1. 程式人生 > >Openstack Keystone 認證流程(六)--認證

Openstack Keystone 認證流程(六)--認證

1. 身份認證

在前一章中, 介紹了路由的過程, 這樣我們就能URL中輕易地找到所對應的需要執行的程式碼。在這一章中, 我們看看具體的一個認證請求是如何被處理的。


$ curl -s -X POST \
            -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
            -d '{"auth": {"tenantName": "'"$OS_TENANT_NAME"'", "passwordCredentials":
            {"username": "
'"$OS_USERNAME"'", "password": "'"$OS_PASSWORD"'"}}}' \ | python -m json.tool

從Keystone.paste.ini中/v2.0 = admin_api, 可以找出對應的流水線為admin_api, 然後找到流水線的最一個點如下:

paste.app_factory = keystone.service:admin_app_factory


from keystone.token import
controllers ... token_controller = controllers.Auth() mapper.connect('/tokens', controller=token_controller, action='authenticate', conditions=dict(method=['POST']))

所以對應的controller為keystone.token.controllers.Auth, action為authenticate,找到對應的方法, 其程式碼如下:

authenticate(self, context, auth=None):
"""Authenticate credentials and return a token. Accept auth as a dict that looks like:: { "auth":{ "passwordCredentials":{ "username":"test_user", "password":"mypass" }, "tenantName":"customer-x" } } In this case, tenant is optional, if not provided the token will be considered "unscoped" and can later be used to get a scoped token. Alternatively, this call accepts auth with only a token and tenant that will return a token that is scoped to that tenant. """ if auth is None: raise exception.ValidationError(attribute='auth', target='request body') auth_token_data = None if "token" in auth: # Try to authenticate using a token auth_info = self._authenticate_token( context, auth) else: # Try external authentication try: auth_info = self._authenticate_external( context, auth) except ExternalAuthNotApplicable: # Try local authentication auth_info = self._authenticate_local( context, auth) user_ref, tenant_ref, metadata_ref, expiry, bind = auth_info core.validate_auth_info(self, user_ref, tenant_ref) # NOTE(morganfainberg): Make sure the data is in correct form since it # might be consumed external to Keystone and this is a v2.0 controller. # The user_ref is encoded into the auth_token_data which is returned as # part of the token data. The token provider doesn't care about the # format. user_ref = self.identity_api.v3_to_v2_user(user_ref) if tenant_ref: tenant_ref = self.filter_domain_id(tenant_ref) auth_token_data = self._get_auth_token_data(user_ref, tenant_ref, metadata_ref, expiry) if tenant_ref: catalog_ref = self.catalog_api.get_catalog( user_ref['id'], tenant_ref['id'], metadata_ref) else: catalog_ref = {} auth_token_data['id'] = 'placeholder' if bind: auth_token_data['bind'] = bind roles_ref = [] for role_id in metadata_ref.get('roles', []): role_ref = self.identity_api.get_role(role_id) roles_ref.append(dict(name=role_ref['name'])) (token_id, token_data) = self.token_provider_api.issue_v2_token( auth_token_data, roles_ref=roles_ref, catalog_ref=catalog_ref) return token_data


def _authenticate_local(self, context, auth):
        """Try to authenticate against the identity backend.

        Returns auth_token_data, (user_ref, tenant_ref, metadata_ref)
        if 'passwordCredentials' not in auth:
            raise exception.ValidationError(
                attribute='passwordCredentials', target='auth')

        if "password" not in auth['passwordCredentials']:
            raise exception.ValidationError(
                attribute='password', target='passwordCredentials')

        password = auth['passwordCredentials']['password']
        if password and len(password) > CONF.identity.max_password_length:
            raise exception.ValidationSizeError(
                attribute='password', size=CONF.identity.max_password_length)

        if ("userId" not in auth['passwordCredentials'] and
                "username" not in auth['passwordCredentials']):
            raise exception.ValidationError(
                attribute='username or userId',

        user_id = auth['passwordCredentials'].get('userId', None)
        if user_id and len(user_id) > CONF.max_param_size:
            raise exception.ValidationSizeError(attribute='userId',

        username = auth['passwordCredentials'].get('username', '')
        if len(username) > CONF.max_param_size:
            raise exception.ValidationSizeError(attribute='username',

        if username:
                user_ref = self.identity_api.get_user_by_name(
                    username, DEFAULT_DOMAIN_ID)
                user_id = user_ref['id']
            except exception.UserNotFound as e:
                raise exception.Unauthorized(e)

            user_ref = self.identity_api.authenticate(
        except AssertionError as e:
            raise exception.Unauthorized(e)

        metadata_ref = {}
        tenant_id = self._get_project_id_from_auth(auth)
        tenant_ref, metadata_ref['roles'] = self._get_project_roles_and_ref(
            user_id, tenant_id)

        expiry = core.default_expire_time()
        return (user_ref, tenant_ref, metadata_ref, expiry, None)

在這個方法中, 最開始是對傳入的引數進行有效性檢查。然後使用username獲得使用者資訊:

user_ref = self.identity_api.get_user_by_name(
                    username, DEFAULT_DOMAIN_ID)
                user_id = user_ref['id']



user_ref = self.identity_api.authenticate(


    def authenticate(self, user_id, password, domain_scope=None):
        domain_id, driver = self._get_domain_id_and_driver(domain_scope)
        ref = driver.authenticate(user_id, password)
        if not driver.is_domain_aware():
            ref = self._set_domain_id(ref, domain_id)
        return ref


# driver = keystone.identity.backends.sql.Identity

開啟檔案, 找到其對應的方法

def authenticate(self, user_id, password):
        session = self.get_session()
        user_ref = None
            user_ref = self._get_user(session, user_id)
        except exception.UserNotFound:
            raise AssertionError('Invalid user / password')
        if not self._check_password(password, user_ref):
            raise AssertionError('Invalid user / password')
        return identity.filter_user(user_ref.to_dict())

這裡的session是實際連線Mysql資料庫的session. 使用session取出user表所對應的資訊。然後使用_check_password進行密碼的校驗。在看密碼校驗前,我們先看看user表所對應的結構:

MariaDB [keystone]> desc user;

Field Type Null Key Default Extra
id varchar(64) NO PRI NULL
name varchar(255) NO NULL
extra text YES NULL
password varchar(128) YES NULL
enabled tinyint(1) YES NULL
domain_id varchar(64) NO MUL NULL
default_project_id varchar(64) YES NULL


   def _check_password(self, password, user_ref):
        return utils.check_password(password, user_ref.password)


def check_password(password, hashed):
    if password is None or hashed is None:
        return False
    password_utf8 = trunc_password(password).encode('utf-8')
    return passlib.hash.sha512_crypt.verify(password_utf8, hashed)


metadata_ref = {}
tenant_id = self._get_project_id_from_auth(auth)
tenant_ref, metadata_ref['roles'] = self._get_project_roles_and_ref(
    user_id, tenant_id)

expiry = core.default_expire_time()
return (user_ref, tenant_ref, metadata_ref, expiry, None)


user_ref, tenant_ref, metadata_ref, expiry, bind = auth_info
        core.validate_auth_info(self, user_ref, tenant_ref)
        # NOTE(morganfainberg): Make sure the data is in correct form since it
        # might be consumed external to Keystone and this is a v2.0 controller.
        # The user_ref is encoded into the auth_token_data which is returned as
        # part of the token data. The token provider doesn't care about the
        # format.
        user_ref = self.identity_api.v3_to_v2_user(user_ref)
        if tenant_ref:
            tenant_ref = self.filter_domain_id(tenant_ref)
        auth_token_data = self._get_auth_token_data(user_ref,

        if tenant_ref:
            catalog_ref = self.catalog_api.get_catalog(
                user_ref['id'], tenant_ref['id'], metadata_ref)
            catalog_ref = {}

        auth_token_data['id'] = 'placeholder'
        if bind:
            auth_token_data['bind'] = bind

        roles_ref = []
        for role_id in metadata_ref.get('roles', []):
            role_ref = self.identity_api.get_role(role_id)

        (token_id, token_data) = self.token_provider_api.issue_v2_token(
            auth_token_data, roles_ref=roles_ref, catalog_ref=catalog_ref)
return token_data

從已有的資訊中,生成token資訊,並且返回給上層。最後會在Application的__call__ 方法中呼叫render_response, 把body的結果轉換為json格式,並且返回到client.

def render_response(body=None, status=None, headers=None):
    """Forms a WSGI response."""
    headers = headers or []
    headers.append(('Vary', 'X-Auth-Token'))

    if body is None:
        body = ''
        status = status or (204, 'No Content')
        body = jsonutils.dumps(body, cls=utils.SmarterEncoder)
        headers.append(('Content-Type', 'application/json'))
        status = status or (200, 'OK')

    return webob.Response(body=body,
                          status='%s %s' % status,

至此, client會得到如第二章一樣的json格式的輸出。