 查詢Broker Offset
    public static final int QUERY_BROKER_OFFSET = 13;
    // Broker 查詢Consumer Offset
    public static final int QUERY_CONSUMER_OFFSET = 14;
    // Broker 更新Consumer Offset
    public static final int UPDATE_CONSUMER_OFFSET = 15;
    // Broker 更新或者增加一個Topic
    public static final int UPDATE_AND_CREATE_TOPIC = 17;
    // Broker 獲取所有Topic的配置(Slave和Namesrv都會向Master請求此配置)
    public static final int GET_ALL_TOPIC_CONFIG = 21;
    // Broker 獲取所有Topic配置(Slave和Namesrv都會向Master請求此配置)
    public static final int GET_TOPIC_CONFIG_LIST = 22;
    // Broker 獲取所有Topic名稱列表
    public static final int GET_TOPIC_NAME_LIST = 23;
    // Broker 更新Broker上的配置
    public static final int UPDATE_BROKER_CONFIG = 25;
    // Broker 獲取Broker上的配置
    public static final int GET_BROKER_CONFIG = 26;
    // Broker 觸發Broker刪除檔案
    public static final int TRIGGER_DELETE_FILES = 27;
    // Broker 獲取Broker執行時資訊
    public static final int GET_BROKER_RUNTIME_INFO = 28;
    // Broker 根據時間查詢佇列的Offset
    public static final int SEARCH_OFFSET_BY_TIMESTAMP = 29;
    // Broker 查詢佇列最大Offset
    public static final int GET_MAX_OFFSET = 30;
    // Broker 查詢佇列最小Offset
    public static final int GET_MIN_OFFSET = 31;
    // Broker 查詢佇列最早訊息對應時間
    public static final int GET_EARLIEST_MSG_STORETIME = 32;
    // Broker 根據訊息ID來查詢訊息
    public static final int VIEW_MESSAGE_BY_ID = 33;
    // Broker Client向Client傳送心跳,並註冊自身
    public static final int HEART_BEAT = 34;
    // Broker Client登出
    public static final int UNREGISTER_CLIENT = 35;
    // Broker Consumer將處理不了的訊息發回伺服器
    public static final int CONSUMER_SEND_MSG_BACK = 36;
    // Broker Commit或者Rollback事務
    public static final int END_TRANSACTION = 37;
    // Broker 獲取ConsumerId列表通過GroupName
    public static final int GET_CONSUMER_LIST_BY_GROUP = 38;
    // Broker 主動向Producer回查事務狀態
    public static final int CHECK_TRANSACTION_STATE = 39;
    // Broker Broker通知Consumer列表變化
    public static final int NOTIFY_CONSUMER_IDS_CHANGED = 40;
    // Broker Consumer向Master鎖定佇列
    public static final int LOCK_BATCH_MQ = 41;
    // Broker Consumer向Master解鎖佇列
    public static final int UNLOCK_BATCH_MQ = 42;
    // Broker 獲取所有Consumer Offset
    public static final int GET_ALL_CONSUMER_OFFSET = 43;
    // Broker 獲取所有定時進度
    public static final int GET_ALL_DELAY_OFFSET = 45;
    // Namesrv 向Namesrv追加KV配置
    public static final int PUT_KV_CONFIG = 100;
    // Namesrv 從Namesrv獲取KV配置
    public static final int GET_KV_CONFIG = 101;
    // Namesrv 從Namesrv獲取KV配置
    public static final int DELETE_KV_CONFIG = 102;
    // Namesrv 註冊一個Broker,資料都是持久化的,如果存在則覆蓋配置
    public static final int REGISTER_BROKER = 103;
    // Namesrv 解除安裝一個Broker,資料都是持久化的
    public static final int UNREGISTER_BROKER = 104;
    // Namesrv 根據Topic獲取Broker Name、佇列數(包含讀佇列與寫佇列)
    public static final int GET_ROUTEINTO_BY_TOPIC = 105;
    // Namesrv 獲取註冊到Name Server的所有Broker叢集資訊
    public static final int GET_BROKER_CLUSTER_INFO = 106;
    public static final int UPDATE_AND_CREATE_SUBSCRIPTIONGROUP = 200;
    public static final int GET_ALL_SUBSCRIPTIONGROUP_CONFIG = 201;
    public static final int GET_TOPIC_STATS_INFO = 202;
    public static final int GET_CONSUMER_CONNECTION_LIST = 203;
    public static final int GET_PRODUCER_CONNECTION_LIST = 204;
    public static final int WIPE_WRITE_PERM_OF_BROKER = 205;
     // 從Name Server獲取完整Topic列表
    public static final int GET_ALL_TOPIC_LIST_FROM_NAMESERVER = 206;
    // 從Broker刪除訂閱組
    public static final int DELETE_SUBSCRIPTIONGROUP = 207;
    // 從Broker獲取消費狀態(進度)
    public static final int GET_CONSUME_STATS = 208;
    // Suspend Consumer消費過程
    public static final int SUSPEND_CONSUMER = 209;
    // Resume Consumer消費過程
    public static final int RESUME_CONSUMER = 210;
    // 重置Consumer Offset
    public static final int RESET_CONSUMER_OFFSET_IN_CONSUMER = 211;
    // 重置Consumer Offset
    public static final int RESET_CONSUMER_OFFSET_IN_BROKER = 212;
    // 調整Consumer執行緒池數量
    public static final int ADJUST_CONSUMER_THREAD_POOL = 213;
    // 查詢訊息被哪些消費組消費
    public static final int WHO_CONSUME_THE_MESSAGE = 214;
     // 從Broker刪除Topic配置
    public static final int DELETE_TOPIC_IN_BROKER = 215;
    // 從Namesrv刪除Topic配置
    public static final int DELETE_TOPIC_IN_NAMESRV = 216;
    // Namesrv 通過 project 獲取所有的 server ip 資訊
    public static final int GET_KV_CONFIG_BY_VALUE = 217;
    // Namesrv 刪除指定 project group 下的所有 server ip 資訊
    public static final int DELETE_KV_CONFIG_BY_VALUE = 218;
    // 通過NameSpace獲取所有的KV List
    public static final int GET_KVLIST_BY_NAMESPACE = 219;
     // offset 重置
    public static final int RESET_CONSUMER_CLIENT_OFFSET = 220;
    // 客戶端訂閱訊息
    public static final int GET_CONSUMER_STATUS_FROM_CLIENT = 221;
    // 通知 broker 呼叫 offset 重置處理
    public static final int INVOKE_BROKER_TO_RESET_OFFSET = 222;
    // 通知 broker 呼叫客戶端訂閱訊息處理
    public static final int INVOKE_BROKER_TO_GET_CONSUMER_STATUS = 223;
     // Broker 查詢topic被誰消費
    // 2014-03-21 Add By shijia
    public static final int QUERY_TOPIC_CONSUME_BY_WHO = 300;
     // 獲取指定叢集下的所有 topic
    // 2014-03-26
    public static final int GET_TOPICS_BY_CLUSTER = 224;
     // 向Broker註冊Filter Server
    // 2014-04-06 Add By shijia
    public static final int REGISTER_FILTER_SERVER = 301;
    // 向Filter Server註冊Class
    // 2014-04-06 Add By shijia
    public static final int REGISTER_MESSAGE_FILTER_CLASS = 302;
    // 根據 topic 和 group 獲取訊息的時間跨度
    public static final int QUERY_CONSUME_TIME_SPAN = 303;
    // 獲取所有系統內建 Topic 列表
    public static final int GET_SYSTEM_TOPIC_LIST_FROM_NS = 304;
    public static final int GET_SYSTEM_TOPIC_LIST_FROM_BROKER = 305;
     // 清理失效佇列
    public static final int CLEAN_EXPIRED_CONSUMEQUEUE = 306;
     // 通過Broker查詢Consumer記憶體資料
    // 2014-07-19 Add By shijia
    public static final int GET_CONSUMER_RUNNING_INFO = 307;
     // 查詢被修正 offset (轉發元件)
    public static final int QUERY_CORRECTION_OFFSET = 308;
     // 通過Broker直接向某個Consumer傳送一條訊息,並立刻消費,返回結果給broker,再返回給呼叫方
    // 2014-08-11 Add By shijia
    public static final int CONSUME_MESSAGE_DIRECTLY = 309;
     // Broker 傳送訊息,優化網路資料包
    public static final int SEND_MESSAGE_V2 = 310;
     // 單元化相關 topic
    public static final int GET_UNIT_TOPIC_LIST = 311;
    // 獲取含有單元化訂閱組的 Topic 列表
    public static final int GET_HAS_UNIT_SUB_TOPIC_LIST = 312;
    // 獲取含有單元化訂閱組的非單元化 Topic 列表
    public static final int GET_HAS_UNIT_SUB_UNUNIT_TOPIC_LIST = 313;
    // 克隆某一個組的消費進度到新的組
    public static final int CLONE_GROUP_OFFSET = 314;
     // 檢視Broker上的各種統計資訊
    public static final int VIEW_BROKER_STATS_DATA = 315;

    public static final int CLEAN_UNUSED_TOPIC = 316;

    public static final int GET_BROKER_CONSUME_STATS = 317;

     * update the config of name server
    public static final int UPDATE_NAMESRV_CONFIG = 318;

     * get config from name server
    public static final int GET_NAMESRV_CONFIG = 319;

    public static final int SEND_BATCH_MESSAGE = 320;

    public static final int QUERY_CONSUME_QUEUE = 321;