Android 使用librtmp推流【音視訊傳輸】
阿新 • • 發佈:2019-01-27
publish.so包中匯出的呼叫介面public final class PublishJni { static { System.loadLibrary("publish"); } static native long init(String url, int w, int h, int timeOut); static native int sendSpsAndPps(long cptr, byte[] sps, int spsLen, byte[] pps, int ppsLen, long timestamp); static native int sendVideoData(long cptr, byte[] data, int len, long timestamp); static native int sendAacSpec(long cptr, byte[] data, int len); static native int sendAacData(long cptr, byte[] data, int len, long timestamp); static native int stop(long cptr); }
#include <jni.h> #include <string> #include "Rtmp.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_com_blueberry_media_PublishJni_init(JNIEnv *env, jclass type, jstring url_, jint w, jint h, jint timeOut) { const char *url = env->GetStringUTFChars(url_, 0); Rtmp *rtmp = new Rtmp(); rtmp->init(url, w, h, timeOut); env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(url_, url); return reinterpret_cast<long> (rtmp); } JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_blueberry_media_PublishJni_sendSpsAndPps(JNIEnv *env, jclass type, jlong cptr, jbyteArray sps_, jint spsLen, jbyteArray pps_, jint ppsLen, jlong timestamp) { jbyte *sps = env->GetByteArrayElements(sps_, NULL); jbyte *pps = env->GetByteArrayElements(pps_, NULL); Rtmp *rtmp = reinterpret_cast<Rtmp *>(cptr); int ret = rtmp->sendSpsAndPps((BYTE *) sps, spsLen, (BYTE *) pps, ppsLen, timestamp); env->ReleaseByteArrayElements(sps_, sps, 0); env->ReleaseByteArrayElements(pps_, pps, 0); return ret; } JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_blueberry_media_PublishJni_sendVideoData(JNIEnv *env, jclass type, jlong cptr, jbyteArray data_, jint len, jlong timestamp) { jbyte *data = env->GetByteArrayElements(data_, NULL); Rtmp *rtmp = reinterpret_cast<Rtmp *> (cptr); int ret = rtmp->sendVideoData((BYTE *) data, len, timestamp); env->ReleaseByteArrayElements(data_, data, 0); return ret; } JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_blueberry_media_PublishJni_sendAacSpec(JNIEnv *env, jclass type, jlong cptr, jbyteArray data_, jint len) { jbyte *data = env->GetByteArrayElements(data_, NULL); Rtmp *rtmp = reinterpret_cast<Rtmp *> (cptr); int ret = rtmp->sendAacSpec((BYTE *) data, len); env->ReleaseByteArrayElements(data_, data, 0); return ret; } JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_blueberry_media_PublishJni_sendAacData(JNIEnv *env, jclass type, jlong cptr, jbyteArray data_, jint len, jlong timestamp) { jbyte *data = env->GetByteArrayElements(data_, NULL); Rtmp *rtmp = reinterpret_cast<Rtmp *> (cptr); int ret = rtmp->sendAacData((BYTE *) data, len, timestamp); env->ReleaseByteArrayElements(data_, data, 0); return ret; } JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_blueberry_media_PublishJni_stop(JNIEnv *env, jclass type, jlong cptr) { Rtmp *rtmp = reinterpret_cast<Rtmp *> (cptr); delete rtmp; return 0; } #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif
#include "Rtmp.h" int Rtmp::init(std::string url, int w, int h, int timeOut) { RTMP_LogSetLevel(RTMP_LOGDEBUG); rtmp = RTMP_Alloc(); RTMP_Init(rtmp); LOGI("time out = %d",timeOut); rtmp->Link.timeout = timeOut; RTMP_SetupURL(rtmp, (char *) url.c_str()); RTMP_EnableWrite(rtmp); if (!RTMP_Connect(rtmp, NULL) ) { LOGI("RTMP_Connect error"); return -1; } LOGI("RTMP_Connect success."); if (!RTMP_ConnectStream(rtmp, 0)) { LOGI("RTMP_ConnectStream error"); return -1; } LOGI("RTMP_ConnectStream success."); return 0; } int Rtmp::sendSpsAndPps(BYTE *sps, int spsLen, BYTE *pps, int ppsLen, long timestamp) { int i; RTMPPacket *packet = (RTMPPacket *) malloc(RTMP_HEAD_SIZE + 1024); memset(packet, 0, RTMP_HEAD_SIZE); packet->m_body = (char *) packet + RTMP_HEAD_SIZE; BYTE *body = (BYTE *) packet->m_body; //VideoTagHeader[TagType==9] //Frame Type 4bits | CodecID 4bits | AVCPacketType 8bit | CompositionTime 24bits| //A)Frame Type, Type of video frame. The following values are defined: //1 = key frame (for AVC, a seekable frame) //2 = inter frame (for AVC, a non-seekable frame) //3 = disposable inter frame (H.263 only) //4 = generated key frame (reserved for server use only) //5 = video info/command frame //B)CodecID, Codec Identifier. The following values are defined: //2 = Sorenson H.263 //3 = Screen video //4 = On2 VP6 //5 = On2 VP6 with alpha channel //6 = Screen video version 2 //7 = AVC //C)AVCPacketType, IF CodecID == 7: //0 = AVC sequence header //1 = AVC NALU //2 = AVC end of sequence (lower level NALU sequence ender is not required or supported) //D)CompositionTime, IF CodecID == 7: //IF AVCPacketType == 1 //Composition time offset //ELSE //0 //See ISO 14496-12, 8.15.3 for an explanation of composition //times. The offset in an FLV file is always in milliseconds. i = 0; body[i++] = 0x17; //1:keyframe(I幀) 7:AVC body[i++] = 0x00; //AVC packet type:AVC sequence header body[i++] = 0x00; //composition time:3位元組,AVC時無意義,全為0 body[i++] = 0x00; body[i++] = 0x00; //fill in 0 /*AVCDecoderConfigurationRecord*/ body[i++] = 0x01; //configurationVersion 1(byte) 版本 body[i++] = sps[1]; //AVCProfileIndecation 1(byte) sps[1] body[i++] = sps[2]; //profile_compatibilty 1(byte) sps[2] body[i++] = sps[3]; //AVCLevelIndication 1(byte) sps[3] body[i++] = 0xff; //lengthSizeMinusOne 1(byte) FLV中NALU包長資料所使用的位元組數,包長= (lengthSizeMinusOne & 3) + 1 /*SPS*/ body[i++] = 0xe1; //numOfSequenceParameterSets 1(byte) SPS個數,通常為0xe1 個數= numOfSequenceParameterSets & 01F body[i++] = (spsLen >> 8) & 0xff; //sequenceParameterSetLength 2(byte) SPS長度 body[i++] = spsLen & 0xff; /*sps data*/ memcpy(&body[i], sps, spsLen); //sequenceParameterSetNALUnits x(byte) SPS內容 i += spsLen; /*PPS*/ body[i++] = 0x01; //numOfPictureParameterSets 1(byte) PPS個數,通常為0x01 /*sps data length*/ body[i++] = (ppsLen >> 8) & 0xff; //pictureParameterSetLength 2(byte) PPS長度 body[i++] = ppsLen & 0xff; memcpy(&body[i], pps, ppsLen); //sequenceParameterSetNALUnits ppslen(byte) PPS內容 i += ppsLen; packet->m_packetType = RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_VIDEO; packet->m_nBodySize = i; packet->m_nChannel = 0x04; packet->m_nTimeStamp = 0; packet->m_hasAbsTimestamp = 0; packet->m_headerType = RTMP_PACKET_SIZE_MEDIUM; packet->m_nInfoField2 = rtmp->m_stream_id; /*傳送*/ if (RTMP_IsConnected(rtmp)) { RTMP_SendPacket(rtmp, packet, TRUE); } free(packet); return 0; } int Rtmp::sendVideoData(BYTE *buf, int len, long timestamp) { int type; //sps 與 pps 的幀界定符都是 00 00 00 01,而普通幀可能是 00 00 00 01 也有可能 00 00 01 /*去掉幀界定符*/ if (buf[2] == 0x00) {//startcode:/*00 00 00 01*/ buf += 4; len -= 4; } else if (buf[2] == 0x01) {//startcode:/*00 00 01*/ buf += 3; len - 3; } type = buf[0] & 0x1f; //1bit:forbidden,2bit:priority,5bit:type RTMPPacket *packet = (RTMPPacket *) malloc(RTMP_HEAD_SIZE + len + 9); memset(packet, 0, RTMP_HEAD_SIZE); packet->m_body = (char *) packet + RTMP_HEAD_SIZE; packet->m_nBodySize = len + 9; /* send video packet*/ BYTE *body = (BYTE *) packet->m_body; memset(body, 0, len + 9); /*key frame*/ body[0] = 0x27; //2:innerframe(P幀) 7:AVC if (type == NAL_SLICE_IDR) { body[0] = 0x17; //1:keyframe(I幀) 7:AVC } body[1] = 0x01; //AVC packet type:AVC NALU /*nal unit*/ body[2] = 0x00; //composition time:3位元組,AVC時無意義,全為0 body[3] = 0x00; body[4] = 0x00; body[5] = (len >> 24) & 0xff; //NALU length:(lengthSizeMinusOne & 3) + 1位元組 NALU長度 body[6] = (len >> 16) & 0xff; body[7] = (len >> 8) & 0xff; body[8] = (len) & 0xff; /*copy data*/ memcpy(&body[9], buf, len); //NALU Data packet->m_hasAbsTimestamp = 0; packet->m_packetType = RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_VIDEO; packet->m_nInfoField2 = rtmp->m_stream_id; packet->m_nChannel = 0x04; packet->m_headerType = RTMP_PACKET_SIZE_LARGE; packet->m_nTimeStamp = timestamp; if (RTMP_IsConnected(rtmp)) { RTMP_SendPacket(rtmp, packet, TRUE); } free(packet); return 0; } int Rtmp::sendAacSpec(BYTE *data, int spec_len) { RTMPPacket *packet; BYTE *body; int len = spec_len;//spec len 是2, AAC sequence header存放的是AudioSpecificConfig結構 packet = (RTMPPacket *) malloc(RTMP_HEAD_SIZE + len + 2); memset(packet, 0, RTMP_HEAD_SIZE); packet->m_body = (char *) packet + RTMP_HEAD_SIZE; body = (BYTE *) packet->m_body; //AudioTagHeader[TagType==8] //SoundFormat 4bits | SoundRate 2bits | SoundSize 1bit | SoundType 1bits| AACPacketType 8bits| //A)SoundFormat, 音訊格式. The following values are defined: //0 = Linear PCM, platform endian //1 = ADPCM //2 = MP3 //3 = Linear PCM, little endian //4 = Nellymoser 16 kHz mono //5 = Nellymoser 8 kHz mono //6 = Nellymoser //7 = G.711 A-law logarithmic PCM //8 = G.711 mu-law logarithmic PCM //9 = reserved //10 = AAC //11 = Speex //14 = MP3 8 kHz //15 = Device-specific sound //Formats 7, 8, 14, and 15 are reserved. //AAC is supported in Flash Player 9,0,115,0 and higher. //Speex is supported in Flash Player 10 and higher. //B)SoundRate, 取樣率. The following values are defined: //0 = 5.5 kHz //1 = 11 kHz //2 = 22 kHz //3 = 44 kHz //C)SoundSize, 取樣精度. Size of each audio sample. This parameter only pertains to uncompressed formats. Compressed formats always decode to 16 bits internally. //0 = 8-bit samples //1 = 16-bit samples //D)SoundType, 聲道數. Mono or stereo sound //0 = Mono sound //1 = Stereo sound //E)AACPacketType, AACAUDIODATA的型別. IF SoundFormat == 10 //只有音訊格式為AAC(0x0A),AudioTagHeader中才會多出1個位元組的資料AACPacketType //0 = AAC sequence header //1 = AAC raw //1)第一個位元組af,a就是10代表的意思是AAC. //後四位f代表如下: //前2個bit的含義 抽樣頻率,二進位制11,代表44kHZ. //第3個bit,取樣精度, 1代表音訊用16位的. //第4個bit代表聲道 1代表Stereo. //2)第2個位元組00, 代表AACPacketType: //0 = AAC sequence header,1 = AAC raw。 //第一個音訊包用0,後面的都用1 /*AF 00 +AAC sequence header*/ body[0] = 0xAF; body[1] = 0x00; memcpy(&body[2], data, len);/*data 是AAC sequeuece header資料*/ //AudioSpecificConfig(2byte)結構定義: //audioObjectType:5bit,表示編碼結構型別,AAC main編碼為1,LOW低複雜度編碼為2,SSR為3。 //samplingFrequencyIndex:4bit,表示取樣率。 //0x00 96000 //0x01 88200 //0x02 64000 //0x03 48000 //0x04 44100 //0x05 32000 //0x06 24000 //0x07 22050 //0x08 16000 //0x09 12000 //0x0A 11025 //0x0B 8000 //0x0C reserved //0x0D reserved //0x0E reserved //0x0F escape value // 按理說,應該是:0 ~ 96000, 1~88200, 2~64000, 3~48000, 4~44100, 5~32000, 6~24000, 7~ 22050, 8~16000...), //通常aac固定選中44100,即應該對應為4,但是試驗結果表明,當音訊取樣率小於等於44100時,應該選擇3,而當音訊取樣率為48000時,應該選擇2; //channelConfiguration:4bit,表示聲道數。 //frameLengthFlag:1bit //dependsOnCoreCoder:1bit //extensionFlag:1bit //最後3bit,固定為0 packet->m_packetType = RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_AUDIO; packet->m_nBodySize = len + 2; packet->m_nChannel = STREAM_CHANNEL_AUDIO; packet->m_nTimeStamp = 0; packet->m_hasAbsTimestamp = 0; packet->m_headerType = RTMP_PACKET_SIZE_LARGE; packet->m_nInfoField2 = rtmp->m_stream_id; if (RTMP_IsConnected(rtmp)) { RTMP_SendPacket(rtmp, packet, TRUE); } free(packet); return 0; } int Rtmp::sendAacData(BYTE *data, int len, long timeOffset) { // data += 5; // len += 5; if (len > 0) { RTMPPacket *packet; BYTE *body; packet = (RTMPPacket *) malloc(RTMP_HEAD_SIZE + len + 2); memset(packet, 0, RTMP_HEAD_SIZE); packet->m_body = (char *) packet + RTMP_HEAD_SIZE; body = (BYTE *) packet->m_body; /*AF 00 +AAC Raw data*/ body[0] = 0xAF; body[1] = 0x01; memcpy(&body[2], data, len); packet->m_packetType = RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_AUDIO; packet->m_nBodySize = len + 2; packet->m_nChannel = STREAM_CHANNEL_AUDIO; packet->m_nTimeStamp = timeOffset; packet->m_hasAbsTimestamp = 0; packet->m_headerType = RTMP_PACKET_SIZE_LARGE; packet->m_nInfoField2 = rtmp->m_stream_id; if (RTMP_IsConnected(rtmp)) { RTMP_SendPacket(rtmp, packet, TRUE); } LOGD("send packet body[0]=%x,body[1]=%x", body[0], body[1]); free(packet); } return 0; } int Rtmp::stop() const { RTMP_Close(rtmp); RTMP_Free(rtmp); return 0; } Rtmp::~Rtmp() { stop(); }