阿新 • • 發佈:2019-01-27
#!/bin/bash ##任意輸入n個數,判斷最大值,最小值,總和 sum=0 n=0 read -p "please input the count of number:" count #max=0 #min=0 for i in `seq $count` do read -p "please input the $i number:" temp ((temp+0)) 1>/dev/null 2>&1 if (($? == 0 )) then echo "$temp is a number" else echo "$temp is not a number,please input again" continue fi sum=$((sum+temp)) [ $n -eq 0 ] && max=${temp} && min=${temp} n=$((n+1)) if ((max < temp)) then max=${temp} fi if ((min > temp)) then min=${temp} fi done echo "sum=$sum, max=$max, min=$min"