Codechef MGCHGYM Misha and Gym 容斥、背包、Splay
阿新 • • 發佈:2019-01-27
its insert 直接 stdout tchar const cas read init
註意:在整個過程中,在數列中出現過的數的種數不會超過\(K(K \leq 10)\)。
HAOI2008 硬幣購物
#include<bits/stdc++.h> #define lch Tree[x].ch[0] #define rch Tree[x].ch[1] #define root Tree[0].ch[0] //This code is written by Itst using namespace std; inline int read(){ int a = 0; char c = getchar(); bool f = 0; while(!isdigit(c) && c != EOF){ if(c == ‘-‘) f = 1; c = getchar(); } if(c == EOF) exit(0); while(isdigit(c)){ a = a * 10 + c - 48; c = getchar(); } return f ? -a : a; } const int MAXN = 1e5 + 10 , MOD = 1e9 + 7; int dp[MAXN] , dir[11] , *cnt , N , Q , cntN , cntL; map < int , int > lsh; struct node{ int ch[2] , sz , fa , val , sum[11]; bool mark; }Tree[MAXN]; struct query{ int ind , a , b , c; }que[MAXN]; inline int getL(int x){ if(!lsh.count(x)){ lsh[x] = ++cntL; dir[cntL] = x; } return lsh[x]; } inline bool son(int x){ return Tree[Tree[x].fa].ch[1] == x; } inline void pushup(int x){ for(int i = 1 ; i <= 10 ; ++i) Tree[x].sum[i] = Tree[lch].sum[i] + Tree[rch].sum[i] + (Tree[x].val == i); Tree[x].sz = Tree[lch].sz + Tree[rch].sz + 1; } inline void rotate(int x){ bool f = son(x); int y = Tree[x].fa , z = Tree[y].fa , w = Tree[x].ch[f ^ 1]; Tree[x].fa = z; Tree[z].ch[son(y)] = x; Tree[x].ch[f ^ 1] = y; Tree[y].fa = x; Tree[y].ch[f] = w; if(w) Tree[w].fa = y; pushup(y); } inline void Splay(int x , int tar){ while(Tree[x].fa != tar){ if(Tree[Tree[x].fa].fa != tar) rotate(son(x) == son(Tree[x].fa) ? Tree[x].fa : x); rotate(x); } pushup(x); } inline void mark(int x){ if(!x) return; swap(lch , rch); Tree[x].mark ^= 1; } inline void pushdown(int x){ if(Tree[x].mark){ mark(lch); mark(rch); Tree[x].mark = 0; } } void insert(int &x , int rk , int val , int fa){ if(!x){ x = ++cntN; Tree[x].fa = fa; Tree[x].sz = 1; Tree[x].val = val; Splay(x , 0); return; } if(Tree[lch].sz >= rk) insert(lch , rk , val , x); else insert(rch , rk - 1 - Tree[lch].sz , val , x); } void findKth(int x , int rk , int tar){ pushdown(x); if(Tree[lch].sz == rk) Splay(x , tar); else if(Tree[lch].sz > rk) findKth(lch , rk , tar); else findKth(rch , rk - Tree[lch].sz - 1 , tar); } inline void modify(int x , int val){ findKth(root , x , 0); --Tree[root].sum[Tree[root].val]; ++Tree[root].sum[Tree[root].val = val]; } inline void rev(int l , int r){ findKth(root , l - 1 , 0); findKth(root , r + 1 , root); mark(Tree[Tree[root].ch[1]].ch[0]); } inline void query(int l , int r){ findKth(root , l - 1 , 0); findKth(root , r + 1 , root); cnt = Tree[Tree[Tree[root].ch[1]].ch[0]].sum; } void init(){ dp[0] = 1; for(int i = 1 ; i <= cntL ; ++i) for(int j = dir[i] ; j <= 1e5 ; ++j) dp[j] = (dp[j] + dp[j - dir[i]]) % MOD; } int dfs(int x , int sum , int flg){ if(sum < 0) return 0; if(x > cntL) return flg * dp[sum]; return (dfs(x + 1 , sum , flg) + dfs(x + 1 , sum - (cnt[x] + 1) * dir[x] , flg * -1) + 1ll * MOD) % MOD; } int main(){ #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE freopen("in","r",stdin); freopen("out","w",stdout); #endif N = read(); Q = read(); insert(root , 0 , 0 , 0); for(int i = 1 ; i <= N ; ++i) insert(root , i , getL(read()) , 0); insert(root , N + 1 , 0 , 0); for(int i = 1 ; i <= Q ; ++i){ que[i].ind = read(); que[i].a = read(); que[i].b = read(); if(que[i].ind == 3) que[i].c = read(); if(que[i].ind == 1) que[i].b = getL(que[i].b); } init(); for(int i = 1 ; i <= Q ; ++i) switch(que[i].ind){ case 1: modify(que[i].a , que[i].b); break; case 2: rev(que[i].a , que[i].b); break; case 3: query(que[i].a , que[i].b); puts(dfs(1 , que[i].c , 1) ? "Yes" : "No"); } return 0; }
Codechef MGCHGYM Misha and Gym 容斥、背包、Splay