1. 程式人生 > >遇到Could not locate Android SDK的解決方法!

遇到Could not locate Android SDK的解決方法!


下載android sdk的安裝包,並安裝,同時需要安裝java jdk 6



I had the same build problem “could not find android sdk” and figured out the problem.

It looks like the ResolveSDK task which resolves the Android SDK directory is currently hardcoded to the %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Android
 directory. This is not where my Android SDK is installed. To temporarily fix this on my machine I created a symbolic link from my existing SDK directory to the location where monodroid was expecting it to be.The commands I used to do this on my machine look like:>mkdir “%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Android
“>mklink /D “%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Android\android-sdk-windows” “<Your actual install directory>\android-sdk-windows”(Note: You need to do this in a command prompt running as administrator)Hope this helps others.